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The Green Knight Grand Tournament 40k - Information and Rules

The Green Knight Tournament

CM-gebouw, Koningin Astridlaan 2, 8200 St.-Michiels Brugge
Bij noodgevallen (te laat, weg verloren, ...) kan men ons bereiken op het nummer 0496/80.63.56

Zaterdag 18 augustus 2012

WH40k -> 1500 pts 28 plaatsen

Men kan zich inschrijven vanaf 23 juni 2012 De volgende gegevens zendt u door op dit adres : jens.casier@gmail.com


Uw armylist (MS Word-/XLS- of HTML-bestand) wordt ten laatste op zondag 12/08/12 (24u) verwacht! Latere indiening resulteert in puntenverlies.

Deelname kost u slechts :
 als lid : € 5;
 als niet-lid : € 7;

De betaling kan u doen bij de registratie op de dag zelf of reeds vooraf op onze rekening 738-0061184-96 (mits vermelding van TGKT WHFB (of 40K) en uw eigen naam in de mededeling).

Wat mag u absoluut niet vergeten:
1. Armylist: 1 voor uw tegenstanders (zonder magic of hidden items/characters)
Bij de inschrijving krijgt u van de judges een kopie van de armylist die u doorstuurde.
Hiermee speelt u het toernooi!
2. Eigen armybooks, rulebooks, de laatste errata, dice, ruler, ... om het even wat u denkt
nodig te hebben tijdens deze dag.
3. Uw goede ingesteldheid om in alle vriendschappelijkheid de battles te spelen.


Vandaag zijn er een aantal judges beschikbaar indien u met vragen zit.
Er wordt wel verwacht dat de spelers eerst proberen zelf uit een discussie te komen. Lukt dit niet, dan kan men een judge erbij roepen.

Om discussies te vermijden, hanteren de judges de volgende methode:

Een deelnemer kan 3 waarschuwingen krijgen. Elke waarschuwing heeft zijn eigen gevolg:

1° waarschuwing:
De speler die een eerste waarschuwing krijgt, verliest zijn 2 punten van zijn punten sportsmanship(totaal 5pts).

2° waarschuwing:
De speler die een tweede waarschuwing krijgt, verliest de volgende 3 punten van zijn sportsmanship(totaal 5pts verloren).

3° waarschuwing:
Indien dezelfde speler dan nog een 3° waarschuwing krijgt:
 Massacre Loss voor de lopende battle;
 Uitsluiting van het toernooi, met het vriendelijk maar kordaat verzoek om de zaal te verlaten binnen de 30 minuten!

• Indien een judge al een RULING heeft uitgesproken, dan wordt er niet van deze ruling afgestapt, ook al blijkt het achteraf een niet geldige ruling te zijn.
• Het vragen van een SECOND OPINION aan een andere judge wordt beschouwd als het negeren van een ruling, dit betekent dat de betrokken speler automatisch een WAARSCHUWING krijgt!

Net zoals vorig jaar kunnen wij opnieuw verzekeren dat een grote groep van deelnemers niet met lege handen naar huis gaat!

09u00 Deuren open
09u00 – 09u45 Registratie
10u00 – 12u00 Battle 1
12u05 – 12u10 Quiz
12u30 – 14u30 Battle 2
15u00 – 17u00 Battle 3
17u30 Bekendmaking v/d resultaten

Er wordt maximaal 10 minuten gewacht op eventuele laatkomers, zodat het verloop van de dag nog steeds op schema blijft.
De judges bepalen dan wat er verder gebeurt met deze laatkomers:
Indien de laatkomer meer dan 10 minuten te laat is, en het invalleger is reeds begonnen, dan speelt de invalspeler verder. Als de laatkomer niet meer gekoppeld kan worden aan een andere laatkomer, dan krijgt de laatkomer voor de betrokken battle 0 punten toegekend.

Ongeacht dat het hier over een toernooi gaat, blijft het maar een spel. Laat u niet opjutten door het spel, een tegenstander of wat dan ook. Wij gaan ervan uit dat iedereen toch een aangename dag wenst door te brengen.
 Als er toch problemen zijn, waar men niet op eigen houtje uit komt, roep er dan een jurylid bij. Zijn beslissing is dan wel finaal ! (zie topic JUDGING)

Net zoals vorig jaar kan men drank en broodjes nuttigen aan democratische prijzen.

