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News - Regelanpassungen/Hotfixes

(Permalink)Münsterland GT #3 - Regelanpassungen/Hotfixes
21.06.23 - 10:05 Uhr

Wir haben mit einer Gruppe von deutschen TOs und einige der dringendsten Probleme der 10ten Edition angegangen. Diese „Hausregeln“ werden beim Münsterland GT und anderen Turnieren, wie dem Bembel Clash gelten.

Wir sehen uns als Dienstleister und Gastgeber. Damit alle Spieler ein gutes Spielerlebnis haben können, werden folgende Anpassungen vorgenommen:

- - [Towering] gets replaced with the 9th edition visibility rules for models >18 wounds. This means, that they can not ignore "obscuring" ruins for line of sight, but can be seen as per true line of sight
- Wraithknights Heavy Wraithcannons lose the [Devastating Wounds] ability
- [Indirect] fire suffers the same penalty as in 9th edition (-1BS and +1 to save) in addition to any other applicable rules like cover, [Stealth], etc. and cannot benefit from the +1 to hit for being [Heavy] when fired without line of sight (model wise)
- Thousand Sons “Twist of Fate” Cabal Ritual is modified to “any armour saving throws of the unit are modified by -2” instead
- The range of the “Fire Overwatch” stratagem is reduced to 12”
- Mortal Wounds from a single unit are capped at 6 MW per unit per phase when targeted at a non-Monster or non-Vehicle unit, any additional wounds e.g. with Assault Canons are then handled as normal (saves can be made etc.)
- Models can move over and stay on objectives without limitations (as per 9th)

"These houserules are subject to change as soon as FAQs or balance updates are issued from GW, but may stay in parts or wholly of those Changes by GW are not deemed sufficient".

Geschrieben von Damokles
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