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Die erste Grazer Championsleague 2012/2013 - Information and Rules


* Die maximale Armeegröße beträgt 2500 Punkte.
* Zugelassen sind alle aktuellen Armeebücher und Chaoszwerge, die Legion von Azgorh.
* Es gelten die jeweiligen aktuellen offiziellen FAQs und Errata, sowie das CL FAQ.
* Im Zweifelsfall gelten die englischen Regeln.
* Maximal 3 fliegende Einheiten (inklusive Charaktermodelle) für folgende Armeen:
Vampirfürsten, Dämonen des Chaos, Dunkelelfen
* Keine Seltene Auswahl doppelt, die in der Schussphase eine Attacke abhandeln kann.
* Es müssen die Referenzbases der aktuellsten Modelle verwendet werden.

Allgemeine Beschränkungen:

* Maximal 3 mal die gleiche Auswahl.
* Maximal 40 Modelle oder 400 Punkte pro Einheit (alles inklusive), ausgenommen Charaktermodelle. Dieses Limit darf auch mit der Lehre der Vampire nicht überschritten werden.


* Maximal 4 Sprüche aus der Lehre des Todes, Lehre der Schatten, Lehre von Hashut in der Armee
* Keinerlei Zusatzwürfel, wenn die Lehre des Todes, die Lehre der Schatten, die Lehre von Hashut oder die Lehre der Vampire in der Armee vorkommen.
* Maximal 12 eingesetzte Energiewürfel pro Runde.
* Maximal 2 Energiewürfel mehr, als die Winde der Magie ergeben haben.
* Maximal 4 Energiewürfel pro Zauberspruch (Dieses Limit gilt auch für Dunkelelfen).
* Maximaler Komplexitätsbonus: +6
* Maximal einen Meister der Lehre pro Armee.


* Maximal 3 zusätzlich generierte Bannwürfel.
* Banngegenstände (Gegenstände / Runen / Fähigkeiten die Zaubersprüche automatisch bannen) zählen für das gesamte Spiel als ein generierter Bannwürfel.
* Der Vortexsplitter, der Kubus der Dunkelheit und Gegenstände / Runen / Fähigkeiten die Zaubersprüche zerstören können zählen als 2 Banngegenstände. Gegenstände / Fähigkeiten welche Energiewürfel klauen zählen in diesem Sinne ebenfalls als Banngegenstand.
* Maximal 2 Banngegenstände.


* Maximal 60 Modelle, die in der Schussphase Schaden über Distanzen von 20" oder mehr verursachen können oder plänkeln. Kriegsmaschinen zählen hierfür nicht.

Verbotene Gegenstände/Fähigkeiten/Einheiten:

* Besondere Charaktermodelle und Champions
* Fozzriks Faltbare Festung
* Krone der Herrschaft (Ausnahmen: Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Waldelfen)
* Höllenmarionette (Ck)
* Unvergängliche Wut (Dä)
* Sirenengesang (Dä)
* Große Ikone der Verzweiflung (Dä)
* Seelenverschlinger (Dä)
* Bewahrende Hände der Alten (Em)
* Fluchschädel beim Slann (Em)
* Buch von Hoeth (He)
* Höllenherz (Og)
* Rote Wut (Va)
* Chalice of Blood and Darkness (Cz)


* Achtung Sir! ist gegen alle Zaubersprüche erlaubt, die eine ganze Einheit auslöschen und Schadenssprüche, die jedes einzelne Modell einer Einheit treffen (die grundsätzlichen Regeln für Achtung Sir! müssen erfüllt sein).
* Alle Armeestandartenträger haben Zugriff auf alle nichtmagischen Ausrüstungsoptionen ihres normalen Armeelisteneintrags. Waldelfen-Armeestandartenträger erhalten gratis einen Langbogen.
* Das Vampirlehren-Attribut, Lebenslehren-Attribut sowie der Zauber Nachwachsen darf nicht dafür verwendet werden, um Modelle mit mehr als 3 Lebenspunkten im Profil zu heilen.
* Stärke 11 und 12 beim Höllentor werden als Stärke 10 behandelt.


Bretonen (Br):
* Doppelte, schießende Seltene Einheit erlaubt.
* Maximal 2 aus: Trebuchet, Krone der Herrschaft

Krieger des Chaos (Ck):
* Das 12er Ergebnis der Auge der Götter der Tabelle kann nur über eine gewürfelte 12 erreicht werden.
* Maximal 2 aus: Lehre des Todes, Lehre der Schatten, Todbringer, mehr als 4 Schädelbrecher in der Armee (mehr als 6 zählen doppelt)

Dämonen des Chaos (Dä):
* Rüstung des Khorne bei einem Herold auf Moloch, Seuchenschwall, Spruchbrecher, Stab des Nurgle je 0-1.
* Maximal 2 aus: Großer Verpester, Blutdämon, Klinge des Elends, jede Kerneinheit aus mehr als 25 Modellen (Zerfleischer zählen doppelt), 5+ Slaaneshbestien (8+ Slaaneshbestien zählen doppelt), Ikone des Ruhmreichen Chaos, 6-7 Zerschmetterer in einer Einheit (hier darf das 400 Punkte Limit überschritten werden), Seelenzermalmer
* Großer Dämon oder Seelenzermalmer
* Der Armeestandartenträger darf entweder Dämonengeschenke oder eine Ikone erhalten.
* Max. 2 mal dieselbe Auswahl.

Dunkelelfen (De):
* Das Schützenlimit sinkt auf 30 Modelle. Streitwägen zählen nicht gegen dieses Limit.
* Maximal 2 aus: Drache, Blutkessel, Kriegshydra, Lehre der Schatten, Lehre des Todes, Kette von Kaeleth, Opferdolch, Hydrabanner am berittenen Armeestandartenträger
* Die Kette von Kaeleth darf weder von Kommandanten, noch von berittenen Modellen getragen werden.
* Maximal 3 aus: Schatteneinheit, Assassine
* Maximal 10 Schatten pro Einheit.

Imperium (Im):
* Maximal 3 Auswahlen aus: Kanone, HFSK, Dampfpanzer (0-1)
* Max. 6 Demigreifen in der Armee
* Max. 4 Schablonenwaffen (inkl. Höllenfeuer-Salvenkanone)

Echsenmenschen (Em):
* Maximal 6 aus: zweiter Slann, Hohe Konzentration, Meister der Mysterien, Hornnacken(-veteran) (max. 3), jedes Stegadon nach dem ersten (max. 2), jedes Feuersalamandermodell (max. 2), jede plänkelnde Skinkeinheit nach der dritten, Lehre der Schatten, Lehre des Todes
* Besänftigender Geist oder Autobanngegenstand

Gruftkönige vom Khemri (Gk):
*Armeegröße: 2600 Punkte
* Das Schützenlimit wird auf 70 angehoben.
* Doppelte, schießende Seltene Einheit erlaubt.
* Streitwageneinheiten dürfen unabhängig vom 400-Punkte Limit bis zu 8 Modelle groß aufgestellt werden.