Wij hopen u allen opnieuw te ontvangen op deze dag.


The Green Knight Wargaming Club gladly invites you to GK40K II.

This rule pack contains all the information you’ll need to participate at our event. Please read it carefully to avoid any misunderstandings.

Keep in mind that this tournament also counts towards the ‘Ranking of the Netherlands’. More information on this subject can be found here http://rankingdernederlanden.eu/

Just one more thing we would like to stress. At the Green Knight Wargaming Club we value sportsmanship quite highly. So keep it fun and enjoyable for all.

We look forward to seeing you at GK40K II.

General information
Army lists:
Each army list must:
 Include your name
 Contain all information required for play and reference, including characteristic profiles, and point costs of units. But also war gear, upgrades, and equipment.
 Indicate which HQ is your general

Things to bring along:
 This rulepack
 Rulebook, codex and relevant FAQ
 Templates, dice and tape measure
 Three objective markers (40mm round bases)

When checking in at the tournament you’ll receive your checked list. From then on only this list may be used during the event.

40K ruleset
 One can spend 1500 points for army composition
 Use a standard Force Organisation Chart.
 The use of Allies is not allowed (the Inquisition can of course make use of Inducted Guard and Space Marine units).
 We use the Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition rule set.
 Armies have to follow all the restrictions as detailed in their codex, taking into account the last set of FAQ’s that appeared on the GW site.
 All your models have to oblige the WYSIWYG rule for as far as that is possible. Please take the time to explain things to your opponent in case you are not fielding a fully WYSIWYG army before the battle starts.
 The use of converted figures is allowed as long as it does not lead to confusion or gives you an unfair advantage on the battlefield.
 Special and Unique Characters may be used.
 Forgeworld army entries may not be used.
 Army entries from the ‘Apocalypse’ source book may not be used.

Admitted armies:
Codices less than 1 month old prior to the GK40K event may not be used.

Space Marines (Codex Space Marines 2008)
Dark Angels (Codex Dark Angels 2007 )
Blood Angels (Codex Blood Angels 2010)
Space Wolves (Codex Space Wolves 2009)
Black Templars (Codex Black Templars)
Grey Knights (Codex Grey Knights 2011)
Sisters of Battle (Codex Sisters of Battle, White Dwarf 2 part codex)
Imperial Guard (Codex Imperial Guard 2009)
Chaos Space Marines (Codex Chaos Space Marines 2007)
Codex Daemons (Codex Daemons 2007)
Eldar (Codex Eldar 2006)
Dark Eldar (Codex Dark Eldar 2010)
Orks (Codex Space Orks 2008)
Tau (Codex Tau Empire)
Tyranids (Codex Tyranids 2009)
Necron (Codex Necron 2011)

Tournament points
During the tournament you can achieve a maximum of 100 points.

Army painting (0-20p)
 Army painted: 0-10 points. If less than 25% of your army is painted you’ll get 0 points. 4 points if up to 50% of your army is painted. 8 points if up to 75% is painted. 10 points if your army is completely painted. By the way, an undercoat never counts for a model as being ‘painted’.
 Army based: 0-4 points. You’ll get 0 points if less than 25% of your models have a finished base. 2 point if up to 50% has a finished base. 3 points if up to 75% has a finished base. 4 points if up to 100% has finished base.
Detail: 0-3 points. Unit markings, tattoos, etc.
 X-factor: 0-3 points. Conversions, WOW-effect.

Army list (0-5p)
If you deliver your army list in time, it is correct from the first go, and it is clear and concisely built up (we accept Excel, pdf or Word, but please, NO docx, xlsx formats or army builder files will be accepted!), you earn 5 extra points.

Battle points (75p)
You will play three battles. Per battle you may achieve up to 25 points.

For each battle there are two objectives: a primary (13pts) and a secondary (7pts).
In addition, there are extra points to gain for making casualties. You’ll write down the Victory Points (p. 300 rulebook) scored per battle, and you’ll calculate the difference.

