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1er Tournoi battle à La GUILD - Informacje i Zasady

Salut à tous,
La GUILD vous propose son 1er tournoi Battle qui par soucis de simplicité respectera les restrictions ETC. Des restrictions maisons seront proposées dès que possible pour les Elfes Noirs et très vite pour les Hommes Lézards,

Le tournoi se veut sous le signe de la bonne humeur et du fair play ! Ce dernier point est très important, les organisateurs étant également joueurs lors du tournoi, il ne s’agit pas les solliciter toutes les 2 minutes !
Vous devrez avoir impérativement en votre possession les dernières FAQ du livre de règles et de votre armée et pouvoir justifier rapidement d’un point sujet à discussion.
En cas de contestation à répétition à mauvais escient l’organisation sanctionnera le joueur concerné. Tournoi ne veut pas dire mauvaise foi, nous comptons donc sur vous pour que cette journée soit agréable pour tous !

Nous pouvons accueillir 20 joueurs dans notre salle (plus d’infos ici http://la-guilde.conceptforum.net/t505-salle-de-la-guilde)
EPAJG Malartic - Local de "La Grange"
Château de Malartic
58 boulevard de Malartic
33170 Gradignan
(Sortie rocade n°17)
L’inscription se fait sur t3, vous devez envoyer votre liste avant le 16 novembre à olivier.jacob4 AT voila.fr,
Les frais d’inscription sont de 15€ comprenant café /viennoiserie d’accueil, sandwich/dessert/boisson le midi et lots pour les 10 premiers,
Le chèque à l’ordre de la GUILD est à envoyer à Olivier JACOB 7 Place de l’Airial, 33640 Castres Gironde,
Toutes les figurines devront évidemment être peintes, soclées et respecter le classique wysiwyg (en cas de doute n’hésitez pas à demander)

Planning de la journée
Accueil à partir de 8h30, café...
Première partie de 9h15 à 12h
Pause de 12h à 13h
2ème partie de 13h à 15h45
Pause 15h45 à 16h15
3ème partie de 16h15 à 19h

Les résultats des parties sont déterminés selon le scénario de Ligne de bataille du livre de règle (p. 144) + une unité en fuite au dernier tour rapporte la moitié de ses points. Pareil pour une unité à qui il reste moins de 25% de son effectif de départ.

Victoire inférieure à 150 points => 10 points à chaque joueur
Victoire comprise entre 150 points et 299 points => 11 au vainqueur et 9 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 300 points et 449 points => 12 au vainqueur et 8 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 450 points et 599 points => 13 au vainqueur et 7 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 600 points et 749 points => 14 au vainqueur et 6 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 750 points et 899 points => 15 au vainqueur et 5 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 900 points et 1049 points => 16 au vainqueur et 4 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 1050 points et 1199 points => 17 au vainqueur et 3 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 1200 points et 1349 points => 18 au vainqueur et 2 au vaincu
Victoire comprise entre 1350 points et 1499 points => 19 au vainqueur et 1 au vaincu
Victoire supérieure à 1500 points => 20 au vainqueur et 0 au vaincu

Le vainqueur du tournoi sera celui qui aura le plus de points. Des pénalités pourront être en appliqués en cas de mauvais comportement, d'erreurs répétés dans les envois de liste (à partir de la 2ème erreur)...
Les égalités seront départagées en fonction des points pris aux adversaires pendant le tournoi.

First Draft Rulepack for ETC WFB 2014

1. Rules changes:
• Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.
• All BSBs can take all the equipment, their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs. Wood elf BSB can take kindreds and do not lose their longbow.

2. Army building restrictions
General Restrictions:
• All the Army building restrictions are applied during the creation of the roster - limits may be ignored during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit to increase its point costs, creating new units, or resurrecting fallen warriors)
• The armies allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army books and Chaos Dwarves' The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos. Any other Forge World based army lists or units may not be used on the event.
• Special or Named Characters are not allowed
• Folding Fortress is not allowed
• Units cannot be more than 60 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction does not apply to characters.

