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Challenge 10 - Warhammer fantasy - Informationen und Regeln

When and where?

Challenge 10 is taking place in ‘de Nieuwe Deure’ in Beveren –Roeselare. There is a parking lot nearby for all the players.
The tournament is taking place on Saturday, September 19h 2015.
You can sign up from 9h and the tournament will end at approximately 18h30.

Signing up?

You can sign up at the T3 website for the WHFB tournament of Challenge.
Your registration will only be finalized when you have payed the registration fee in the following days on the following bank account:
KBC 738-0253156-08, IBAN BE63 7380 2531 5608,
BIC KREDBEBB (IBAN and BIC only for players not from Belgium)
And with the following message: CHALLENGE_WHFB_SURNAME_NAME.
The registration fee will be 10€ if you paid beforehand. When paying at the door, the fee will be 12€. In the price is 1 drink included because we have the tenth anniversary of our event!

The Tournament

There will be 3 battles against 3 different opponents. The opponent in the First battle will be randomly selected. For the 2 following battles we will use a Swiss-system. While using the Swiss-system we make a ranking after each battle and afterwards, the numbers 1 and 2 will battle each other, as will numbers 3 and 4 and so on.
After each battle you and your opponent count your victory points for that battle and bring them to the judge table. When all scores are submitted, the results will be made public. The judges are not responsible for wrongly submitted scores.
Only you and your opponent are playing the battle, onlookers and spectators cannot interfere with the battle. When there’s a problem with the rules you can always ask a nearby judge.

Rules and penalties

We follow the rules of Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition for this event!
Look-out-sir is allowed for a maximum of 2 characters per unit against the following spells: ‘Dwellers Bellow’, ‘Final Transmutation’ and ‘The dreaded 13th’.
To prevent that a small dispute about the rules becomes a fight we propose to look rules up in the rulebook whenever necessary. There’s nothing wrong about looking up a rule so you can continue your game in the greatest of sportsmanship’s.
If you can’t find the ruling in the rulebook, you call a judge. The judge will try to solve the problem or will point out where you can find the rule. The ruling is final. When the discussions are too long or unsportsmanlike, the judge can give players a penalty. These penalties will be taken in account for the final standings at the tournament.

Time Schedule

Time Schedule Fantasy
Date Hour What
12/09/2015 23.59 All inscriptions, payments and army lists entered
19/09/2015 09.00 Start of registration
09.30 End of registration
9.45 Start of First battle
12.00 End of First battle
12.10 All results at the judge-table
12.45 Start of Second battle
15.00 End Second battle
15.10 All results at the judge-table
15.30 Start of Third battle
17.45 End of Third battle
18.00 All results at the judge-table
18.15 Award ceremony

Notice all army lists have to be entered before the 12nd of September!

The time schedule tells you how much time you have each battle. We would like it if everybody keeps himself to that schedule. We won’t tolerate one person making us fall behind. People that arrive late at the tournament play against each other.

Before starting the actual battle, we advice everybody to take a 2 minute break:
Make sure you and your opponent both think the same way about the table, terrain and armies. This way, there will be no unpleasant surprises during the battle!

Scenario 1

Meeting Engagement

Standard rules for meeting engagement except for the "Victory Conditions":
Rulebook p. 149

The rules for victory points can be found at page 11 of this rules pack.

Remember to roll a dice for all units AND characters before deployment. On the role of a 1, the units/characters will be held back as 'reserves'.

Scenario 2

Terrain of the Gods

This scenario follows the rules of battleline except for the 'Victory Conditions' and has an additional special rule.

The rules for victory points can be found at page 11 of this rules pack.

The special rule is called 'Terrain of the Gods'.
At the start of the battle, before the deployment of both sides' armies, you randomly choose 1 terrain feature on the table. This terrain feature can be anything: a forest, a building, a wall segment or even a river.
At the start of each players' magic phase, that player rolls 2D6s for each unit within 6" of this terrain feature (also fleeing units). Then, that player consults the table below.
You roll separately for each unit and the effect lasts until the start of that player's next magic phase.

Terrain of the Gods
Roll on 2D6 Effect
2 The unit suffers from 'Stupidity' and cannot benefit from inspiring presence or the BSB
3 Every caster in the unit cannot attempt to channel
4 The unit has -1 to hit (Close combat and shooting) and -1I (to a min. of 1)
5 The unit has -1LD (to a min. of 1)
6 A random spell from the 'Lore of Shadow' is cast on the unit
7 Nothing happens
8 A random spell from the 'Lore of Metal' is cast on the unit
9 The unit has +1 LD (to a max. of 10)
10 The unit has +1 to hit (Close combat and shooting) and +1I (to a max. of 10)
11 Every caster in the unit gets a +1 to all channel attempts
12 Every caster in the unit gains loremaster of the lore he is using
For purposes of spell effects, the centre of the terrain feature counts as the caster of these spells.

