T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Star Wars Legion Team Battle - Informacje i Zasady

1. Teams of 2 (both Players use the same Faction)

2. 2 rounds / 210 min per game

3. One 600 point list throughout the day.
It is not mandatory, to bring unit cards, but a sheet of paper with your list would be great.
Units don't have to be painted.
Custom units are allowed (like 3d printed etc.)

4. Rules:
We will use the official rules wich can be found here.

5. Preset terrain

6. The level of this tournament is very toxic and competitive

7. The entry fee includes 1 drink (500ml)

8. Timetable:
08:30 Shop opens
09:00 1st Round
12:30 Lunchbreak
13:30 2nd Round
17:00 End of tournament & prize ceremony

9. Prizepool:
If at least 8 players pariticpate:
- 50.- Store Coupon
- 30.- Store Coupon
- 20.- Store Coupon
- 1-2 3D printed Models sponsored by penandpapergames.ch
- other small prices like 3d printed range ruler

If less than 8 players participate, the store coupons will be accordingly reduced in value.

10. If you want to join our local whatsapp group, for more information and updates, feel free to contact me.

Informacje: Organizator turnieju jest odpowiedzialny za zawartość tej strony.
©2004-2024. T³ is operated by Althaus.IT.