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Bloody Shambles Frühlingsoffensive IV - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DHeinz-Christian aka "psiman"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Best Painted
DMarc aka "RagnaroekHH"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Best Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Ulf aka "DeadRedPlasma"DKielWyssans BiergestaltEmpire64
2.2.p2Marc aka "RagnaroekHH"player-award-specialDHamburgTTSDwarfs64
3.3.p3Jannik aka "JetztErstRecht"DDrageThe Bloody ShamblesDwarfs59
4.4.Marc aka "TheMangler"DKielWyssans BiergestaltBretonnia58
5.5.Andreas aka "Diaz"DHamburgHigh Elves43
6.6.Heinz-Christian aka "psiman"player-award-specialDWilsterThe Bloody ShamblesBeastmen43
7.7.Chris aka "Carnifex"DKroppNorthland SlayersChaos Warriors42
8.8.Henrik aka "Groudon"DSchwentinentalWyssans BiergestaltOrcs & Goblins39
9.9.Jan aka "Ja-Ba"DKielWyssans BiergestaltChaos Warriors34
10.10.Per aka "NurglesRot"DSchwentinentalWyssans BiergestaltChaos Warriors32
11.11.Marten aka "Thorm"DWilsterThe Bloody ShamblesOrcs & Goblins32
12.12.Jens aka "Aklim"DWilsterThe Bloody ShamblesVampire Counts31
13.13.Marian aka "The_Rock1984"DItzehoeThe Bloody ShamblesChaos Warriors29
14.14.Melanie aka "Nascha"DWilsterThe Bloody ShamblesLizardmen24
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Wyssans Biergestalt (5)45.40
2.The Bloody Shambles (6)36.33

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hamburg (2)53.50
2.Kiel (3)52.00
3.Schwentinental (2)35.50
4.Wilster (4)32.50

Army Results:

1.Empire (1)64.00
2.Dwarfs (2)61.50
3.Bretonnia (1)58.00
4.High Elves (1)43.00
5.Beastmen (1)43.00
6.Orcs & Goblins (2)35.50
7.Chaos Warriors (4)34.25
8.Vampire Counts (1)31.00
9.Lizardmen (1)24.00
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