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X-wing-Brussels-Escalation 2 parts Tournament-Mardi 10&17 Nov - Informationen und Regeln

[b]Mardi 10 Novembre[/b]

round 1 /60 points 50min: 19h30 - 20h10

round 2 /90 points 70min: 21h - 22h
[b]Mardi 17 Novembre[/u][/b]

round 3 /120 points 80min: 19h30 - 20h50

round 4 /150 points 120min: 21h15 - 23h 15

• The maximum squad points for each player’s first squad is 60 points. A squad cannot exceed 60 points, though it may contain fewer than 60 points.
• Each player must field at least two ships.
• On subsequent rounds, the maximum squad points for each player’s squad increases to 90 for the second round, 120 for the third round, and 150 for the fourth.
• Escalation are held in a series of four tournament rounds. The first round is 40 minutes, the second round is 60 minutes, the third round is 80 minutes, and the fourth round is 120 minutes.
• During each round, each squad must contain all ships and upgrade cards from the previous squad. Ships from the previous round must keep all equipped upgrade cards, and these cards may not be “transferred” to a different ship. However, new upgrade cards may be added to ships from the previous squad.
• Each player must also bring exactly three unique obstacle tokens of his choice. Players must use the same three unique obstacle tokens for the duration of the tournament.

House rules

• You may not have more than 6 small ships of the same ship type (TIE fighter, A-Wing, etc.) In any squad. You may not have more than 3 large ships of the same ship type in any squad.

• You may have only have one Twin Laser Turret Upgrade card per round. (At 60 pts/ max one TLT, at 90pts/max 2 TLT, etc…).

• When calculating a score, each player receives half the total squad point value (rounded down) of each enemy large ship whose combined total hull and shields, including any Hull Upgrades or Shield Upgrades, have been reduced to half or below.


Top 4

1St: 25€ in store voucher
2nd: 15€ in store voucher
3th: 8€ in store voucher
4th: 8€ in store voucher

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