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Agoge - Informacje i Zasady

I. Army lists and rules acceptable at ETC


Beasts of Chaos Warhammer Armies – Beasts of Chaos
Bretonnia Warhammer Armies – Bretonnia
Chaos Warhammer Armies – Hordes of Chaos
! Mounted Daemonettes, Chronicles 2004
Chaos Dwarfs The „Ravening Hordes” list; greenskin units from the 7th ed. „Orcs &
Goblins” army book
Dark Elves Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves
! Hydras (from the Annual)
Daemons of Chaos*
Dwarfs* Warhammer Armies – Dwarfs
Dogs of War Chronicles 2004 (as an independent army)
Empire* Warhammer Armies – Empire
High Elves* Warhammer Armies: High Elves
Lizardmen Warhammer Armies – Lizardmen (including the Southlands list)
Sacred Spawnings (White Dwarf)
Ogre Kingdoms Warhammer Armies - Ogre Kingdoms
Orcs & Goblins* Warhammer Armies - Orcs & Goblins
Skaven Warhammer Armies – Skaven
Tomb Kings Warhammer Armies - Tomb Kings
Vampire Counts* Warhammer Armies - Vampire Counts
Wood Elves Warhammer Armies – Wood Elves

O Special characters cannot be used
6th edition armies O Alternative armies (from the backs of army books) cannot be used
O Treasures of the old ones items are allowed
* 7th ed. armies

I.1. Using sixth edition army lists in seventh edition

From the moment a new 7th edition army book is released, starting with Warhammer
Armies: Dwarfs, ALL rules for units, magic items etc. published for this race during
6th edition can no longer be used (this includes Storm of Chaos army lists, Treasures
of the Old Ones etc.); only the new army book and any materials published by GW
after the new army book are valid (no special characters).

I.2. Rules in effect at the tournament

All official Games Workshop publications, errata and FAQs are in effect at a tourney if they
had been available (in stores or on the Internet) for at least 7 days.
Translated rules and army books are considered to be the equivalent of their English
versions. However, if there are any differences between the translations and originals,
the latter take precedence.
6th edition rules errata and FAQs do not apply to the 7th edition rulebook. FAQs and
errata for 6th edition army books are in effect until a new, 7th ed. army book is

- Armies are 2250 points.
- No characters that are: special or Albion
- No DoW or RoR in non DoW armies .

- Rare choices may not be repeated, except for HE, where they can be repeated.
- Max. 2 of the same Special choice.
- Max. 3 of the same Core choice, except ranked infantry without missile weapons.
- Max. 9 PD/10DD usable *

*Magic description
You can use a maximum of 9 power dice in each magic phase. Each bound spell you use count as 1 power dice, all following bound spells from magic items, and only magic items, in the same turn counts as 2 power dice. For example a Treemans treesinging or Grave markers, only count as 1 power dice each time they are used, even if more than 1 is used in a turn.

All dice you would not normally regenerate, such as 2 gen Slann free dice, Skaven warpstones, night goblin mushrooms etc., also count in the total number of dice you can use in a magic phase.

Tomb Kings count each dice they use for a spell as 1 power dice and casket of souls counts as 2. They can not chose not to use all the dice when casting an incantation, for example a Liche Priest can’t choose only to use 1 dice on a spell. You can how ever choose not to cast a spell with a model. The 2 basic power dice all armies get only counts if they are used to dispel RIP spells with.

Max 10 dispel dice per army. First dispel scroll (and similar working items) you have in your army counts as 1 dispel dice, in EACH magic phase. The second and all other scrolls, counts as 2 dispel dice in each magic phase. So if you have 3 scrolls you can use a maximum of 5 dispel dice each magic phase. Dice from magic resistance does NOT count in this maximum.

