T³ - TableTop Turniere
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P-ID Invitational - Informationen und Regeln

Painting & WYSiWYG:

These rules have been changed:
We work with a system of percentages, blatantly ripped from a team tournament in Germany. We will give you painting points based on the percentage of your army that is painted. Painted means three colours, and a painted base.
It goes as follows:
0-20% : no points
20-40%: 3 points
40-60%: 6 points
60-80%: 9 points
80-99%: 12 points
full paint: 15 points

Five more points can be scored with a fully based and WYSiWYG army. We're not too strict on the WYSiWYG, if more than half of the models in a unit are equipped the way they are in your list, it's ok. Please do use the appropriate command models (standard bearers, musicians, champions) though.

Battle points:

We play five pitched battles, Wood Elves have the right to use their extra forest (they must, however, bring it themselves).

Victory points difference:

0-400 - 10/10
401-600 - 12/8
601-850 - 14/6
851-1150 - 16/4
1151-1500 - 18/2
1500+ - 20/0

Restrictions on the composition of the army:

-No Storm of Chaos lists are usable. Storm of Chaos magic items, and the Hellcannon, are allowed. For the rest, the army books that have appeared before March 15th are allowed.
- Armies are 2250 points.
- No special characters
- No Dogs of War war machines or Dogs of War that take up a character slot allowed in non-DoW armies.

- Rare choices may not be repeated. High Elves are allowed to repeat rare choices once.
- Max. 2 of the same Special choice.
- Max. 3 of the same Core choice, except ranked infantry without missile weapons.
- Max. 9 PD/10DD usable *

*Magic description
You can use a maximum of 9 power dice in each magic phase. Each bound spell you use count as 1 power dice, all following bound spells from magic items, and only magic items, in the same turn counts as 2 power dice. For example a Treemans treesinging only counts as 1 power dice each time they are used, even if more than 1 is used in a turn.

All dice you would not normally regenerate, such as 2 gen Slann free dice, Skaven warpstones, night goblin mushrooms etc., also count in the total number of dice you can use in a magic phase.

Tomb Kings count each dice they use for a spell as 1 power dice and casket of souls counts as 2. They can not chose not to use all the dice when casting an incantation, for example a Liche Priest can’t choose only to use 1 dice on a spell. You can how ever choose not to cast a spell with a model. The 2 basic power dice all armies get only count if they are used to dispel remains in play spells with.

The dice that are removed by the Chaos Dwarf item the Chalice of Darkness count towards the maximum dice usable.

Max 10 dispel dice per army. First dispel scroll (and similar working items) you have in your army counts as 1 dispel dice, in EACH magic phase. The second and all other scrolls, count as 2 dispel dice in each magic phase. So if you have 3 scrolls you can use a maximum of 5 dispel dice each magic phase. Dice from magic resistance do NOT count in this maximum.

Race specific
- Max 3 ratlings
- Max 3 chariots (units of chariots)
- Max 6 goblin fanatics.
- Treeman ancient counts as Treeman

Sending in lists:

Lists must be sent to pid.email@yahoo.com, before Sunday March 23rd, at midnight. People sending in their lists late will be spanked. Or punished in more painful ways by WYSiWYG, depending on his mood.


Five battles, 20 points for grabs per battle, and 20 painting points brings us a total of 120 points to be earned. Unsportsmanlike behaviour will be punished the way we see fit.
The person with the most points wins the tournament. Other prizes (like painting and sportsmanship) are foreseen as well.

The Matchups

Because we are playing a tournament that emphasizes playing for fun and gaining bragging rights for the reminder of the year, we felt that a different system than the always present Swiss was needed.

It's very simple: you challenge some other participant of the tournament. This participant should normally accept your challenge. You'll inform us, we set you up on a table. People that are too shy or just cant find an opponent will be paired off at random in the first round, and swiss from then on.

We set up a forum for pre-tournament trash talk and challenges here. There is one limitation on the challenge match on Sunday morning: you can only challenge people who are up to 15 places up or down from you, and the top 5 has to accept one challenge. If you've been challenged by several opponents, you may choose among them, but you have to accept one.

So, the timing looks like this:

challenge - unlimited
challenge - unlimted

challenge - max 15

Fair play and Judge calls:

We will, mainly because we feel it is not in line with the spirit of the tournament, trust you to take care of yourself concerning rule issues, if they might occur. The participants of this tournament are expected to know their rules. In the rare case you really can't figure out a solution, call WYSiWYG. Either he will know the answer, either he won't, and roll a dice. In both cases, should he be proved wrong later that day, tough luck. Further arguing will result in spanking. We sincerely hope that we won't have to spank you. Keep in mind, we are not playing for a golden calf!

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