T³ - TableTop Turniere
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Luxembourg Bash Master V - Informationen und Regeln

3 & 4 September 2022.

Event size
20 team of 5 players.

Venue address
Centre culturel Tramsschapp
49 Rue Ermesinde

Contact email

Specific measures due to Covid19 outbreak

There are currently no restrictions applicable in Luxembourg. However, should new measures be taken, they will be applied at the event.

The tournament will be managed via NewRecruit, so make sure to register there: https://bit.ly/3QiD4dm

In order to make a booking, a team need to pay a ticket of EUR 150 (including lunch). Indicate “tournoi T9A [team name]” when paying. Please send us a short email once the transfer is complete.
Ticket must be paid for the whole team at:

Bank account
IBAN : LU41 1111 7128 2165 0000

make sure to choose the "Friends and Family" option (no fees) otherwise you need to make sure we receive the full 150€ (net of fees).

No refund after 21 August 2022 (11:59 pm), unless the event is cancelled.

All the Fantasy Battles: 9th Age rules V.2. will be used as found in the Rulebook, Paths of Magic and Army Books as of 21 August 2022 with the exceptions stated here regarding how to compose the playing table and how to choose the Scenario and Objective to be played. In any case of contradiction between books in different languages, the original book in English will take precedence.

Pairing sequence

Step 1 - “The opening” (first two matchups)
1. Both Team Captains select one army from their Team to put forward to play on table 1 and place the card for this army face down;
2. Once both Teams have selected an army, turn the cards face up to reveal which armies are chosen.
3. Both Team Captains now select two armies from the remaining four to face the opposing army revealed in the Step 1.2. The armies put forward by each Team are kept secret and revealed at the same time;
4. Each Team Captain selects one of the two opposing armies revealed in Step 1.3 to play against the friendly army that they have revealed in Step 1.2. The other army card is taken back into its own Team Captain’s hand, and each Team Captain has 3 army cards remaining.

Step 2 - “The Showdown” (matchups 3, 4 and 5)
1. Repeat Step 1.1 and 1.2;
2. Repeat Step 1.3: both Team Captains select two armies to play against the army revealed by the opposing Team in Step 2.1. This choice should be fairly easy, because both Team Captains should have only two cards remaining in their hands;
3. Each Team Captain selects one of the two opposing armies revealed in Step 2.2 to play against the army that they have revealed in Step 2.1. This will determine the pairings for table 3 and 4 for the round. The remaining army from each team will play against each other on table 5. The choice of army is kept secret until both Team Captains have made their choice.

This step will determine the last three pairings for the round, and your round is completely set up.

Each player may take one 3 minutes time-outs per game with its captain (or coach).
Tables are selected randomly. Role a dice for each game to choose the table. 9th age map pack will be used as of 21 August 2022.

Note that we won’t use Terrain Features from the supplement book Lands of the 9th Age.

Team & army List composition

Each Team is composed of 5 players, each one of them playing a different valid army. All army lists will be limited to 4500 pts each. Lists sending deadline is 28 August 2022 (11:59 pm) and they must be saved in NewRecruit before the deadline (https://bit.ly/3QiD4dm)

Army list format is strictly as follows:
Charles “Kiri” Oiknine – Kingdom of Equitaine
580 - Damsel, Revered Unicorn, Wizard Master, Shamanism, 2 Binding Scroll
265 - Damsel, Fey Destrier, Wizard Adept, Divination
515 - Folk Hero, General, Destrier, Great Weapon (Mortal Reminder), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted, Cleric, Castellan, Valour
320 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Sacred Chalice, Cleric, Bannerman
565 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
750 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
365 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Witchcraft)


- 8.00am: players’ arrival

- 8.30am to 12.00pm: Game 1

- 12.00pm to 1.00pm: Lunch

- 1.00pm to 5.00pm: Game 2

- 5:15pm to 9.15pm: Game 3

- 8:00am to 12.00pm: Game 4

- 12.00pm to 1.00pm: Lunch

- 1.00pm to 5:00pm: Game 5

- 5:30pm: Awards


Scoring will be done as per FB:9th Rulebook. To help out with calculating, the Victory Points Table is here summarized. A team may score a maximum of 75 Battle Points per round and a minimum of 25. In case of draw, uncapped Battle Points will be used. If the draw persists, Total Victory Points will be used as a 2nd tie-breaker. If the draw persists, it will be resolved by coin-flip.

VP difference BP result
0 - 225: 10-10
226 - 450: 11-9
451 - 900: 12-8
901 - 1350: 13-7
1351 - 1800: 14-6
1801 - 2250: 15-5
2251 - 3150: 16-4
> 3150: 17-3

Deployement Types

Deployment types will be defined at a later stage and communicated together with 1st round pairing. All players will play the same scenario each round.

Secondary Objectives

One scenario is assigned to each round. Every team and every player on these teams play this scenario for the round. Scenarios are assigned according to the following table:

Round 1: Hold the Ground Round 2: Capture the flag
Round 3: Spoil of war Round 4: Secure target
Round 5: Breakthrough


Of course good mood and fair play are essential during the event. We count on the players to behave in a pleasant way all weekend long.
Should it not be the case, Referees have the right to inflict penalties for cheating, slowplaying, etc.. at the discretion of the organization.

Models, Painting and Representation

All models should be fully painted and based, WYSIWYG. All model manufacturers are welcome as well as hand-made and scratch-build, as long as it proves to be a decent effort, accurately represents what it is supposed to be without causing confusion, is on the right base, is painted and based, and is appropriate for gameplay.

Unit fillers are allowed, within common reason. If in doubt, ask the organisation. Usually the filler should adhere to 3 general guidelines: Not causing confusion, not interfering normal gameplay, and not being more than aprox. 33% of full unit size.

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