Race specific
- Max 3 ratlings
- Max 3 chariots (units of chariots)
- Max 6 goblin fanatics.
- Treeman ancient counts as Treeman

III. Terrain rules
We suggest that the tourney uses the rulebook terrain rules with the
following changes and modifications:

a) Models cannot see over hills
b) Units cannot see over forests. Units can fly over forests unless such movement would force them to land in a forest. You can see 2" from inside a forest and 2” into a forest, but units cannot see through forests which are between them and potential targets.
c) Buildings block line of sight completely, as do forests and obelisks. You cannot use buildings to cast spells such as master of stone or master of wood. For entering buildings – see the rulebook.
d) Walls provide hard cover, are treated as obstacles, are not considered stone features and do not block line of sight.
e) Fences provide soft cover, are treated as obstacles, are not treated as wood features and do not block line of sight.
f) In order to cross walls, fences and other obstacles, a unit (every model in the unit) must use half of its movement allowance.
g) Ruins and obelisks are made of stone. Ruins do not block line of sight. Ruins are difficult terrain and can provide soft or hard cover (as determined by a referee or the tourney organizers).
h) You cannot deploy units inside terrain which is for any reason impassable to them.
i) Rivers and lakes should be treated as very difficult terrain for all units (including skirmishers) with the exception of Aquatic and ethereal creatures. Edges of river/lake terrain features are open ground. Lakes and rivers are impassable to war machines, chariots, tanks, etc. No anvils or similar units can be deployed in rivers. All bridges and fords are treated as open ground.

IV. Rules interpretations

1) Movement

a) Random movement (2d6" in the case of spawn, pump wagons, etc.) and magic
movement with a fixed or random value (2d6" or 8") is subject to normal terrain
b) Units coming back onto the battlefield which normally move in the compulsory
movement phase (such as squig hoppers or spawn), can move as normal, but cannot
charge as a result of their movement – they are stopped 1” from an enemy unit which
they would contact if their full movement was executed.
c) A single model performing a pivot does not ignore any terrain features it is in contact
with (or enemy units). This means that if such a model is in base to base contact with a
terrain feature, it may be forced to move onto the feature while pivoting using ground
movement (which may force chariots to take impact hits, or make movement
impossible, for example – a steam tank fully in contact with a wood).
d) If a regiment which has not left the table during a game enters the table for the first
time using any special rule (for example: miners, ) and thus it is not specified
what formation it should assume, stick to the following principle: place the unit along
the table edge in such a formation that no model in the unit can be further from the
specified point on the table edge than its double movement value in inches.
e) If a unit is within 8” of an enemy unit at the start of its turn, but is joined by a
character who is further than 8” from the enemy, the character can make a march
move if he leaves the unit.
f) A flying character joined to a regiment can use flying movement while moving with
that regiment.

2) Charges

a) You cannot declare improbable charges.
b) Charges are measured using miniature bases, not movement trays.
c) Charges in different phases: because a single unit can be charged in several phases (for
example, by normal goblins in the declare charges phase, and then by squigs in the
compulsory movement phase) and can thus declare charge reactions several times, it
should be assumed that the final declaration takes precedence.
d) Frenzied charges: a unit which is being charged by a frenzied enemy may (after
checking whether the charge will actually take place – after measuring the range)
declare reactions as normal.
e) Frenzied charges and magic banners giving movement bonuses: Before measuring
whether a charge must be declared, the player declares the use of a magic banner. If
the distance added by the banner is not enough for a charge to happen, the banner is
treated as used (if it was a one-use only item).
f) Frenzied charges: as with normal charge declarations it should be determined whether
a charge is possible (and thus must be declared) by taking into account the possible
movement of all units which will happen before the frenzied unit’s charge.
g) Flying charges are executed in a line – flyers are only allowed a pivot at the beginning
of their charge.
h) Charges against war machines: „Charge direction” is determined at the end of the
charge move and is specified by the charger. The war machine crew is placed in front
of the machine so that its front is perpendicular to the charge direction. The charge is
measured (and so you determine whether it can reach its target) before moving the
i) Problematic charges: If a charging unit comes into contact with the enemy, even by
touching the target with its corner only, the charge is successful. If the charging unit
cannot be aligned, it is permissible to move the charged unit, and any other units on
the battlefield, so that the combat can be aligned properly. This should be done in a
way that has the least impact on the overall situation on the battlefield.