Hochelfen (He):
* Doppelte, schießende Seltene Einheit erlaubt.
* Hochelfen müssen nur 500 Punkte in Kerneinheiten investieren.
* Maximal 3 aus: Lehre der Schatten, Lehre des Todes, Seherstab von Saphery, Annulianischer Kristall, mehr als 2 Modelle mit der Lehre des Lichts, eine Einheit mit bis zu 450 Punkten (exklusive Charaktermodelle)
* Bis zu 3 Riesenadler erlaubt.

Ogerkönigreiche (Og):
* Maximal 15 schießende Ogermodelle.
* Maximal 10 Bleispucker.
* Maximal 4 aus: jede Einheit Trauerfänge, jede Einheit Vielfraße, Eisenspeier, Drachenhautbanner, jedes Charaktermodell nach dem zweiten.

Orks & Goblins (O&G):
* Doppelte, schießende Seltene Einheit erlaubt.
* 2 Speerschleudern zählen als 1 Auswahl.
* 2 Kurbelwägen zählen als 1 Auswahl.
* Maximal 9 aus: Fanatic, Kettensquig (zählt als 3)
* Max. 12 Modelle monströse Infantrie in der Armee.
* Kamikazekatapult 0-1.

Skaven (Sk):
* Maximal 12 Gossenläufer mit vergifteten Schleudern
* Maximal 5 aus: Prophet, Höllengrubenbrut (0-1, zählt als 2), Bronzesphäre, Warpblitzkanone, Sturmbanner, Verdammnisrakete, Todesrad

Tiermenschen (Tm):
* Armeegröße: 2600 Punkte
* Doppelte, schießende Seltene Einheit erlaubt.
* Maximale Einheitengröße (exkl. Charaktermodelle): 450 Punkte
* Dürfen beliebig viele Sprüche aus der Lehre des Todes und der Lehre der Schatten wählen und dürfen immer bis zu 2 Würfel mehr generieren als die Winde der Magie ergeben.

Vampirfürsten (Va):
* Maximale Einheitengrößen: 7 Gruftschrecken, 5 Vargheists, 12 Fluchritter
* Alle körperlosen Auswahlen 0-1
* Maximal 1 Auswahl aus: Meisternekromant, Flederbestie
* Maximal 2 Schreie; Flederbestie zählt als 2

Waldelfen (Wa):
* Armeegröße: 2600 Punkte
* Doppelte, schießende Seltene Einheit erlaubt.

Zwerge (Zw):
* Bergwerker 0-1, wenn ein Runenamboss in der Armee ist.
* max. 4 Kriegsmaschinen (Amboss zählt als 2, Speerschleudern zählen nicht).
* keine doppelten Runen auf einer Kriegsmaschine.
* Grollschleuder 0-2.
* Hammerträger 0-2 und maximal 25 Modelle pro Einheit.
* die Rune der Bruderschaft (0-1) darf nicht mit der Meisterrune der Herausforderung kombiniert werden.
* Meisterrune der Herausforderung oder Amboss.

Chaoszwerge (Cz):
* Maximal 4 aus: Bale Taurus, K'daai Destroyer (zählt als 3), 0-1 Iron Daemon, 0-1 S5 Kriegsmaschine (Todbringer / Magmakanone / Tremorkanone), Lehre des Hashut, Lehre des Todes, Bullzentauren-Held
* Maximal 3 Schablonenwaffen.


1. Deployment and Start of the Match

1. When do you declare whether something deploys unusually? Gutter runners for example have 2 different ways to deploy unusually.
A. Before scouts are deployed. If both players have unusually deploying units, roll-off and alternate declaring before deploying anything.

2. How are we to interpret the rules for choosing spells - i.e. when can you double a spell?
A. If a mage automatically knows a spell X, or can exchange a rolled spell to X, other mages rolling the spell X may (must if rolled) take it too. If one mage that can’t automatically have X takes it, other similar mages no longer can.

3. Does having scouts or reserves mean you can never get +1 for the first turn?
A. Yes, the only exception is, if both players have scout units, then the player, who is not fielding the last scout unit gets the +1 bonus for rolling for the first turn. For all other cases assume scout and reserve units as counting against the deployment limit.

4. Can I freely decide when to generate spells for wizards as long as it happens before I deploy any of them?
A. No. Roll right before deploying your wizard.

2. Movement Phase

1. Are “virtual pivots” allowed?
A. Yes, pivoting models may ignore obstructions when pivoting, as long as they abide by the 1" rule at the end of their pivot.

2. Can units make swift reforms and then move, having some models go over double their Movement?
A. Yes.

3. Is it possible to perform a tactical charge against one unit even if my units are already able to fight with their majority of their models? (changing direction through the "free wheel" action)
A. Yes. This applies to war machines as well.

4. If there is no possibility for a charging unit to close the door, can a charged unit close the door in a way that brings it within 1" of impassable terrain, a friendly unit or an enemy unit?
A. Yes.

5. What happens when a charger or charged is within 1" of units it’s not contacting after a charge move?
A. Attempt to fudge the units 1" away by the shortest route, with as little effect on game play as possible.

6. Do I have to maximize frontage in addition to models, when charging?
A. No. A single model may clip a single model.

7. A unit is in two, wide ranks, and the second rank is incomplete. While charging, do I have to maximize the supporting attacks from the second rank? If I can't, does the second rank shift to be able to make supporting attacks during combat?
A. No. No.

8. Can Dwarf Miners, reinforcement troops and similar units perform a reform or a swift reform on the turn they enter from table edge?
A. Yes.

9. Can multiple characters charge out of the same unit in one turn? Can they charge from the second rank? Can they start their wheel inside the unit? Can they charge if they can’t clear the unit before hitting the enemy?
A. No. Yes. Yes. No.

10. Can Dwarf Miners, reinforcement troops and similar units enter the game in a long line?
A. No. Such units may not end their move further than 2 x Movement value from the table edge when entering from the table edge.

11. Can engaged units ever close the door?
A. No. A charge requiring such a maneuver will fail or be undeclarable.

12. Is closing the door a ‘wheel’?
A. No. The brb misreferences itself occasionally.

13. What happens if a player declares an impossible charge?
A. Impossible charges may not be declared. Both players should discuss the legality of a wonky looking charge before proceeding with the game. If you already rolled dice/moved units, attempt to backtrack this, or call the judges and ask them to backtrack or make a ruling on the situation. If there was even a slightest chance the charge might succeed, the charge was legal in the first place and no backtracking is required.

