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Tabletops United 7 - Information and Rules

The Tabletops United is organized by the Weiss Blaue Strategen and is made for players and visitors who want to celebrate a weekend playing Warhammer Ancient Battles (WAB) in a relaxed environment. Several non-german speaking players will attend, so english will be a common spoken language during the weekend.

Drei Rosen (Schützensaal), Münchner Straße 5, 85221 Dachau


WAB TOURNAMENT - max. 24 players, Armies taken only from the new Armies of Antiquity, 500BC-500AD, 2800pts, three games at saturday, two at sunday
Booklet with rules&scenarios: http://www.wab-forum.de/download/file.php?id=594

Napoleonic WAB – huge table with a lot of terrain and as much figures as possible, using WABForum Army Book "Napoleon" (http://wabforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=10881), open for guests, saturday (all day long)

SAGA – on a coastal table, open for guests, saturday evening after the third game of the tournament

Alex Buchel from Comitatus Figurines (http://www.comitatus-figurines.com)

One table will be available for all stuff you want to trade yourself. Simple put a notice beside your stuff including the price, this way anybody will know whom to contact if interested.

There is a parking area (for free) directly across the road.
Hotel: ~20€ per night in a double room incl. breakfast,
Gaststätte Pfeil, Sonnenstr. 6, 85232 Bergkirchen, Tel. 0049-8131-78827

Send an email to behrens.olaf@web.de
Or contact Leondegrande via private message at http://wabforum.co.uk or http://www.wab-forum.de or http://wab-portal.forumperso.com/

Info: Only the tournament organizer is responsible for the content of this site.
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