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Hobby One Warhammer 40000 round 16 No-Limit - Informationen und Regeln

Hobby One Warhammer 40000 round 16 will be held in Huy, Belgium on November 27th 2016.
The address:
Hobby One
Rue entre deux portes 57
4500 Huy
There will be soft drinks available on site at the democratic price of , and the subscription fee comprises a free sandwich at noon and a free drink.

Rulespack available:

For lunch you have choice for:

sandwich/ham baguette , USA , cheese, ham and cheese with or without vegetables and mayonnaise.

Your registration for the tournament will be complete when you have subscribed for the tournament via T3. You can do so via this link, AND when you have paid the registration fee of 15 € via the following bank account:

IBAN: BE56 3770 3196 6688

Beneficiary: Ancia Raphael
Comments: HO Round 16 + your name.

In case of last turn cancellation of your participation, we will reserve the right to keep part of your entrance fee to cover organisatorial costs.

Sunday November 27th
Player arrival: 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Round 1 : 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Round 2 : 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Round 3 : 3:30 pm - 6.30 pm
Awards: 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm


1. 1850 pts Armies, 7th edition WH40K
2. Armies have to be 3 color painted and based and be WYSIWYG .
3. Battles will take place on 72"x 48" tables with preset terrain.
4. Official language of the tournament is French/English.
5. We do not use Mysterious Objectives at the tournament.
6. Publications released later than November 8th may not be used for building army lists at the tournament.
The first 17 people will get a prize,

List of Army

Mail your list for the 21TH at the hobby_one@outlook.com


1. Maximum Four Detachments per army.
2. Each army roster may contain same faction detachments or dataslates with the following limitations:
A. One can field an allied detachment alongside a detachment from the same faction as long as the primary detachment in the army is from a different faction or would belong to no faction. One may only field an allied detachment next to a primary detachment of the same faction when given specific permission to ally with yourself or if the Detachments in question would belong to no specific Faction. For example, for Space Marines this would mean they can have an allied same faction detachment as long as one of the other Space marine Detachments is the Primary Detachment and has another chapter tactic. Each source book that features an exception like that will define how the above limitation might be superseded.
B. One cannot duplicate same faction Combined Arm Detachments within a roster, nor duplicate same named Detachments like the Hive Fleet Detachment. Those kind of detachments are restricted to one per armylist. One is allowed to field several Combined Arms Detachments from different factions within one roster.
C. One can field a CAD and a Decurion Type Detachment or a Formation from the same faction within a given roster. None of those Detachments may be duplicated however, except when they are part of a Decurion or Craftworld Warhost type Detachment, in which case they may not be duplicated outside of said Detachments. Speaks for itself that in terms of rule interactions, players should ENSURE that said same-faction detachments can easily and unerringly be distinguished from each other in case there is an interaction with the rules that would require them to be distinguishable upon a moments notice (being obsec comes to mind). Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Necron Decurion Detachment or a Craftworld Warhost or a War Convocation are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules, and also use up the Faction slots of each of their constituent Factions. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Decurion Detachment or Craftworld Warhost, that entire Detachment and all its associated Formations is your Primary Detachment.
D. There will be no restriction on the amount of Gargantuan Creatures or super heavy vehicles per army. .
3. The Detachment with your warlord automatically designates it as your Primary Detachment unless a particular exception allows for the Warlord to be chosen from anything else than the Primary Detachment. This is important for the generation of Warlord Traits and Command Benefits so do note what is your Primary Detachment and who is your warlord on your team rosters when submitting lists.
4. Army entry datasheets can be used in a list as if they were a genuine part of the parent book. Belakor would count as faction Chaos Daemons if taken in a Chaos Daemons Detachment for instance, and any of the new Tyranid dataslates would count as being part of the regular codex when included in an army list as far as sources go. As an example, one could take Fateweaver and Belakor as two HQ options in a Chaos Daemons army and both would count as being Faction: Chaos Daemons.
5. Codex Supplements, Formations, Dataslates and Unique type of Detachments can be used, regardless of where they were published (Campaign Book Detachments, White Dwarf Supplements and Supplement Book Formations are all legal to be used for instance). The Fighter Ace Upgrade is not in play. The Lyanden book is no longer legal to be played
6.No ForgeWorld Army

1. As many fortifications allowed as your Detachments allow. Whenever one is only fielding Detachments with no dedicated slot for a Fortification, remember that you are not entitled to include one in your army.
2. All fortifications and fortification upgrades are allowed.

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