3) Close combat

a) If a model with a magic item or ability which affects the entire combat is killed,
the effects of this item or ability stop immediately – that is why all attacks should be
performed in the order of initiative.
b) Challenge: if a hero or champion is the only model in base to base contact with an
enemy (for example, a goblin hero on a wolf leading a column of five wolf riders) and
is taking part in a challenge, then all enemy models which are in contact with that
hero/champion (and not actually fighting in the challenge, of course) cannot attack at

4) Combat results

a) With the exception of rank bonuses, which is calculated at the beginning of close
combat phase, all other combat resolution is calculated at the end of combat.
b) For purposes of "higher ground", the position of the fighting ranks should be analyzed.
A regiment which has its entire fighting rank higher than the enemy receives the
bonus. If one regiment has its entire fighting rank on a hill, and the other only parts of
it (for example, a unit of cavalry which can only get the front halves of the first rank's
bases on a hill), the bonus is applied and is given to the unit which has its entire
fighting rank on the hill.

5) Fleeing and pursuit

a) Units which declare a „Flee” reaction from more than one charge will flee from the
charging enemy with the largest Unit Strength (if several chargers have the same US,
roll a dice). After the fleeing unit is moved it should be determined whether one of the
charging regiments is capable of catching it in its new position.
b) In order to determine which zone of a regiment (flank, rear, front) is charged by an
overrunning enemy;
Overrun zone – “The Kaz way” -
It's simple enough, measure to see if unit hit, ask for charge reaction, if hold, follow standard
charging rules as a wheel is allowed, and hit the correct zone.

c) Fleeing from combat: if this could lead to any problems (for example, cavalry units
fleeing from a flank charge) do not turn or pivot the models in the fleeing unit –
simply move the whole regiment along the escape path in its original formation.

6) Shooting

a) When declaring a shot from a catapult/cannon/etc. it is best, in order to avoid
misunderstandings, always declare the exact center of a single enemy model as the
point which is being shot at.
b) A champion is treated as a character for the purposes of „look out sir” and
randomizing hits. A champion is not a rank and file model, and so there is no „look
out sir” for a regiment which includes for regular troopers, a champion and a

7) Psychology

a) Fear test: if, as a result of a failed fear test, a regiment will hit the enemy on 6's, then
this applies only to attacks allocated against the unit which caused the failed fear test.

8) Bases

a) Base sizes:
Giants can be fielded on 75x50 mm bases or 50x50 mm bases
Giant Cave Squigs should be fielded on 40x40 mm bases
b) Bases for war machines are required. War machines can be put on 40x40 or 50x50
square bases, or similar-sized round bases (exceptions: Steam tank, hellcannon). If you
do not have an adequate base, all disputes resulting from this are resolved in your
opponent’s favor.
c) It is forbidden to change base sizes during a tournament (for example, field a star
dragon on a 100x50 base in one battle and then on a 50x50 base in another)

9) Magic

a) The decision to dispel a spell (or not) is made before the range is measured.
b) After a 5-6 miscast result (enemy may cast own spell), the player whose turn it is may
use a dispel scroll to block that spell as normal.

10) Tables

a) It is considered to be given than if a scenario (pitched battle, for example) requires
units to be deployed 24" (or any other number) apart, this condition is met
automatically. Should players accidentally place their units slightly closer to the
enemy than allowed, than the actual measurements are disregarded in favor of this
In other words, nothing that has precisely 24" shooting range can hit an enemy on the
first turn without moving slightly (or unless the enemy came closer). The same goes
for spells, charges (helped by animosity or magic) etc. with a range of 24".

11) Declaring

Players should not declare impossible or improbable actions in order to "accidentally"
achieve other goals which would not otherwise be possible to achieve.
Because there are many situations in which such unsporting declarations can be made,
referees should refer (!) to their common sense in passing judgment on such actions.
It is especially foul and undesirable to:
a) Declare improbable charges
b) Declare improbable shots or "guess" improbable ranges (all forms, including template
shooting) in order to hit models/units which you are unable to target otherwise.