Magic Restrictions:
• An army may use up to maximum 12 power dice during each magic phase
• A player can use maximum 5 power dice to cast a spell. For the Lore of Death and Shadow, this is lowered to 4 power dice.
• Apart from Winds of Magic, an army may only generate 2 Power or Dispel Dice per magic phase. After an army generates the limit all the other extra dice are discarded and lost. This includes channeled dice.

Race specific army composition:
• All army sizes are 2400 pt, except when specifically stated in brackets.

- Bretonnia
• Crown of Command/Dispel Scroll/Silver Mirror, max 2

- Beastmen (2700)
• Maximum unit point cost is increased to 550
• Points achieved against Beastmen (excluding bonus for Underdog Challenge, Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
• Monsters cost 100 points less each one

- Chaos Dwarfs
• K'daai Destroyer/War Machines/Hellcannon/Chalice of Darkness/Sorceror-Prophet with Lore of Death, max 4
• Chalice of Darkness(counts as 2)/Death magic present in the army/Dispel Scroll, max 2
• Hellcannon, max 1

- Dark Elves
• Repeater Crossbow/Reaper Bolt Thrower (counts as 6), max 50
• Dark Rider units, max 3
• Units/Characters with Fast Cavalry Special rule, max 5
• Black dragon/Dark Pegasus, max 3
• Up to 10 Doomfire Warlock models/Supreme Sorceress with Lore of Death, max 1

- Daemons of Chaos
• Beast of Nurgle, max 8 models in total and 4 models per unit
• Beasts of Nurgle present in the army/Skullcannon (max 1)/Nurgle BSB, max 2
• Great Unclean One with Lore of Death can't have Level 3 or 4

- Dwarfs
• Can generate up to 4 Dispel Dice per phase instead of 2
• Quarrelers/Thunderers, max 45 models
• Anvil/Grudge Thrower/Cannon/Organ Gun/2nd Bolt Thrower, max 4
• Anvil/Spelleater Rune/Spellbreaking Rune/Master Rune of Balance, max 2

- Empire
• Models with strength 4 shooting weapons, max 45
• Steam Tank/Crown of Command, max 1
• Each 3 (or fraction) Demigryph models after the first 2/Hellblaster Volleygun/Great Cannon/Seam Tank (counts as 2)/3rd Light Wizard, max 5

- High Elves
• Book of Hoeth/Banner of the World Dragon/Archmage with Lore of Death/2nd Frostheart Phoenix, max 1
• Star Dragon/2nd Frostheart Phoenix, max 1
• Models armed with shooting weapons (Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers count as 6 each), max 70
• Ellyrian Reaver units/1st Eagle unit/Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower, max 6

- Lizardmen
• Scar-Veteran Saurus on Cold One/Each 3 (or fraction) Salamander models, max 3
• Becalming Cogitation/Dispel Scroll/Channeling Staff and Harmonic Convergence on the same model/Slann with Lore of Death (not including Wandering Deliberations), max 2
• Skink Skirmisher units/Terradon Rider units, max 5

- Ogre Kingdoms
• Gnoblar units, max 3
• Crown of Command/Ironblaster/Each 8 (or fraction) Mournfang Models, max 2
• Crown of Command/Runemaw/4 or more characters in the army, max 2
• Hellheart/Dispel Scroll, max 1

- Orcs and Goblins (2500)
• Each 2 (or fraction) Fanatics/Each 2 (or fraction) Spear Chukka/Mangler Squig/Rock Lobba, max 7

- Skaven
• Rat Swarm units, Giant Rat units, Warlock Engineers, max 3 each
• Skavenslaves, max 3 units and 120 models
• Warp-Lightning Cannon/Hellpit Abomination (max 1)/Screaming Bell, max 2
• Up to 2 units of Gutter Runners/Storm banner/2nd Doomwheel, max 2
• Doom Rocket/Brass Orb/Power Scroll, max 1

