T³ - TableTop Turniere
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CONQUEST 2014 - Informationen und Regeln

On Sunday March 23h the Knights of Bayard will organize their yearly Warhammer Fantasy Tournament. This tournament counts for the 'Ranking der Nederlanden'. It will be held at the Gemeentelijke Sporthal,Van Langenhovestraat 203a in 9200 Sint-Gillis Dendermonde (Belgium). 40 players will be able to attend.

Registration MUST be done using the T3-website.Entrance fee will be 10€ (8€ for members of the Knights of Bayard) and should be transferred to account IBAN# BE70 9795 5101 0525 (BIC# ARSPBE22). Only after receiving payment, your subscription will be final. Payments must be in before 16/03/2014. Payments done the day of the tournament will be charged at 15€. Add in the remark of your payment: CONQUEST - Player's name! Payments that have reached us in time award the player 3 points.
Note: your entrance fee will NOT be refunded if you don't show up on the day of the tournament. Only exceptions on this rules is sending the organization a scan of a doctor's note or an obituary in which you're mentioned as one of the relatives. Refunds will be given if cancellation is done before 16/03/2014 23h59. This way we can still call up a potential reserve-player...

Some remarks of a more domestic nature:
• There is a no smoking rule in the sports centre. During the breaks one can have a smoke outdoors. We kindly request to throw your cigarette butts in the bins.
• We will be selling cold drinks, coffee and sandwiches at a democratic price.
• Near the sports centre there is plenty of possibility to park your car.

Day schedule:
• 8h30: Registration. Upon arrival the contestants are asked to deliver their army list for checking.
• 9h15: Drawing. Players are assigned an adversary and a table. They can unwrap their armies already.
• 9h30: Start first battle.
• 11h15: From this point onwards the current turn is finished and NO NEW turn can be started.
• 11h30: End first battle. The contestants fill in the play sheet at the central desk with their scores. Note to write down both victory points (not only the difference). A ranking after one battle will be made and the battles for the second round are listed.
• 12h30: Start second battle.
• 14h15: From this point onwards the current turn is finished and NO NEW turn can be started.
• 14h30: End second battle. Again scores have to be written down at the central desk.
• 15h00: Start third battle.
• 16h45: From this point onwards the current turn is finished and NO NEW turn can be started.
• 17h00: End third battle. Write down the scores for a last time.
• 17h15: Price ceremony.
• 17h30: End tournament.

Remark: As you have 2 hours we expect ALL players to be able to play at least 5 of 6 turns. Should you think your opponent tries to delay the game, inform the judge in time (not at the end of the battle!). He will encourage your opponent to speed up his game and will keep an eye on the progress of the further battle. If still not 5 rounds are played in time, the judge can decide that at least a draw is awarded to the player that he considers is victim of the delaying tactic.

Tournament setup:
The tournament takes only one day in which 3 battles have to be played. The Swiss-system will be used: the adversary for the first battle is drawn randomly. We will take into account that players of the same club do not have to play each other in the first two rounds (and maybe even in the third). After each round a ranking will be made. According to this ranking players are matched for the following round taking into account that 2 players cannot play each other twice.
At the start of each battle you will be placed at a random table with scenery. Apart for mystical forests and rivers one piece of scenery will have special rules. Take a little time with your opponent to discuss the scenery which cannot be moved. Wood Elf players which use tree singing are expected to place the scenery back on the original position after the battle.

Every player must bring the following to the tournament:
• Warhammer Fantasy Battles Rulebook.
• Army book of your own army.
• Dice needed (D6's, scatter dice, artillery dice)
• Templates needed
• Your army... of course
• A copy of your entered army list (checked at registration).
• Ruler or tape measure
May also come in handy:
• Glue in case of damage
• a copy of these rules
• Money for food and beverages
The army list:
• 8th edition rules apply!
• No more than 2014 pts. Army lists must be composed as par last army book!
• Power scroll is allowed as mentioned in the FAQ.
• Dogs of War can only be taken as separate armies as published in Warhammer Chronicles 2004.
• Unpainted models are allowed but will cost you in painting points of course.
• Special characters ARE ALLOWED.
• Chaos Dwarfs use the list as published in Tamurkan - The Throne of Chaos.
Army lists must be sent to knightsofbayard@outlook.com before March 16th at 23h59 and must be in of the following formats: Word, Excel, HTML, PDF. You may use army builder to create your army but we kindly ask to save this as a HTML or PDF. Your list will be checked by the organization who will confirm if it is correct or not. A list which is entered in time and correct will earn you 6 points. A corrected list entered in time still gives 3 points. If you are spotted using an army list other than the one sent to us, you will lose all battles with a massacre.