12) Miscellaneous

a) Line of sight can be measured at any time during the battle, but only of a player's own
b) Re-rolls made for heroes which are inside a unit can only be made for actions which
the hero himself (or herself) is undertaking, and so cannot be used for the entire
regiment’s break tests, stupidity, etc.
c) If a unit with the tunneling, or similar, rule (such as tomb scorpions, tunneling teams)
digs out beneath a regiment which is placed in such a manner that other regiments
make it physically impossible to place the tunneler on the board and in contact with
the unit – the blocking units are moved so that the tunneler can be aligned with the
enemy unit. Regiments moved in this manner are not treated as having moved for
purposes of shooting, etc.
e) Magic weapons which give a bonus to characteristics also modify these characteristics
for purposes of effects caused by spells and similar, unless the description of the
weapon clearly states that it only modifies characteristics in a given phase (example sword
of might).
f) Re-rolls: all dice in a single batch must be re-rolled at the same time, it is not
permissible to re-roll them one at a time.
g) Monsters: Because the rulebook description of monsters is very unclear:
1) Characters are never monsters. Truly large characters only follow some of the rules
for monsters – namely movement rules (see errata). Because of this, Greater Daemons,
Ancient Treemen and Shaggoth Champions are not considered monsters.
Note that Greater Daemons cannot join units.
2) All monstrous mounts (see rulebook p. 59) are monsters.
3) All creatures on 50x50 mm and larger bases are monsters, with the exception of the
Ogre Hunter. Please note that Tomb Scorpions are also fielded on 50x50 mm bases
(see Anthony Reynolds FAQ) and are monsters.
4) The following creatures on 40x40 mm bases (and on bases the size of which has not
been specified by GW) are also monsters: great eagle, gorger, tomb scorpion, spawn
of chaos, hellcannon.
h) In the case of items, spells etc. which affect specifically attacks made by “steeds”, it is
assumed that:
Bloodcrushers: From their 4 attacks, 2 are made by the rider (including one due to
frenzy) and two – by the mount
Plagueriders: the rider has one attack, the plaguebeast has k6+1 attacks
Changebringers: The rider has two attacks, the disc - one
Pleasureseekers: The daemonette has two attacks, the mount also has two.
Spells, items and abilities which affect steed attacks do not apply to attacks made by
terradons, squig hoppers and other similar units without a separate „steed” profile
which were not listed above.
i) A battle standard bearer can use a magic weapon which requires two hands (such as a
bow or a great weapon). It is also possible for a Black Orc BSB to use a great weapon
or two hand weapons.
j) A war machine which has lost all its crew, but is joined by a master engineer at the
end of the battle, does not give victory points to the enemy.
k) A hero equipped with a magic lance who loses his mount during the battle cannot use
the lance when fighting on foot.

V Armies

1) Orcs & Goblins

a) If a shaman joins a unit which has failed its animosity test and squabbles, he cannot
cast spells in this turn – the regiment does nothing in the entire turn and this effect
extends to any heroes that join it.
b) The distance that a fanatic moves is measured from the edge of the regiment. We do
NOT deploy a fanatic and then measure the distance from the front of its base.

2) Dark Elves

a) The rules for scoring Victory Points for a war hydra are as follows: 100% for killing
the hydra, regardless of surviving accompanying beastmasters, 50% for dealing half or
more the number of original wounds.

3) Chaos Dwarfs

a) As in Direwolf
b) Bull centaurs gain +2 strength from using a great weapon, as they are not “mounted”
d) The following FAQ for Chaos Dwarfs is used at the tournament:
e) Dice removed by the Chaos Dwarf Chalice of Darkness count as dice used.
You remove 3 power dice, you can use only 6 more in your magic phase.

4) Chaos

1 – Hordes of Chaos
No White Dwarf update of Hordes of Chaos will be used.
The book stands as is, nothing changes with the coming of the Daemons book.
The Beasts of Chaos book will be used the way it was as well.

a) Tzeentch’s will allows the bearer make a re-roll only in situations which involve him
b) A model with the Mark of Khorne and the Chaos Daemon Sword has a strength of six,
as the sword does not transfer the bloodthirster's daemonic gift, which provides it with
+1 S, onto the bearer.
c) ..
d) The Hellcannon crew can leave the hellcannon just as any warmachine crew.
However, they cannot rejoin the hellcannon again afterwards.
e) A regiment under the effect of titillating delusions (np such as a single monster)
must turn to see the illusion as it moves. You cannot place the Titillating delusions in
terrain which the target unit cannot enter (such as the inside of a house, in the case of
f) You can use the delectable torture spell to force a WE hero to shoot the hail of doom
arrow on a friendly regiment.