14. Can you wheel after a Swift Reform?
A. Yes.

15. Do characters charging out of a unit with a banner that grants a bonus to a charge move (Steel Standard, Icon of Endless War) benefit from the bonus?
A. Yes.

16. Does the 1″ rule mean more than 1″ away or 1″ or more away?
A. 1″ or more away.

17. Non-marching character joins a unit that marched. Can the character shoot?
A. Yes.

18. Can a character leave a unit after it performs a swift reform?
A. No.

3. Spells and Magic Phase

1. Does Steed of Shadows work on mounted heroes?
A. Yes.

2. Okkam's Mindrazor. Can anything affect the LD written on a model’s (or part of a model’s in case of mounts, etc.) profile?
A. No. Do not count any modifiers from any source. Parts with no LD are unaffected by Mindrazor.

3. Can direct damage spell templates be targeted with the center out of a unit?
A. Yes.

4. How do spells or effects that require a characteristic test work on Stegadon crews, characters and mounts that can be targeted separately?
A: Any effect that causes the model to test (e.g. Dwellers) would force it to make a single test on a best characteristic available. Any effect caused by a template (e.g. Pit of Shades) forces each divisible part to test on its own best value (Seer would test on its I, Bell on the I of the Ogre). In short: template => every part tests, model => one test for the whole.

5. Are direct damage spells ranged attacks, for the purposes of various items giving protection "against all ranged attacks of any kind"?
A. Yes.

6. Does a character get the 4+ Look out Sir! against direct damage spells and old spells without types that cause hits?
A. No. You can only ever gain 4+ Look out Sir! to magic when you’re hit by templates.

7. How do the old lores spells work with the general casting restrictions - e.g. can Infernal Gateway be cast outside the forward arc?
A. They do NOT require the target to be in the front arc unless it specifically mentions so. They can’t be cast into close combat unless the spell specifically mentions casting into combat being allowed.

8. When can you dispel a Remains in Play spell? E.g. if a wizard with Throne of Vines in play casts another spell with irresistible force can his opponent then dispel throne of vines and hence remove the miscast protection?
A. You can only dispel RiPs after the active player says he stops casting for now, stops dispelling RiPs or chooses to do nothing at all. If you then choose to dispel a RiP, active player may resume casting/dispelling. If you choose not to, the magic phase ends.

9. If Okkam's Mindrazor is cast in a situation where a strength value "cannot be modified" or "cannot exceed" (such as: Whip of Agony, Rune of Steel), will the strength cap apply, or, because the model is using leadership instead of strength - the cap is ignored?
A. Cap is applied.

10. If Okkam's Mindrazor is used when fighting a model equipped with the Pendant of Khaeleth, does the PoK-bearer get a ward save?
A. He gets a ward save based on the leadership-used-as-strength.

11. When a non-template, non-sniper spell causes a wound on a multi-part model (e.g. Soul Stealer), is the wound randomized?
A. Yes.

12. If I Windblast a Hellpit Abomination/Doomwheel into another unit, does the other unit take Impact Hits and d6 S3 hits?
A. No impact hits.

13. Is Winds of Magic rolled before applying any items (like Vortex Shard) that are triggered at the start of a Magic phase?
A. No. The active player may declare the order of items used at the beginning of magic phase, granted they do not add dice to the pool in which case they go after rolling the pool.

14. Are spells that draw a straight line, but with a variable length, to be treated as a spell template that allows for Look Out Sir!? Can they be targeted so that they potentially hit units in cc or friends? If not, can you roll for range before choosing the direction? Do they hit only 1 model per rank, like cannons?
A. Yes. No. No. Yes.

15. Can a unit affected by Net of Amyntok retry the action (attempt to move, cast, etc.) while taking the S4 hits, until it succeeds?
A. No.

16. Spirit Leech. Is your unmodified leadership the highest written leadership stat in your unit, as per GW FAQ?
A. Yes.

17. Will the Curse of Anraheir make a unit treat the whole battlefield as Dangerous Terrain for the duration of the spell?
A. Yes.

18. GW FAQ states that wounding on 1+ is possible. Is it possible for Metal spells to wound on 1+?
A. No. Only way to wound on a 1+ is to usually wound on 2+ and have a +1 to wound effect.

19. Can a single casting attempt cause several miscasts if several requirements are met (for example if a roll under the effect of the Ring of Hotek contains double 6s and another double)?
A. No.

20. Do champions get Look Out Sir! against spells that hit every model in a unit or destroys a unit entirely?
A. No.

21. Do spells ever grant magical attacks to the model(s) benefitting from them, if the spell doesn't specifically mention so?
A. No.

22. Are all hits/effects/damage caused by magical items magical attacks?
A. Depends on the item. Items that directly cause damage or are magic weapons cause magical damage. If the item only modifies statistics or gives special rules to the model (such as flaming attacks or +1 to hit) they do not automatically give magical attacks too. Breath weapons are never magical.

23. A unit with strength 3 and great weapons gets -3S from Enfeebling Foe. Do they hit with S2 or S3 in close combat? What if they’re also affected by a +1 strength buff? Does the order of spells matter?
A. S3. The order matters, if the +1 strength was cast later they would then hit with S4.

24. Net of Amyntok. Character leaves an affected unit; can he use the largest str stat in the unit? If he fails, does it prevent other characters from leaving the unit? A wizard attempts to cast in the unit; can he use the largest str stat? Does he (only) suffer hits if he fails? Does his failure prevent other wizards from casting?
A. No. No. Yes. No. No.

25. Can Net of Amyntok prevent Anvil of Doom and Casket of Souls from striking/casting?
A. Yes.

26. What sorts of moves trigger Fulminating Flame Cage’s secondary effect?
A. Any and all movement, including Make Way’s, challenge refusals and skirmisher contractions. Teleporting with Skitterleap, Hand of Gork or Smoke & Mirrors is not movement for this purpose, however. Neither is releasing Fanatics. Flame Cage doesn’t affect hidden models in a unit, like Assassins.

27. Do stomps benefit from Flaming Sword or similar spells?
A. No.

28. Do the effects of multiple copies of same spells stack? Net of Amyntok, Pha's Protection, etc.
A. Yes.

29. Pandemonium is in play. At what LD do units consisting of only characters and/or their mounts test?
A. They still use the best LD in the unit. They may not benefit from inspiring presence.