Scenario 3


Standard rules for battleline except for the 'Victory Conditions':
Rulebook p. 144

The rules for victory points can be found at page 11 of this rules pack.

Line of Sight

Line of sight is drawn from the front of the base of one model to the base of the model it wants to see. Both models have a ‘size’. If there is nothing in between the 2 models which is bigger than or as big as the biggest of those 2 models, the first model can see the second one.

Size chart:
0: Swarms – models of this size never block LoS and never give cover
1: Infantry, War Beasts, War Machines
2: Cavalry, Monstrous Infantry/Cavalry/Beasts, Chariots, Unique without the Large Target rule
3: Monsters, all Large Targets

Hills count as ‘size 2’ for every layer it has.
Buildings are infinitely high and will always block LoS.
Make sure that before the battle, you established what a building is and what a ruin is, because a ruin does not block LoS!

Skirmishers don’t block LoS, but do give cover if shot ‘through’ them. The 0.5” in between those models is part of the unit and is taken into account when determining cover. Skirmishers in close combat do block LoS.


There are 20 points to earn for painting.

1. Army painted (min 4 colours)
Completely painted: 8 points.
More than half painted: 4 points and no additional points
Less than half painted: 0 points and no additional points

2. Army based and WYSIWYG:
All figures are WYSIWYG: 2 points
All bases are flocked: 2 points
Details in basing: 2 extra points

3. Finishing touch, details, WOW-factor: 0-4 points

4. Conversions: 2 points

This makes a total of 20 points for painting. A completely painted and based army gives you 10 points already! With a little bit of detailing you can easily score some more points.

Proxies will not be allowed and you cannot play with them! If we notice anyone using proxies, those models will count as casualties and have to be removed from the battlefield immediately!

This year, we will be handing out a price for Best Painted Army again!

Army list

Your army list may not contain more than 2000 points!

The following armies are allowed:
Chaos Dwarfs (book: Tamurkhan)
Daemons of Chaos
Dark Elves
Dogs of War (as an individual army)
High Elves
Ogre Kingdoms
Orcs and Goblins
Tomb Kings
Vampire Counts
Warriors of Chaos
Wood Elves

And ofcours always with the last released version.
Special and named characters are not allowed, except for Dogs of War.
Your armylist has to be made in MS Word, MS Excel or Open Office Writer! Also, the correct version has to be sent in before the 12nd of September! (guyefdemeyere@hotmail.com)

Each time your armylist is not correct, it will be sent back and you will lose 1 point on your tournament score. (max. 5)

Victory points

You get 100% of the victory points for dead or fled units and characters of your opponent.
You get 25% of the victory points for units that have less than(!) half of the amount of starting models or units that are fleeing at the end of the battle.
You get no victory points for units that have half or more of the starting amount of models or characters/monsters with at least 1 wound left.
You get 100 victory points for a dead or fled general.
You get 100 victory points for a dead or fled BSB.
You get 25 victory points per unit-banner you killed in combat or that died by the ‘last stand’ rule.
You get 50 victory points if you kill a character with a unit champion in a challenge.

After calculating your victory points, you compare with your opponent and the difference will grant you an amount of Command Points:

Type of Victory Victory points difference Command points
Winner Loser
Draw 0-179 13 12
Minor Advantage 180-359 14 11
Solid Advantage 360-539 15 10
Minor Victory 540-719 16 9
Victory 720-899 17 8
Sound Victory 900-1079 18 7
Solid Victory 1080-1259 19 6
Walkover 1260-1439 20 5
Destruction 1440-1619 21 4
Annihilation 1620-1799 22 3
Massacre 1800-1979 23 2
Great Massacre 1980-2159 24 1
Total Massacre 2160+ 25 0

Let the judges know how many command and victory points you got when you compared with your opponent!

Tournament score

Your total tournament score is the total of your command points, your painting score and the 5 points you get for having a complete army list you handed in in time. This makes a total of 100 points you can earn.

The 3 players with the highest result will not only colour our stage, but will also be rewarded prizes for their excellent style of play and painting!
Not only those 3 players will win prizes, but there will also be a prize for best painted army and the biggest club present!


With this set of rules, we hope you can have an enjoyable day with plenty of gaming!
For further questions or problems, please contact Jellen Van Poucke (jellen_van_poucke@hotmail.com) or Guy Demeyere (guyefdemeyere@hotmail.com)!

May the dice be with you!!

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