2 – Daemons of Chaos
Demons do not profit from “insane courage rule” for break tests.
a) Units ITP have to charge a demon with Siren Song.
b) To use Siren Song, the victim has to be in charge reach.
c) Temptator works only on heroes.
d) When using Temptator, first use the gift, then challenge.
e) Great Standard of Sundering doesn’t work on TK incantations.
f) You can have multiples of Demonic Items, as it is very unclear what they are.
g) Lore of Tzeentch: Flickering Fire (1) and Tzeentch Firestorm (6) are flaming.
h) Gifts which look to be armour (Armour of Khorne) or weapon (Axe of Khorne) are treated as such. They replace their mundane equivalents and cannot be used in conjunction with items of the same category.
i) Greater Demons and Demon Princes cannot join units.
j) In case of using Acquiescence on an enemy unit with a hero, should a hero leave the regiment, the demon player chooses who stays under the influence of the spell – hero or unit. (As per RIP)
k) Wounds from Iridescent Corona count for CR.
l) In case of Siren Standard, it suffices for any model of the unit to have charge reach.
m) Dark Gift of Insanity can raise the number of attacks above 10.
n) Spells cast due to Glean Magic can be dispelled. (Effectively twice – first glean magic, then the spell itself).
o) Gift Master of Sorcery enables the demon to use Lore of Tzeench spells.
p) Enrapturing Gaze stops the entire unit BTB from using LD on another hero from psychology based tests (like Break Teasts)

5) Dwarfs

a) The Anvil of doom may be entrenched just like any other war machine
b) The ancient rune of wrath and ruin restricts flying/movement just like its "small"
c) The rune of wrath and ruin may be used against banshees and ratling guns.
d) Damage done by the anvil of doom is not treated as shooting (in regard to ward saves
against missile attacks etc.)
e) Master runes may be used on normal - regimental - banners
f) The rune of steel works against all hits, not just in hand-to-hand.
g) Dwarfs rolling a break test on a single die cannot get an „insane courage” result -
insane courage requires a double one.
h) Dwarf war machine crews must pursue enemies that they hate, or if the Dwarfs are
frenzied for any reason.
i) Killing blow does not affect the Dwarf lord carried on a shield, as the model has a US
= 3.
j) If a hero leaves a unit affected by the Rune of Wrath & Ruin, the Dwarf player can
chose whether it is the hero or the regiment that is under the effect of the Rune
(exactly like in the case of remains in play spells)
k) A Dwarf Army does not need to field a unit of warriors in order to field a unit of
Longbeard Dwarf Rangers.

6) Skaven

a) Warpstone luck charm allows the bearer to make a re-roll only in situations which
involve him directly.
b) The warp lightning cannon should be treated as a cannon in all respects not directly
addressed in its special rules - except that it cannot use grapeshot, of course.
c) The special rules for visibility regarding the warp lighting cannon only work during
the Skaven shooting phase (and so cannot be used to block the deployment of enemy
scouts and cannot be harmed by the Casket of Souls - without normal LOS).
d) Skaven do not get a bonus for ranks if they have to pass a LD test using their „own,
unmosified leadership”
e) Weapon teams/Jezzails can enter buildings, as per Alessio clarification.

7) High Elves

a) Base for the dragon: HE dragons can be based on either 50x50 or 100x50 mm bases.
b) …
c) Dragon Armor makes the wearer (and mount) immune to all flaming attacks, including
flaming cannonballs, etc.
d) The High Elf Battle Standard Bearer is not limited in regard to the non-magic
equipment he can wear – just li ka normal hero.
e) The dragon ridden by a dragon mage is assumed to cost 250 points.
f) Each of the lions pulling a lion chariot has two attacks.
g) If two units are fighting each other and they both have the always strike first rule, the
correct method to resolve this combat is as follows: the Always Strike First rule is
simply ignored when the models that have this rule are exchanging blows, so all
attacks are made in the normal order (taking into account charges, great weapons,