The following 'house rules' apply:
• Scouts do not count to determine who has finished first with deploying.
• Look out sir! rolls for the following spells: - Dwellers Below - Final Transmutation - Dreaded 13th - Infernal Gateway 11-12 - Purple Sun/Pit of Shades (templates so look out sir! is permitted)
• Units that are under 25% strength grant the opponent 50% of the point value of the unit.

The following 3 scenarios will be used:

Battle 1: Head Hunter
Deployment: Standard deployment rules
First turn: Roll a D6 for each player adding +1 for the player who finished deploying first and the higher player may choose who goes first
Game Length: 6 Turns
Special Rules: Head Hunting: For each enemy character or champion killed in close combat or run down when fleeing, earn the value of the model X2 in points. Keep track of each models head and what unit has it. Note. it doesn’t have to be in a challenge or by another character. Units can also kill characters when pursuing. However, no bonus is gained if a character is chased off the board, his fleeing unit must be caught to earn this bonus. Heads are carried with units like standards. However, they may be passed to any friend unit during the movement phase as long as they are within 4” of each other as a free action. Heads are always with a unit and cannot be dropped unless they are destroyed. Units that leave the board for any reason, still get the head bonus.
Victory Conditions: Standard Victory points to determine a winner. Also add any bonus for heads with them as per Head Hunting special rules.

Battle 2: Blood and Glory
Deployment: Each player rolls a D6. The higher roll gets to choose the side of the table they want. Then, deploys their first unit alternating units back and for with each player. Deployment zone: 12 inch from the middle and 9 inch from left and right table edges.
First turn: Both players roll a D6 the player who finished deploying first add +1 to his roll. Highest chooses to go first or second.
Game Length: 6 Turns. An army breaks when it’s Fortitude is equal to or less than or equal to the breaking point (2 points)
Special Rules: Army Breaking Point: 2 points. Fortitude for an Army is calculated by counting all Standards, including Battle standards in the army and then add +2 for the general.
Victory Conditions: Standard Victory conditions apply. 500 bonus points are given to the first player who breaks the opponent. 250 points are given to the second player who breaks the opponent.

Battle 3: Battle line as per 8th Edition rulebook

We decided that each point is important to win this tournament. Therefore the following table is used for awarding tournament points.
Difference VP TP Victory TP Loss
<150 11 11
<300 12 10
<450 13 9
<600 14 8
<750 15 7
<900 16 6
<1050 17 5
<1200 18 4
<1350 19 3
<1500 20 2
<1650 21 1
>=1650 22 0
If a player concedes a battle then his opponent will earn a massacre of 2114 points + points for any banners within in the conceding army.

25 points can be earned in painting your army. These are awarded as followed:
• Painted: min. 4 colors/model unless the model does not require this. Percentages are calculated considering the number of models.
o Nothing painted: 0 pts
o Less than 50% painted: 1 pts
o More than 50% painted: 3 pts
o 100% painted: 7 pts
Note: the following points can only be earned if the army was 100% painted. This way we hope to restrict the number of unpainted models...

• Based 2 pts
• WYSIWYG: ‘What you see is what you get’. This includes markings, banners et musicians: 0 or 2 pts
• Finishing and interpretation of the judge:
o Bases exceptionally finished: 0, 1 or 2 pts
o Army clearly is unified in theme and painting scheme when looking from a distance: 0, 1 of 2 pts
o A converted unit (min. 50% of the unit was converted) 0, 1 or 2 pts. Bases are not part of the conversion.
o A converted model/character 0, 1 or 2 pts
o Personal judgment: 1 to 6 pts

Painting Price:
3 judges will give their personal evaluation on your army. They cannot debate amongst each other. Their points will be added and the 3 (or 4) best scoring armies will be asked to display their armies during the break between battle 2 and 3. All players may write the army on which they vote down on a paper. The army with the highest score gets the painting price. In case of a tie the points of the judges will be decide.
We hope to welcome you on March 23th!

Hinweis: Für den Inhalt dieser Seite ist nicht T³, sondern der Turnierorganisator verantwortlich.
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