30. Brain Bursta has the Direct Damage spell type, but lists Sniper as one of its special rules. Do you need to be able to see the target?
A. Yes.

31. Do champions’ magic items return with the Regrowth spell?
A. Yes.

32. Can you increase basic Movement Allowance beyond 10″ with Birona’s Timewarp? Does Timewarp affect Flying movement? Do Timewarps stack?
A: No. No, unless it has been reduced to below M10. Yes, it doubles the current M.

33. Do any of the units affected by the 2nd effect of Final Transmutation gain ItP as a result of Stupidity? If yes, for how long?
A. Yes. They are “subject to Stupidity” and thus ItP for one Game Turn starting from the test.

34. Can Smoke & Mirrors be used to join combat?
A. Yes.

35. What happens if a unit flees from combat or a charge, but then fails its strength test for Net of Amyntok?
A. The unit is treated as not breaking or holding the charge instead, respectively.

36. Does the Lore of Heavens attribute affect characters inside units?
A. No.

4. Shooting Phase

1. Cannon sees nothing. Can he fire at empty spots and hit models behind hills?
A. No. Though targeting less than 6″ before the farthest seen spot on a unit in order to hit invisible targets is prohibited due to fairness reasons.

2. Can models armed with weird “shooty” contraptions use them in the shooting phase if they marched? Death Rocket, Brass Orb, etc.
A. No.

3. Can a multi-part model shoot with every part of the model, such as Dragon and his rider armed with a shooting weapon?
A. Yes, but only at the same target.

4. Are shooting attacks the same as ranged attacks? Are ranged attacks shooting attacks?
A. Every shooting attack is a ranged attack, but not every ranged attack is a shooting attack.

5. Cannons can only hit 1 model per rank. Does a Screaming Bell or similar model on a large base prevent models from being hit in every rank it occupies? A Cannon hits two models in the same rank. Which one takes the hit?
A. No. For these purposes, a model on a large base is in the rank it is first hit by the Cannon. When hitting multiple models in one rank, the model that was first hit takes the hit.

6. Can shooting attacks that do not use scatter dice fire in a way that it has a chance of hitting friendly models or close combat?
A. No, unless hitting friendlies is only possible due to misfires (such as Doomrocket).

7. Can you place a template in the way that a part of the template is outside of the table? Or if a template scatters by a fraction outside of the table, can it still hit with part on the table?
A. Yes.

8. Can a character standing outside a unit use 4+ Look Out Sir! to transfer hits to close combat?
A. Yes.

9. How many models do I need for monstrous infantry to gain the Look Out Sir! rule?
A. 5 rank-and-file models, excluding any special cases like Look-out Gnoblars.

10. When allocating hits to a unit with a character and less than 5 rank-and-file models who is the controlling player?
A. Controlling player is the one who owns the unit.

11. Do war machines have arc of sight? If yes, how does this influence the game?
A. Yes. You measure the line of sight as a 90 degree arc from its chosen firing point. The WM might not be able to target models it can’t see, and might not be able to pivot due to proximity of terrain or models.

12. Can you assign shooting hits (and similarly assigned hits) on a character with a different unit type from the unit it has joined, even if the unit has 5 or more rank & file left?
A. Yes.

13. War machines are required to choose a point where the range and LOS of the machine is measured from. What if a player doesn’t nominate the point at the start of a game?
A. If no point is chosen, measure from the center of the war machine base. Players are not allowed to choose war machine corners as shot originating points.

14. Do Ironblasters, Scraplaunchers and similar units that fire like war machines need to choose a point at the start of the match where the shot and LOS originate like war machines?
A. No. They check LOS and originate the shot like normal units.

15. Is a model within a forest (or other terrain) if it's only partially within it?
A. Any unit needs to have at least half its footprint in/behind cover to benefit from it.

16. Are models that fire similarly to war machines, like Ironblaster, Hellcannon, Steam Tank and so on, forced to pivot before firing?
A. Yes, except the Steam Tank, which may only fire directly forwards. Other models pivot so they can see their target, but only if they cannot fire already.

17. Unconventional weaponry (Fanatic, Mangler Squig) hits a warmachine. Which toughness is used?
A. Everything, except close combat attacks (including Treason of Tzeentch and Bladewind) and Sniper effects target the machine’s toughness.

5. Close Combat Phase

1. Mixed Units: How are CC casualties removed inside Squig Herds and similar mixed units? Do they randomise like shooting? Do wounds carry over from one type to another?
A. Remove targeted type of model. Wounds do not carry over.

2. Does a flaming close combat wound prevent regeneration from other non-flaming attacks with the same initiative?
A. No.

3. Can units reform after failing to seize a building?
A. No.

4. Can 4 monstrous infantry/cavalry/beasts be chosen for assault party?
A. No. You would count as having chosen over ten models then.

5. Can a model make a supporting attack through a character that occupies several ranks, if these models normally couldn’t make a support attack from their rank?
A. No.

6. When a monsters & handlers unit is attacked to the flank, how many handlers can fight if not all the reatures are in base contact to enemy?
A. All handlers can fight.

7. When fleeing from combat is the fleeing done center to center, resulting in "odd angles" of flee and pursuit moves?
A. Yes.

8. Can a unit combat reform to turn its side towards the enemy, giving the enemy the flank attack bonus?
A. Yes.

9. Can you replace command group models into second rank when making make way moves with a character?
A. Yes.

10. Can units slide sideways during combat reforms?
A. Yes. Remember that no models that were initially in base to base contact with an enemy, can be left out of base to base contact, due to a reform. This counts for individual rank and file models too, and does not just refer to the number of models fighting!

11. On p. 102 of the rulebook, for the section titled "Fighting a Challenge", should any mention of character be read as character(s) or champion(s)?
A. Yes.

12. Can you do combat reforms while fighting a war machine?
A. Yes.

13. How do -1/+1 to hit kind of effects apply in situations where units hit on a fixed number, such as Annoyance of Netlings?
A. They are not applied.

14. Does a battle standard bearer give 100 extra points to the opponent if he dies in combat but the combat goes on without either one breaking or getting annihillated?
A. Yes.

15. A single rank unit has a larger base sized character sitting on one flank, and gets charged to the other flank. Can the chargers hit the character across the empty gap behind the rank&file, as per the “models are not moved but hit across the gap” rule?
A. Yes.

16. Model inflicts impact hits on a solo character in an existing challenge with a different model. Do the impact hits wound the character?
A. Characters in an ongoing challenge cannot be attacked by other models in combat. So no impact or stomp hits on them. Champions will still die if enough wounds are caused to destroy their whole unit.

17. Should units in pursuit stop when they come within 1" of obstructions, not just when they hit them, assuming no enemy was reached further away?
A. Yes.