- Tomb Kings (2600)
• Points achieved against Tomb Kings (excluding bonus for Underdog Challenge, Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
• Models with bow, max 80
• Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations can't be taken by a High Liche Priest with Lore of Death

- Vampire Counts
• Zombie units, max 3
• Spirit host units/Hexwraith units (max 2)/Ethereal characters (max 2)/Cairn Wraith units, max 3
• Fellbat unit after the first (counts as 2)/Direwolf unit, max 4
• Red Fury on Lord Choice/Death Magic present in the army/More than 8 Crypt Horror models/More than 10 Hexwraith models/More than 120 Zombie models, max 2
• Quickblood on Vampire Lord/Master Necromancer/Terrorgheist (max 1)/2nd Tomb Banshee, max 2

- Warriors of Chaos
• Chaos chariots, max 3
• Daemon prince/crown of command/BSB on daemonic mount/skullcrusher unit/chimera after the 1st, max 3
• Hellcannon/lore of death in the army/lore of tzeentch in the army, max 2
• Max 1 on the same model: Third eye of Tzeentch/talisman of preservation/armour of destiny
• Max 2 on the same daemonprince: chaos armour/wizard level(s)/daemon of nurgle/flying

- Wood Elves (2600)
• Glade Guard models (excluding scouts), max 70
• Points achieved against Wood Elves (excluding bonus for Underdog Challenge, Banners, BSB and General) are decreased by 10%
• All elves in the army have ASF (Wild Riders are considered Elves. This does not affect any Elven mount or steed)
• Casters may choose spells from any of the 8 Common Lores
• Forest Spirit's Ward Save is not negated by Magical Attacks

Ajout des règles spécifiques aux décors
Rules for Terrain at ETC 2013. V.2.0 2012/12/17
These are the Rules for Terrain assumed in the moment of making the proposed maps. It is intendend asadvice, or suggestion, to AR.com and Captains, as a basis to work on, not something we intend toimpose on community.

As per BRB description of an ordinary hill (p. 118 first 5 paragraphs, i.e. without the “Examples of hills” subsection) with following additional explanations:
Line of Sight : Hills block Line of Sight.


As per BRB description of an ordinary forest (p. 119 first 6 paragraphs, i.e. without “MysteriousForests” subsection) with following additional explanations:
Line of Sight : Forests are Interfering terrain providing Soft Cover for units as described in BRB.
For Line of Sight purposes Forests count as being of infinite height. This implies that units shootingtrough forest will always suffer Soft Cover penalty, even if shooting from a hill or building.


As per BRB description of a Normal River (p. 120 first 5 paragraphs, i.e. without “MysteriousRivers” subsection) with following additional explanations:
Line of Sight : Lakes are non-blocking terrain features. They do not block or interfere with Line of Sight. Lakes are Water Features.

- As per BRB description of an ordinary Wall (p. 123 with common rules for Obstacles, p.122)with following additional explanations:
Walls definition of a unit “behind” is applied only to units actually defending the obstacle (i.e. aligned with it and touching it). Apart from that, Obstacles are non-blocking and non-interfering terrainfeatures.

- As per BRB description of an ordinary building (p.126 - 129, i.e. without“ArcaneArchitecture” subsection) with following additional explanations:
Regardless of actual representation, all buildings are considered to be “single-part” (i.e. there are NO multipart buildings).
Regardless of actual representation, all buildings are considered to be 2 stories high, with allimplications on number of models that can shoot
Regardless of actual representation, all buildings are considered to be blocking terrain for Line of Sightpurposes.

– As per BRB description of an ordinary marshland (p.121 first 3 paragraphs, i.e without“Examples of Marshland” subsection) with following additional explanations :
Ruins are NOT Water Features.
Line of Sight : Ruins are non-interfering terrain features, providing Hard Cover for all units with majority of theirmodels in the feature.

– Line of Sight : Impassable terrain blocks Line of Sight.
Movement : No model can end its movement in the impassable terrain, regardless of any special rules it might have.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer très bientôt à la GUILD !

Informacje: Organizator turnieju jest odpowiedzialny za zawartość tej strony.
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