8) Khemri

a) The Casket of Souls does not affect units engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
b) A Mummy wearing the Armour of The Ages still has Unit Strength = 1.
c) Wounds cannot be transferred onto the Casket of Souls using the Collar of Shapesh

9) Wood Elves

a) Waywatcher kindred: a hero can be equipped with two hand weapons
b) Wild rider kindred: a hero does not have a bow in his basic equipment
c) Briarsheath: the -1/-2 to hit modifiers mentioned in the description are magical
modifiers which are in addition to normal modifiers for single model on foot/being in
a forest.
d) Gaemrath - Banner of Midwinter: Can be used during an opponent's movement as per FAQ.
phase, effect lasts until the next turn of the player who used it.
e) The Hidden Path spell - the terrain is treated as open ground only for the purposes of
f) Glade guard scouts can have a command group, just like normal glade guard
g) A hero armed with "wardancer weapons" does not receive bonuses for having great
weapons, two hand weapons, etc - the rules for wardancer weapons replace the rules
of any normal weapons.
h) Likewise, heroes fighting in "eternal guard fighting style" lose all normal bonuses for
their weapons in favor of the effects of "eternal guard fighting style"
i) Moonstone of the hidden ways: can only be used during the owner's movement phase.
Can be used to teleport out of hand-to-hand combat - as per FAQ..
j) A battle standard bearer can have a magical bow. A magic standard cannot be
combined with spites.
k) The spirit sword: regeneration works against additional wounds dealt by this weapon,
and the general's leadership can be used as normal.
l) An eternal kindred hero inside a unit which benefits from the "bodyguard" special rule
only gives "stubborn" to the regiment, not to himself (and thus stubborn can only be
tested on the unit's own Ld.)
m) Stone of Rebirth: works as a one-use 2+ ward save. Can be used not only when the hero is on his last wound, but also when a hero suffers multiple wounds as a result of,
for example, cannon hit, and these are sufficient to kill him - the save can then be
taken and, if successful, the hero will stay alive and with a single wound on his profile.
n) The spell treesinging may be used to deal damage to an enemy unit in any forest on
the battlefield..
o) A treeman can stand and shoot. It cannot use its shooting attack if it is in close combat.
p) Wild riders are both Elves and Forest Spirits, both have magical attacks, as per FAQ.

10) Lizardmen

a) When calculating Victory Points for Salamander Packs, the number of models in the
regiment should be taken into account. ½ VPs are awarded for killing half the models
in the unit, be they skinks or salamanders. A monster reaction test is made only after
the last skink is dead and it is a single test for the whole regiment.
b) Marks cannot be doubled.

11) Bretonnia

a) The option to pray and get the Blessing can always be selected by the Bretonnian
player. This decision is made after both armies have been deployed.
b) The grail shield increases the bearer’s ward save only; it does not affect the mount’s
ward save.
c) Overrunning Knights errant are treated as if the were charging in regard to being
immune to psychology.