18. How many models does a character on 50mm x 50mm mount displace when he does a make way-move in a 25mm based unit?
A. 4, assuming that many are left.

19. Unit breaks from close combat but is immediately “Caught!”. How do the pursuers move?
A. Simulate the flee path and the final position of the fleeing unit as if it had outran its pursuers. Pursuers then move towards this position in the usual manner.

20. Can you parry Breath Weapons in CC, Abomination’s attack table results 1-2 and 5-6, K’daai demon fire, GUO Pestilent Mucus or similar effects?
A. Yes. Any units that cause hits to base-to-base contact during close combat phase can be parried, unless otherwise mentioned.

21. A challenge-accepting model needs to move to face the challenger. Can it displace a character and put it anywhere in the front rank (or closest to front rank if full of command and other characters)?
A. Can displace, but the moving character/champion only switches places with the displaced character/champion.

22. When several units are pursuing a fleeing enemy, they tend to bump and block each other when pivoting to face the center of the fleeing enemy. Does this mean they do not move at all?
A. No. While pursuing, ignore obstructions during the initial pivot and movement to clear it. Do not ignore other obstructions after clearing the initial one.

23. If a unit U1 in multiple fight drops out of BTB with enemy E1, but is still in contact with enemy E2, does U1 or E1 nudge back in contact? What if the E1 was also engaged with U2?
A. Varying battlefield conditions make it impossible to answer this exhaustively. Try to follow this general principle: Players should strive to keep fighting units in base contact with each other after any casualty removal, if possible. If weirdness follows, call a judge.

24. How do you count the combat resolution points of a multiple fight that splits into several smaller fights?
A. Count one big combat resolution. Breaking units flee only from the enemies they’re in BTB with. After this round, the smaller fights become independent.

25. Can you switch command group models for rank & file or vice versa with a combat reform? Does engaged command group bump into front rank if you turn your flank to an enemy with a combat reform?
A. No. No, as you may not reform in this manner, because it would remove command group from base contact! Unless you’re reforming to a conga line, of course. Combat reform needs to result in the same models being in contact as before the reform, and a legal formation. Engaged characters who have achieved an unusual position with a make way need not bump into front ranks, but must remain BTB to some enemies.

26. Can you break the 1" rule with combat reforms?
A. No, except with regards to the units you’re in combat with (friend or foe).

27. Are combat reforms of one player simultaneous? In other words, can units switch places during it?
A. No.

28. Can you overrun after an In- or Unstable unit dies in the combat resolution?
A. Yes.

29. No More Foes, p. 61. Does the stranded unit take a break test?
A. No.

30. Can you attack a challenge refusing character, if he’s exposed after removing casualties?
A. Yes. The character cannot attack back.

6. Magic Items

1. Models with a ward save, some of them in contact with the Other Trickster's Shard, some not. Do wounds from targeted attacks to sharded models carry over to unsharded models?
A. Yes.

2. Does the Other Trickster’s Shard affect impact hits or Thunderstomps?
A. Yes.

3. What’s “a hit” with regards to Charmed Shield and Greedy Fist?
A. Anything that would then roll to wound, or auto-wound with poison or similar effect. All templates cause “hits”. Feedback Scrolls and Spirit Leeches do not cause “hits”, as an example.

4. Does Earthing Rod and similar items cancel out effects that force re-rolls of miscasts?
A. Yes, though only once for Earthing Rod.

5. The Charmed Shield is one use only. Can it still be used as a shield after the 2+ save has been taken?
A. Yes, it can be used further and counts as a magical shield with no special properties.

6. Can a magic weapon ever gain Flaming Attacks or Poisoned Attacks where the magic weapon itself does not confer such benefit?
A. No.

7. Can a Wizard dispel while he is a frog from Sivejir's Hex Scroll?
A. Yes.

8. Does a Wizard turn into a frog if Sivejir’s Hex Scroll is used on him while casting Transformation of Kadon?
A. Yes.

9. Is the mount transformed with Sivejir’s Hex Scroll too?
A. Creatures that can be separately attacked are not transformed, other mounts are.

10. Scroll of shielding. Does it protect every unit affected by the spell, even Comet of Cassandora victims?
A. Yes.

11. Are wounds caused by the Feedback Scroll ranged attacks?
A. Yes.

12. Does Ironcurse Icon protect against Hellcannon or Anvil of Doom?
A. Yes.

13. Does Gleaming Pennant count as used if the bearing unit fails a test but re-rolls and succeeds due to BSB (or other reasons)?
A. Yes.

14. While using a weapon with the Requires Two Hands rule in combat, do you benefit from any of a magic shield’s abilities, like Charmed Shield’s 2+ roll to ignore a hit?
A. No.

15. Does a character with a magical lance always use the lance?
A. Yes, unless told otherwise by a special rule. You only get +2 str on the charging round, though.

7. Special Rules

1. How are models with Random Movement moved and what options do they have when close to being blocked by other models and the 1"rule?
A. Random movers may not end their initial pivot within 1" of other units, unless the direction they choose to pivot in would bring them into contact with that unit (either with the pivot or a 1" move forward), in which case they charge/hit it. Fudge/charge the random mover into combat, maximising combatants as usual.

2. Can a flying character use his fly move to move with a unit?
A. No, he must use his ground movement. The whole unit needs to have the fly rule for it to be used.

3. Does a monster, chariot or unique mount die if the rider is slain with Heroic Killing Blow?
A. No.

4. Are Monsters & Handlers unit’s handler models counted towards Heavy Casualties panic test, 25 % limit for rallying or half VP from being reduced to 25 %?
A. No.

5. What happens if Monsters & Handlers unit assigns more wounds on handlers than there are left?
A. Excess wounds are lost. You stop randomizing in the next initiative step or shot/spell/effect.

6. Does immunity to killing blow also protect from heroic killing blow?
A. Yes.

7. Are both the rider and mount subject to frenzy, hatred or primal fury if the special rule doesn't specify either? (Stonehorns, Blood Knights)
A. Yes. Of course, separately bought models (such as dark elf mounts with regards to hatred) never grant each other these rules unless otherwise mentioned.

8. When do skirmishers adopt their loose formation after contracting due to a charge?
A. In their next Remaining Moves sub-phase. They may also loosen any time they reform outside of combat.

9. Do charging units suffer Impact Hits if they charge a unit with the special rule that also charged?
A. No.

10. Frenzy. Can frenzied units avoid the leadership test to charge the closest enemy by declaring a charge?
A. Yes.

11. Does wounding a character with a Flaming Attack remove Regeneration from his unit for that phase?
A. Yes.

12. A wizard is forced to take a one-time Stupidity test and fails. Can he cast or channel ever again?
A. Yes, after one game turn.

