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Hunt For the Golden Guilders - Informationen und Regeln


The convention starts at 10:00 and closes it's doors at 18:00.

- 50 ss Gaining Grounds
- Single faction: You declare 1 faction for whole the tournament
- No pool limitation: free choice of Masters and crew for each game
- Gaining Grounds 2018 if it is officially released on 11/12/2017 otherwise Gaining Ground 2017 with latest errata will be used.

Number of tournament rounds:
- 3 rounds (120 minutes per game)

Number of turns per game:
- 5 turns (no flipping for a 6th or 7th turn)

Because the convention has strict opening and closing hours we'll have to follow a strict time-table.

10:00 - 10:15 Welcome
10:15 - 12:15 Round 1 :
13:00 - 15:00 Round 2 :
15:30 - 17:30 Round 3 :
17:45 - 18:00 Mistery box Raffle & Tournament Results

Full Round information:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Malifaux 2nd Edition Tournament
Fixed faction
Gaining Ground 2017 ruleset.
New master upgrades and models of the latest book are allowed. You'll need the official model and cards to field the models/upgrades.
The official app from Wyrd is available and is also allowed, but make sure you have a charger at hand so you don't run out of power on your device!!! (Or even better bring the cards as backup if you plan to use the app.)

Round 1 - Headhunter, Close Deployment
"Maybe this time they'll believe me when I say I killed 5 men" he muttered to himself as he cut off the next fellow's scalp.
It was gruesome work, but this time he was going to get paid.

Special rules
Whenever a model kills or sacrifices a non-Peon model which it considers an enemy, the model which made the kill must place a 30mm Head Marker within 3" and LoS of the killed or sacrificed model before removing it from play. This Marker may not be placed in base contact with any model. If there is nowhere it can legally be placed, the Head Marker is not placed.
Any model in base contact with a Head Marker may make a (1) Interact Action with it to remove it from play.

Victory points
At the end of every Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it removed at least one Head Marker from play that turn.

Claim Jump
Leave Your Mark
Search the Ruins
Tail 'em

Round 2 - Interference, Standard Deployment
"What do you think they're doing?" the Handler asked, looking over the stationary Gamin spread out across the field.
No idea, but let's stop them just in case."

Set Up
Divide the table into four 18" by 18" table Quarters.

Victory Points
At the end of each Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it controls two or more table Quarters.
To control a table Quarter, the Crew must have the most unengaged non-Peon models within the table Quarter. These models cannot be within 6” of the Center of the table, or partially within another table Quarter.

Claim Jump
Dig Their Graves
Hunting Party
A Quick Murder

Round 3 - Collect the Bounty, Flank Deployment
"You're telling me that thing is only worth 10 Scrip?" he whined.
"That's what I'm telling you."
"It's one of those Hanged! No WAY that's only worth 10 Scrip!"
"I don't make the rules, bud. Take it or leave it."

Whenever a model is reduced to 0 Wounds by a non-Peon model, the Crew which reduced it to 0 Wounds gains a number of Bounty Points depending on the type of model which was reduced to 0 Wounds, so long as the Crew considered the model an enemy. Models are worth the following number of Bounty Points:
Peons: 0
Minions: 1
Enforcers: 2
Henchmen: 3
Masters: 4
At the end of each Turn, after calculating VP, reset each player to 0 Bounty Points.

Victory Points
At the end of every Turn after the first, the player with the most Bounty Points scores 1 VP. Either player may also score 1 VP if the opposing player has no models left in play. No more than 1 VP may be scored from this strategy per Turn. If both players still have models in play and they are tied for Bounty Points, neither will score any VP.

Claim Jump
Frame For Murder
Eliminate the Leadership
Set Up
Last Stand

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