12) Vampire Counts

As per FAQ.
a) Banshee howl: Skaven can always use their bonus to leadership from ranks against the
Banshee’s howl. The howl is not a missile weapon and so any items or spells which
affect missile fire (such as the storm banner or golden eye of tzeentch) do not pertain
to the Banshee’s scream.
b) A vampire can transfer its WS through the Helm of Commandment if he is not in base
to base contact with enemy models, even if the unit he is a part of is fighting in a
combat, as per FAQ.
c) The WS transferred through the Helm of Commandment is not modified by any
modifiers that affect the unit.
d) Barding decreases Black Knights movement by 1, even if they are using the ethereal
movement rules.
e) Ethereal creatures are only immune to those effects (of spells, items, special rules) that
would reduce their movement or stop them from moving completely, but not to hits
and other effects caused by the same source. Black Knights using ethereal movement
are also not affected by anything that would slow them down or stop them from
f) The vampire counts player may, but doesn’t have to, nominate a Blood knight to work
as a champion for accepting challenges (of course, a rank and file blood knight may
never issue challenges)
g) A banshee can howl at units engaged in hand to hand combat.
h) The spells: Invocation of Nehek and Summon Undead Horde can be used to replenish
units engaged in close combat. Vanhal’s Danse Macabre and the Hand of Dust bound
spell can be cast into combat.
i) If ghouls who are making their special march move thanks to the „ghoulkin” power
are joined by a character, that character cannot leave the ghoul unit for the duration of
the move- the character marches along with them.
j) The „Flying horror” bloodline can be used by a mounted vampire - as per FAQ.
k) A vampire with the “dread knight” power cannot replace his barded nightmare with a hellsteed or other mount - as per FAQ.
l) If a Corpse Cart ridden by a necromancer joins a unit, and the necromancer is then
killed, the corpse cart should be removed from the unit at the end of that phase. If this
happens in hand to hand combat, the cart leaves the unit after combat results are
counted. It should be placed so that it has the least impact on the battle. If the unit is
still engaged in close combat when the corpse cart leaves, place the cart so that it is
also in combat with the enemy unit.
m) Walach's Bloody Hauberk should be treated as full plate armour.
n) Balefire Pike, Dreadlance and Black Axe of Krell retain the rules of their normal
equivalents, as specified in their descriptions (lance or great weapon, as specified)
o) A black coach has to steal magic dice in every magic phase – the VC player does not
have a choice in this regard.
p) Crimson gem of Lahmia: sacrificed wounds cannot be saved in any way (armour save,
ward, regeneration, etc).
q) Avatar of Death and Dread Knight at tournaments: All non magic equipment needs to
be represented on models in order for WYSIWYG to be maintained. These should also
be noted in the roster. It is not permitted to change your choice of weapons between
battles during a tournament - you must use the same equipment in all battles.
r) Charging chariots do not deal impact hits to a character wearing the nightshroud. Such
a character is not immune to impact hits which are not the result of a charge (the steam
tanks grinding, or a fleeing chariot). Impact hits which strike the character after being
randomized are ignored.

13) Empire – as per FAQ

Steam Tank: the steam tank is affected by the „Mork wants ya” spell. Your opponent
does not receive victory points for bringing the Steam Tank down to half wounds, as per FAQ,
which is in effect (minus the idiotic remark about the chariot base). The Tank is
deployed on 12x8 cm base. If a tank is fighting several enemy units, it has to chose
one unit which it will grind – all impact hits done by the steam tank in that close
combat phase strike this unit.

VI. Worst Play

The worst play section lists behaviors which, while permissible by the letter of the rules, are a basis for a “worst play” score at a tourney

a) The „miner trick”: a regiment of 20 miners is deployed in a line, reforms in the movement phase and makes an „anvil charge”.
This trick will not be allowed during Euro.


0-400 - 10/10
401-600 - 12/8
601-850 - 14/6
851-1150 - 16/4
1151-1500 - 18/2
1500+ - 20/0


10:00-12:00 Game 1
12:00-14:00 Game 2
14:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-17:00 Game 3
17:00-19:00 Game 4
19:00-20:00 Pause
20:00-22:00 Game 5

10:00-12:00 Game 6
12:00-14:00 Game 7
14:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-17:00 Game 8

Please give us a printed version of your amylist during check in saturday morning.


It's very important to finish your games within two hours. 15 minutes before the deadline there will be an announcement, after 10 minutes a second one, 5 minutes before the end we tell you to calculate your victory points. Exactly after two hours we collect the player sheets, sort them general-points-wise and start immedately the next game. We hope not to have too much of delay, so be prepared.

After game 8 we announce the results very soon and declare the three winners of the honor title: "White Blue Spartiate"

Gaststätte Zorbas, Mittermayerstraße 57 85221 Dachau, Tel: +49 (0)8131-736673 (ca. 30€)
Gaststätte Pfeil, Sonnenstr. 6, 85232 Bergkirchen, Tel. +49 (0)8131/78827 (ca. 20€)
Jugendgästehaus Dachau, Roßwachtstr. 15, 85221 Dachau, Tel. +49 (0)8131/32295-0 (ca. 25€)

Informacje: Organizator turnieju jest odpowiedzialny za zawartość tej strony.
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