8. Terrain

1. Can a unit enter a building using a magic movement spell?
A. Yes.

2. Can mixed units (unique) comprising entirely of infantry, warbeasts and/or monstrous infantry garrison buildings?
A. Yes.

3. When model stands partially on a hill, is the whole model cuboid treated as elevated, even the parts that are not on the hill?
A. No. Model on a hill does not 'extend' the hill with parts of its base that are not on it.

4. A unit refuses to conform to convenient rulebook examples and stands really weird, sideways, on an obstacle. How does the obstacle give penalties in close combat?
A. Ignore the obstacle in combat, unless the defending unit is clearly lined against the obstacle (in BTB), on the other, longer side of it. In these situations, if the unit's frontage is wider than the obstacle, enemies attacking uncovered frontage suffer no penalties.

5. Does Cavalry and similar take 2 dangerous terrain tests from forests if under the effects of Curse of Anraheir?
A. Yes.

9. Models, Bases, Formations and Characters

1. Does a partial last rank need to be sideways contiguous, i.e. must it not contain any gaps?
A. Yes.

2. Can a character join a skirmisher unit if the unit and character have different-sized bases?
A. Yes. The character is placed as in a non-skirmishing unit, except he’s roughly half an inch apart from the skirmishers.

3. Can two or more 25mm based characters join a 20 mm unit and be placed on the same side of the unit? How does fighting to the flank work with these formations?
A. No. Only 2 characters with mismatching bases can join such units, one on each side of front rank. When fighting to flank, models are assumed to be able to attack across the gap, similar to fighting incomplete rear ranks.

4. Can characters get a Look Out Sir! roll from unique units, such as Skinks & Kroxigors or Giant Rat Packs?
A. No.

5. Is a character on a Pegasus or a Disc Flying Cavalry?
A. No.

6. Where is the center of a unit with an incomplete last rank?
A. Assume the last rank is complete.

7. Are the war machine crew models ignored for the 1″ apart purposes?
A. Yes.

8. Can characters join unique units?
A. Yes, unless the unit has Random Movement and the character doesn’t.

9. Is there space in the front rank for a character that should displace 2 models from it, if there’s 2 non-command, non-character models, but they’re not next to each other?
A. Yes. Move the Command Group and/or other characters and put the big character in the front rank.

10. Long row of knights is perfectly hit by a large 5” template. How many knights are hit? Do we assume the standard “less than an inch wide” GW cavalry base is actually 1″ wide?
A. 7 are hit. Base is considered less than inch wide – 25 mm.

11. Does command group’s priority to be in the first rank only apply to the first rank, allowing characters to fill the second rank and push the rest of the command to the third rank in a lean unit?
A. Yes.

12. If a partial last rank is charged to the rear by a slim unit, at a location where there is no last rank models, will the last rank models shift sideways to ‘block’ the unit if possible?
A. No. The charger stops at the level of last rank and fights over the gap. Distances (charges, etc.) to the unit are still measured normally.

10. Army Specific Questions

Beasts of Chaos
1. Is the Herdstone a piece of impassable terrain? Is the size of it limited somehow?
A. No. Yes. Treat the Herdstone as open terrain with a minimum size of 50x50mm round or rectangular.

2. What is basic strength with regards to Ramhorn Helm or Many-limbed Fiend?
A. Treat this as unmodified strength written on the profile. No modifiers from any source.

1. Can a Bretonnian Battle Standard Bearer take magical shields?
A. Yes.

2. In a Bretonnian Army with two Lords, one on a Royal Pegasus and one on a Warhorse and 2 or 3 units of Pegasus Knights, which is the General?
A. The army has to be lead by a Bretonnian Lord on a Royal Pegasus in order to remove the 0-1 restriction on Pegasus Knights.

3. Are Pegasus Knights affected by a normal killing blow?
A. No.

4. Do you ever benefit from any effect of a Magic Weapon while using a lance?
A. No.

5. Do I still need 1+ units of Knights of the Realm?
A. Yes.

Chaos Dwarfs
1. Are some Chaos Dwarf war machines demonic with regards to lore of light?
A. No.

2. Do K’daai test for meltdown every player turn?
A. No. They test at the start of each game turn.

3. Can the Iron Demon wheel while using the Steam Boiler? Can it declare normal charges?
A. No. No.

4. Does Deathshrieker Rocket correction travel towards the closest point of the closest unit?
A. No. It travels towards the center of the closest unit.

5. Can a Deathshrieker Demolition Charge hit characters in units and do they get a Look out Sir!? Does it hit all parts of a multipart model?
A. Yes to all.

6. Can the wizard cast area spells that also target himself and/or his unit while under Ash Cloud?
A. No.

Dark Elves
1. Can Death Hag on Cauldron of Blood purchase items? Does killing blow work on her?
A. Yes. No.

Demons of Chaos
1. Does Glean Magic work on 13th spell?
A. No.

2. The Great Unclean One has the Pestilent Mucus and suffers 3 wounds during combat, causing several toughness tests. Do caused wounds carry over? How many wounds are caused if the GUO dies by a killing blow, or by Purple Sun?
A. Only the models in base to base contact test, meaning no other models can die, rank & file or not. Killing blow counts as causing 1 wound, Purple Sun or similar insta-kill 0.

3. Does the Great Standard of Sundering affect 13th spell?
A. No.

4. A unit is charged by Daemonettes with the Siren Standard and can only hold. Can the enemy voluntarily flee or S&S other chargers that turn?
A. No

5. Are Instability Tests Leadership tests? Light magic enables them to always pass Leadership tests.
A. Yes.

6. Can Torment Blade be wielded as an additional hand weapon to gain an extra attack?
A. Yes. All attacks benefit from the secondary ability too.

7. A Bloodthirster with the daemonic gift Awesome Strength thunderstomps with Strengh 10?
A: No.

8. A horror unit with 28 models seems to be a lvl 3 wizard knowing 1, 4 and 5 from Tzeentch lore. Is a Herald of Tzeentch obliged to take only 2, 3 and/or 6? Can he choose any spell if he rolls 1, 4 or 5?
A. No. No.

9. Does the Great Standard of Sundering affect Gut Magic?
A. Yes. Disregard the GW FAQ.

10. Can you use lore attributes with Glean Magic? What happens with Curse of Undeath?
A. No.

1. A non-flying unit is joined by a character with flying, what happens if the unit is hit by the Rune of wrath and ruin from the Anvil of Doom?
A. The unit halves its movement. A character charging/moving out of the unit can do it using his unmodified ground movement, since the anvil has only taken away his fly ability.

