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Army Statistics - Germany - Warhammer Age of Sigmar

You can see a couple of statistics about the distribution and placements of armies in the tournaments. Only T³-Tournaments using the GoePP are used for the statistics, because all other tournaments don't offer the needed data.

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Army Distribution

1.Stormcast Eternals663
2.Orruk Warclans550
5.Slaves to Darkness378
6.Maggotkin of Nurgle374
7.Gloomspite Gitz363
9.Grand Alliance Chaos339
10.Soulblight Gravelords332
11.Blades of Khorne322
12.Flesh-eater Courts319
13.Disciples of Tzeentch294
14.Kharadron Overlords291
16.Ossiarch Bonereapers282
17.Idoneth Deepkin275
18.Cities of Sigmar267
19.Ogor Mawtribes264
19.Hedonites of Slaanesh264
20.Daughters of Khaine236
21.Lumineth Realm-Lords232
23.Grand Alliance Order182
24.Sons of Behemat171
25.Beasts of Chaos168
26.Grand Alliance Death124
27.Grand Alliance Destruction104
28.Legions of Nagash103
29.The Legion of Azgorh64
30.Ironjawz - obsolete60
31.Tamurkhan’s Horde57
32.Slaves to Darkness - obsolete24
33.Clans Skyre - obsolete22
33.Daemons of Tzeentch - obsolete22
34.Dispossessed - obsolete16
35.Khorne Bloodbound - obsolete15
35.Nurgle Rotbringers - obsolete15
35.Orcs & Goblins - obsolete15
36.Vampire Counts - obsolete14
36.Lizardmen - obsolete14
37.Warriors of Chaos - obsolete12
37.Clans Pestilens - obsolete12
37.Daemons of Chaos - obsolete12
38.High Elves - obsolete11
38.Daemons of Nurgle - obsolete11
39.Gutbusters - obsolete10
39.Clans Verminus - obsolete10
39.Wood Elves - obsolete10
39.Tomb Kings - obsolete10
40.Ogre Kingdoms - obsolete9
41.Soulblight - obsolete7
42.Moonclan Grots - obsolete6
43.Dwarfs - obsolete5
44.Spiderfang Grots - obsolete4
44.Phoenix Temple - obsolete4
44.Swifthawk Agents - obsolete4
44.Greenskinz - obsolete4
45.Bretonnia - obsolete3
45.Dark Elves - obsolete3
45.Brayherds - obsolete3
46.Daemons of Khorne - obsolete2
46.The Empire - obsolete2
46.Wanderers - obsolete2
46.Deathlords - obsolete2
46.Legion of Grief - obsolete2
47.Deadwalkers - obsolete1
47.Darkling Covens - obsolete1
47.Gitmob Grots - obsolete1
47.Deathrattle - obsolete1
47.Order Serpentis - obsolete1
47.Eldritch Council - obsolete1

Army Ranking (on all results)

1.Legions of Nagash100.00
2.Grand Alliance Chaos98.82
3.Disciples of Tzeentch92.37
5.Stormcast Eternals89.65
7.Kharadron Overlords88.12
8.Grand Alliance Death87.46
9.Tamurkhan’s Horde86.48
11.Hedonites of Slaanesh85.77
12.Soulblight Gravelords85.45
13.Grand Alliance Destruction85.17
15.Flesh-eater Courts84.59
16.Lumineth Realm-Lords84.43
17.Beasts of Chaos82.87
18.Ogor Mawtribes82.78
19.Slaves to Darkness82.45
20.Idoneth Deepkin81.94
21.Sons of Behemat81.46
22.Ossiarch Bonereapers80.74
23.Orruk Warclans80.18
24.The Legion of Azgorh79.98
25.Cities of Sigmar79.78
26.Maggotkin of Nurgle79.42
27.Daughters of Khaine77.90
29.Gloomspite Gitz76.75
30.Blades of Khorne76.63
31.Grand Alliance Order76.57
Info: Only armies whith at least 6 placements are counted. The army with the best placements is put in place 1 with an index of 100. The other placements depend on this index.

Army Ranking (only on tournament wins)

1.Stormcast Eternals30
3.Grand Alliance Chaos25
4.Hedonites of Slaanesh23
4.Orruk Warclans23
5.Disciples of Tzeentch21
5.Kharadron Overlords21
6.Flesh-eater Courts19
6.Idoneth Deepkin19
7.Sons of Behemat18
9.Slaves to Darkness16
10.Beasts of Chaos15
11.Ogor Mawtribes14
12.Blades of Khorne13
12.Cities of Sigmar13
12.Maggotkin of Nurgle13
12.Daughters of Khaine13
13.Gloomspite Gitz12
13.Soulblight Gravelords12
14.Grand Alliance Order11
14.Grand Alliance Death11
15.Lumineth Realm-Lords10
15.Ossiarch Bonereapers10
16.Legions of Nagash9
17.Tamurkhan’s Horde8
17.The Legion of Azgorh8
19.Grand Alliance Destruction5

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