VP 0-174 difference: Each player receives 2 points.
VP 175-599 difference: The winner will receive 3, 2 points for the loser.
VP 600-999 difference: The winner gets 4, the loser gets 1 point.
VP difference 1000 +: The winner gets 5, the loser gains 0 points.

At the end of the game you write down your score. Your opponent will do the same.

E.g. Bram plays against David. Bram gets the first objective. The second objective is won by David. The difference in VP is 411pts in favour of David

Bram’s score: 13 + 0 + 2 = 15 battle points
David’s score: 0 + 7 + 3 = 10 battle points

Bram wins this battle by 15 to 10

Note to wiseguys: If you annihilate your opponent before achieving one of the objectives you will only gain 5pts (VP difference of 1000+). So there is no point laying back and blowing your opponent to oblivion.

On controlling and contesting
Units can only ever control or contest 1 marker. They cannot do both at the same time.

Battle I: First Encounter

Pitched battle as per rulebook p.93

Each player rolls a die. The player who rolls highest decides to deploy first or second.

Once each player has decided what table side he has, the players alternate place three markers on their side of the table. These markers cannot be within 6” of a table edge or within 12” of another marker.

Who goes first:
The player that sets up first takes the first turn, unless the other player seizes the Initiative.

Game length:
Random game length. As per main rulebook p.90

Primary objective (13pts) – Secure and control:
To win this objective, at the end of the game, one player must control more markers on the enemy’s side than the opponent is controlling on theirs. If both player control the same amount of markers the objective is considered a draw, giving each player 7pts.

Secondary objective (7pts) – Kill the enemy:
Kill points as per main rulebook. When a draw is scored, then each player gets 3pts.

Battle II: Reconnaissance

L-shaped opposite corners. 12" wide.

After deployment.
Pinpoint the centre of the table. Three markers are placed in triangle form around that point. Each marker is placed 3” from the centre and the sides of the triangle have to be at least 5”.
Roll-off to see who may set the 1st marker, then take turns.

Each player rolls a die. The player who rolls highest decides to deploy first or second.

Who goes first:
The player that sets up first takes the first turn, unless the other player seizes the Initiative.

Game length:
Random game length. As per rulebook p.90

Mission special rules:
Night fighting rules. As per rulebook p.95

Primary objective (13pts) – Retrieve:
Your mission is to retrieve vital information that has been dropped in no-man’s-land. Your scoring units have to get to the markers and take them back to their deployment zone. Where the information has to be protected. You win this objective if at the end of the battle you control more markers in you deployment zone than your opponent. A draw gives each player 7 pts.

Scoring units can only ever take back 1 marker at a time. The marker is taken by the unit when getting within 2 inch of the marker. When that unit gets annihilated on its way back the marker is dropped on that spot. You may use a dedicated transport to do the job faster. But keep in mind, the scoring unit has to leave the vehicle to get the marker and then has to embark again.

Secondary objective (7pts) – Thinning the herd:
You will receive a single point for each enemy squad (including vehicle squadron) that you bring BELOW half strength. Whoever has more points wins the objective. In case of a draw you’ll gain 3 pts.

Battle III: For Honour and Glory


Full opposite corners. Stay 6" from middle point of table.

Each player rolls a die. The player who rolls highest decides to deploy first or second.

Who goes first:
The player that sets up first takes the first turn, unless the other player seizes the Initiative.

Game length:
Random game length. As per rulebook p.90

Primary objective (13pts) –Drive’m off:
There are 5 areas that one can try to occupy – 4 quarters and the 12” centre zone.
To win this objective one has to control more areas than his opponent. Scoring units count for 2 control points, non-scoring units count for 1. Dedicated transports don’t count.

One controls an area if one has more control points than the other. Check for all areas.

When a unit is spread over two areas, it controls that area where the majority of that unit is.
Again, a draw gives each player 7pts.

Secondary objective (7pts) – Decapitating:
Killing your opponent’s general wins you this objective. You score 0 pts if both generals are still alive. If both generals died, then each player gets 3 pts.

Info: Only the tournament organizer is responsible for the content of this site.
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