2. Can runelord on Anvil of Doom purchase runes? Does Killing Blow work on him?
A. Yes. No.

3. What models are not Greenskins in the Orcs & Goblins book?
A. Squigs from Squig Herds, Trolls, Giants, Great Cave Squigs, Gigantic Spiders and Wyvern mounts.

High Elves
1. Can wizards/models in a unit under the effect of the Banner of the World Dragon be affected by lore attributes?
A. Models in the unit may not be healed with Life or moved with Shadow, or be affected by Heavens lore attribute. Wizards in the unit may of course use lore attributes on others normally.

2. Do spells chosen via Seerstaff of Saphery have to be noted down on the army list e.g. prior to the tournament? Can it be used to get double of a spell already known by another wizard?
A. Yes, Yes.

3. Does Foebane wound war machines on a 2+?
A. Yes.

1. Guardians. Can a Slann cast magic missiles if his unit is engaged in CC but he is not in base contact with an enemy model?
A. No.

2. Given that army book rules come before rulebook rules, does a Stegadon get the 5+ "Skink Save" from a Cannonball?
A. No, both the Stegadon and all the Skinks are hit.

3. If a Salamander or a Razordon is killed, do you remove the crew for said Salamander?
A. No – unless it was the last Salamander of the unit, of course.

4. Can Becalming Cogitation affect bound items carried by wizards?
A. No.

5. Does a Slann's Becalming Cogitations kick in before or after the possible re-rolls to casting dice?
A. After re-rolls. A dice roll’s result is never checked before the re-roll, except possibly to determine the need for a re-roll.

Ogre Kingdoms
1. Greedy Fist. Does death magic still cause hits on someone who's protected by Necrotic Phylactery or Banner of the World Dragon?
A. No.

2. Does Runemaw work against direct damage templates or Magic Vortices?
A. If a direct damage template is placed touching the unit, yes. If it scatters from outside, no. Magic vortices, no.

Orcs & Goblins
1. What happens if a Night Goblin Fanatic or a Mangler Squig ends up within 1" of units without hitting them?
A. Bump it 1" away from the unit.

2. Night Goblin unit has 3 Fanatics in it. Can you check how the first released fanatic fares before deciding in what direction the other two move?
A. No. Declare all fanatics at the same time. In case of 2 Night Goblin units encountering each other, roll who has to declare first.

3. Is a Doom Diver a template weapon? Can a Doom Diver redirect onto a unit in combat?
A. Yes. No.

4. O&G unit fails animosity, rolls 2-5, but is then lured by the Rune of Challenge. Must they charge the rune bearer?
A. No.

1. Can the Plague Furnace or the Screaming Bell do a Make Way move?
A. No.

2. What happens to a character passing his Look out Sir! to the 13. spell and the 4D6 roll is equal or larger than the unit’s model count? Is a new unit of clanrats formed?
A. Resolve as per Skaven FAQ p7. Clanrat unit is created, character stands next to it as close as possible to his former position.

3. Does a Grey Seer need to choose lore(s) on the armylist?
A. No. You may choose any combination of Ruin and Plague, including 0/4, before rolling for spells.

4. Cracks Call: If your mage is in a unit can you direct the Crack through your unit?
A. No.

5. Does a Grey Seer on a Screaming Bell get a Lookout Sir! roll against templates?
A. No.

6. Do unique models, such as Screaming Bell and Plague Furnace, stop Cannonballs if they’re hit but not killed?
A. No.

7. How are the impact hits and similar distributed against a unit + Screaming Bell or a Plague Furnace?
A. They are treated as separate units. Divide impacts as evenly as possible, if touching both. Steam Tank may therefore choose to grind either one, due to its FAQ.

8. Can you stomp a unit with a Screaming Bell? If you are only in base contact with the Bell, can you choose to direct breath weapons or similar against only the Bell?
A. Yes. Yes.

9. Must a Doomwheel shoot after rallying?
A. Yes.

10. A Hellpit Abomination purchases Warpstone spikes to give “Warpstone Weapons” to all of its attacks. Does this include the Impacts, Thunderstomp or results 1-2 and 5-6 from its table?
A. All attacks/hits except Thunderstomp are magical.

11. If a Hellpit Abomination with 1 wound left takes 3 wounds at the same initiative, 1 of which is flaming, does it roll for Too Horrible to Die?
A. No.

12. Are the Feed and Avalance of Flesh attacks of the Hellpit Abomination affected by spells such as Soulblight or Enfeebling Foe?
A. Yes.

13. Hellpit Abomination dies and something erupts from it. Do the new models need to have one part within 3" of the marker center or the whole model?
A. Just one part.

14. Can the Stormbanner be activated on any player’s turn? In which turns you roll the 4+ if its effect ends?
A. In any player's turn. Check every own and every opponent's turn.

15. Does the Stormbanner make all of the following test if they can use their special attack: Doomwheel, Banshee, Treeman, Anvil, Engineer with Doom Rocket or Brass Orb?
A. Every attack executed in the shooting phase must test except the use of Anvil of Doom, Death Shriek and Bloodcurdling Roar.

16. With regards to Plague Banner, what models count as Plague Monks?
A. Plague Monks, their champion, and the attacks from Plague Furnace’s crew.

17. Can Warpstone Weapons use the flaming attacks special rule?
A. Yes.

18. Does the Skavenslave rule Expendable allowing ranged attacks to be targeted into combat with Slaves mean I can target enemies with Dreaded 13th, Crack's Call, Scorch etc. while they are fighting Slaves? Can I place/fire templates so that they could/will hit Slaves? Can I target any attack on a unit that’s in BTB to only Slaves, but through multiple combat, there are other Skaven units in the same combat?
A. Yes. Yes. No.

19. Warp-Lightning Cannon ”fires in the same way as a cannon, as presented in Warhammer rulebook, with the following exceptions:”. The following chapter doesn’t make it clear what rules the WLC ignores and what it follows. Does it hit only 1 model per rank? Even the small template? Can it fire grapeshot? Is it stopped by obstacles?
A. 1 model per rank only for the line, but small template cannot hit models already hit by the line. No grapeshot. It is stopped by obstacles, and no small template is placed in such cases.

20. Hellpit Abomination dies to a Killing Blow or a Pit/Sun/Dweller. Can it get up?
A. No.

21. How many wounds do Warp-lighting Cannon and Plague Claw Catapult have? Armybook and rulebook list 4, but FAQ says they have 3 crew.
A. 3 wounds.

