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December is Calling 2012 - Informationen und Regeln

December is Calling 2012
Welcome to the December is Calling 2012 Tournament hosted by the Puppeteers .
Following are the rules for this tournament and any questions can be mailed to Yazza83@hotmail.com or asked on www.facebook.com/groups/Puppeteers/
Or www.whizzbang.be

Tournament Organizer
The Tournament Organizer, or TO, is the sole authority at Malifaux tournaments. TOs are expected to be fair and equitable in their adjudication of debates and rules questions.
Regardless of the outcome, a TO’s decision is final. Players are encouraged to work out simple rules disputes among themselves because the round clock does not stop while waiting for the TO to answer questions.

Malifaux is designed to be fun for all players. Players are expected to behave civilly and respectfully at all times. When asked, players should provide the information and statisticsfor models as well as any additional public information. Activations should be played in a timely manner, and players should allow opponents to cut their Decks.
Also be sure to check the latest errata’s en Faq’s http://www.malifaux.com/Downloads.php

Warning System
Players are given a single warning when their behavior toward other players or the TO is considered unacceptable. If the behavior persists, and the TO determines the player to be a disruption to the tournament, it is within the TO’s authority to disqualify the player from the tournament. Don’t be that player.

There is zero tolerance for cheating (other than Cheating Fate, which is, of course, encouraged). If the TO determines that a player is cheating, the player will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Player Responsibility
Players are responsible for providing:
• Crew models
• Rulebooks and Stat Cards
• Fate Deck
• Measuring tape
• Counters/Markers/Tokens

Proxy Rules
Proxies are only allowed if you have the accompanying stat card, official one, not printed/copied and thus the model.

Conversion Rules
Conversions are allowed if started from the official model.

Painting Rules
Models are preferably painted. Playing with unprimed models will cost you a point per model.

Tournament Rules

Number of Games
3x 80 minute 35ss games will be played
10 minutes between games

Deployment Type
Standard Deployment

Strategy Selection

1st game: Random encounter from list
2nd game: random shared encounter from list
3rd game: fixed Encounter, announced by TO

List can be found in the gaining ground file on the malifaux.com website

Crew Construction:

Open Faction
Each player selects the Faction he or she wishes to use at the beginning of each
round, then follows the normal timing and restrictions for Hiring each round.
No 60sspool limit (masters not included)
No fixed master (caution: its best to determine which masters you are going to use before the tournament, if you do it before the game it’s going to take up well needed time and frustrate your opponent)
All models which were at one point able to buy are legal, meaning any models bought on Gencon but not yet released is available if it falls under the proxy rules.
Avatars are allowed

Scheme Usage
Each round, the player has the option to use Schemes to help achieve Victory. Each player
can choose from the General Schemes, Faction Specific Schemes, and Master Specific
Schemes as long as the choice is valid based on the Strategy and the Crew being used.
(Refer to p.100 of the Rules Manual for all the Schemes.)
Schemes are considered unique, meaning that each player can select each Scheme only once during the tournament. This requirement overrides any rule the Scheme includes about being selected more than once (such as Assassinate or Bodyguard).
Players are responsible for accurately listing Schemes on their score sheets at the end of each Encounter.

Encounter Location Special Features
The TO has the option to establish Special Events and Special Terrain for the tournament.
These will be available on the game tables.

Terrain Setup
The recommended amount of terrain for each playing surface is 18-21 pieces, which may
be of any size. The minimum requirement for terrain is 12 pieces (if a TO does not have
access to the necessary amount of terrain). Each half of the playing surface closest to each
player should have at least 4 pieces completely within it. The Terrain should be placed
fairly because it may not be moved once the game begins. If the players have a Strategy
which requires terrain adjustment, the TO must be present for the adjustment.

Byes and Scoring Byes
If there are an odd number of players in an event, the TO will play the lowest ranked player which will receive points as normal.

Domination style scoring TP/DIFF/VP. At the end of each Encounter, players count the VPs they earned that round. The player that earned more VPs than his or her opponent wins the game, and the opponent loses the game. When each player earns the same VPs, the game is a Draw.
Victory Points [VP]: The amount of points each player earned..
Tournament Points [TP]: A Win awards 3 TP to the winner, a Draw awards 1 TP to each player, and a Loss awards 0 TP to the defeated player.
Victory Point Differential [DIFF]: Note the difference between the players VP at the end of the Encounter. The player with the higher VP score receives DIFF equal to the positive amount of that difference, while the player with the lower VP score receives
DIFF equal to the negative amount of that difference

Also a list of 10 Achievement will be available, these go from simple to hard and give extra VP’s which will be added on the end of the Event.

Forfeits and Conceded Games
If a player forfeits or concedes a game for any reason, the opposing player picks up a full score of 8VP/3TP/+8 Diff for the round, with the forfeiting player receiving 0VP/0TP/-8 Diff for the round.
A forfeit should not be questioned, as the player may have an emergency or a personal situation arise that he or she may not want to discuss.
However, be careful with forfeits as they can be abused by people trying to boost their friends’ scores in a tournament.
In Official Tournaments, a player forfeiting a game must forfeit the entire tournament and loses the opportunity to win any awards for the event.
If the forfeit was not emergency related, that player may be excluded from future Official Tournaments based on the TO’s
For local tournaments, TOs may discourage forfeits by removing the player from the remainder of the event. If forfeits become a recurring issue for a player, the TO should discuss the situation with the player, resulting in possible banishment of the player from a future event, to help avoid the issue from occurring again.

Painting Competition
At the end of game three every players chooses one master they used in the tournament and creates a (max) 35ss Crew.
A panel of judges will then judge these based on Painting Quality, Quality of conversion, and theme.

But don’t Forget!
Above all …
have f

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