22. How are you allowed to place characters, Master Moulders and Packmasters in a Rat Ogre pack? How do Packmasters contribute to steadfast?
A. Master Moulder and any character without a 40mmx40mm mount is placed in the unit like a character with an incompatible base. Packmasters are never placed in front of Rat Ogres, but can go beside them, attempting to complete the space of a Rat Ogre rank by forming into 2 ranks. Packmasters do not contribute to steadfast.

23. Stormbanner dies or pursues off the field. Does the storm end?
A. Yes.

24. Do Warplock Jezzails have Move or Fire?
A. Yes.

25. Do Rat Ogres that lose their last Packmaster or Master Moulder gain Stupidity?
A. Yes.

26. Screaming Bell rolls a result that allows it to move. Can it wheel? Move sideways or backwards? Move less than D6″? Can charged enemies react?
A. Yes. Yes (but may not charge). No, apart from moving sideways and backwards at half-speed. No.

27. Are you allowed to leave or join a Screaming Bell or its unit with Skitterleap?
A. No.

Tomb Kings
1. Can the Sepulchral Stalkers wound a War Machine? What initiative they use vs. Monsters and Handlers?
A. Yes, use the crew’s initiative. Against Monsters & Handlers, use the Monster’s initiative.

2. Can weapon skill passed by "My Will be done" rule be modified by magic items or spells?
A. No. Always use the unmodified weapon skill. This means the creatures affected are immune to all WS reducing effects. Mounts and other characters would still be affected.

3. As the Undying Legion banner is an augment bound spell, does a TG unit carrying this banner (w/o a BSB) heal further D3+1 above the normal D6+2 benefitting from the Nehekharian Lore atribute?
A. No.

4. Do the impact hits of a unit of Skeletal Chariots benefit from the Killing Blow special rule given by #1 spell of Nehekhara Lore? If the unit has the Banner of the Eternal Flame, are they also flaming?
A. Yes.

5. Entombed beneath the Sands. When surfacing, is it possible to scatter off the table?
A. Yes, if that happens roll on the Mishap table.

Vampire Counts
1. Do Zombies have WS 0 vs. Mark of Nurgle or Yhetees?
A. Against Yhetees, yes. They're automatically hit, and can hit back only on 6s. Against MoN Zombies have WS 0 when attacking, but not when attacked.

2. Can you heal with IoN more than one wound on a unit with the special rule “Ethereal”?
A. No.

3. Can you use the Vampire Lore Attribute to heal the caster and/or other characters within range?
A. No.

4. Can you raise models to within 1″ of enemies or terrain with Invocation of Nehek?
A. No, unless you’re in close combat with them (friends or enemies). You can complete the last rank, but not push back any units engaged to your rear or to your flanks.

5. Does IoN affect lone characters in range?
A. No.

6. Can the Ghostly Howl and Deathshriek be used against units in close combat the user is not in?
A. No.

7. Nightshroud: Does Crimson Death ability (or any other similar weapon ability that increase Strenght to a certain value) count as a Strenght Bonus?
A. No.

8. Must a lone Vampire Lord in a list use Lore of Vampires?
A. Yes.

Warriors of Chaos
1. Treason of Tzeentch vs. Monsters and Handlers. Do only the Monsters attack or the Handlers as well?
A. Monsters only.

2. When you use Treason of Tzeentch on an enemy, does it have to use any attack related special rules?
A. Yes. Killing Blow, Poison, etc. are used normally. Caster decides, if there is something to choose.

3. Can a unit with a Fear/Terror causing mount or a character with a Mask of Ee! reroll the relevant results of 10/11 on the Eye of the Gods table?
A. Yes.

4. A character that leaves a unit with a Chaos Warshrine ”blessing” loses it. Does a character that joins a unit with a Warshrine “blessing” gain it? If I chose to roll for my Warshrine again in the next turn, can I roll the result I just had again?
A. No. No.

5. Can a Chaos unit or model with a 1+ amour save that rolls Iron-hard Skin on the Eye of the Gods table get a 0+ save?
A. Yes, but a 0+ save is identical to a 1+ save for all intents and purposes, apart from Plague of Rust. May not re-roll the result.

6. If you cast Doom and Darkness on a unit where a character has Necrotic Phylactery, can the unit still test on the characters unaffected leadership?
A. Yes.

7. Can Ensorcelled Weapons gain flaming attacks with a spell or an item?
A. No. They are explicitly magic items.

8. Can I use Bloodcurdling Roar after marching? Can it target units in combat? Can it be used by units in combat?
A. Yes. No. Yes.

9. Can Hellcannon pivot and still fire in the shooting phase?
A. Yes.

10. What happens if a Hellcannon is forced to both Rampage and take a Stupidity Test? Can the Chaos player choose to take the Rampage Test first and avoid the Stupidity Test if the failed Rampage test results in the Hellcannon making it into combat? What happens if a Hellcannon that has failed its Monster Reaction Test becomes Unbreakable and Immovable, and also fails its Rampage Test- can it still shoot?
A. Player can take and resolve the Rampage Test first. If HC became Unbreakable because of the Monster Reaction Test, failed Rampage Tests are ignored. It must shoot at the closest enemy unit it can target though.

11. Do Chaos units with the Mark of Khorne and/or Banner of Rage get extra attacks for their steeds?
A. Yes.

12. What’s the base size of a Hellcannon?
A. 100mm x 150mm. That is the base size of the new finecast Hellcannon.

13. Does MR and similar help against Treason of Tzeentch?
A. Yes.

14. How do Abominations and similar react to Treason of Tzeentch?
A. It makes a single attack, rolling to hit and wound against itself with its own WS and S.

15. Can you end Call to Glory just before an opponent rolls to wound?
A. No. You may only end it at the start of a phase.

16. Can you reduce a unit's T or S to 1 with Withering or Enfeebling Foe and then kill it with Curse of the Leper?
A. No.

Is a Hellcannon allowed to make Indirect Shoots and if the answer is yes, can it uses the handlers BF to redirect?
A: Yes, No

17. Unit with a character with the Favor of the Gods, can we use his item to modify the result of a Warshrine EotG effect?
A. Yes.

Wood Elves
1. How does the Eternal Kindred now work after the GW FAQ?
A. Bearer gains +2 to armor save and Additional Attack special rule as long as he's not armed with any magic armor or magic weapon. The Eternal fighting style now stacks with GW, light armor and such.

2. How do you play the Wood Elves Stone of Rebirth?
A. Against Multiple Wounds effects, the item doesn't work unless the bearer already was in 1 wound. If receiving several separate wounds, the bearer first takes enough wounds to reduce him to 1 wound, then uses 2+ Ward Save on the rest. If he ever regains wounds, he stops using the ward until reduced to 1 again. ‘One use only’ means nothing.

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