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AlsterKloppen XV - FoW meets ETC - Informationen und Regeln

Die Organisatoren schließen ausdrücklich eine persönliche Haftung aus. Veranstalter ist der Verein WCH - Tabletop-und Spieleclub Hamburg.
Die Organisatoren handeln als dessen Erfüllungsgehilfen.
Mit der Anmeldung und Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung wird dies ausdrücklich akzeptiert.

Schorsch - Haus der Jugend St. Georg
Kirchenweg 20
20099 Hamburg

Für Autofahrer befinden sich die Parkplätze gegenüber von der Rostocker Straße 16. Es sind aber nur begrenzte Parkmöglichkeiten vorhanden, die sich aber direkt auf dem Gelände das Schorsch befinden (hinter einer Schranke).

Von allen die unter 18 Jahren sind brauchen wir eine Einverständniserklärung der Eltern. Es reicht, wenn sie am Turnierbeginn vorgelegt wird.

Der Austragungsort befindet sich nur 5 Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt, so dass alle Nicht- Hamburger auch mit der Bahn anreisen können. Da die Parkplätze beschränkt sind empfehlen wir allen die Anreise mit der Bahn bzw. HVV.

Das mitbringen von eigenem Alkohol ist vom SCHORSCH untersagt! Es wird aber wie immer schönes gekühltes Bier beim Catering geben!

Für das leibliche Wohl am Morgen und am Mittag wird vom Catering-Team gesorgt. Während der Spiele werden Getränke auch direkt an die Platte gebracht.
Morgens gibt es wie Frühstück mit leckeren belegten Brötchen, Kaffee und Tee.
Mittags gibt es diesmal leckere selbstgemachte Burger (keine fertig Teile, sondern alles frisch!) mit Salat und Ofenkartoffeln.
Für alle Vveganer und Vegatarier können wir bei Voranmeldung auch gerne entsprechende Sojaprodukte etc. für die Burger besorgen, meldet euch bitte vorher bei der Orga an, damit das Catering Team, weiß wieviel es einplanen muss und ihr nicht leer ausgeht.

Getränke wie Kaffee, Tee, Wasser, Cola, Fanta, Sprite und natürlich Bier und Alster gibt es natürlich den ganzen Tag über.

Das ganze wie immer zu humanen Preisen.

Wer keine leckeren Burger mag, für den gibt es auch genug Alternativen in der näheren Umgebung.

Bitte überweist das Startgeld in Höhe von 8,00 Euro auf folgendes Konto:
Kontoinhaber: WCH-Tabletop&Spieleclub Hamburg
Bankinstitut: Deutsche Skatbank
Kontonummer: 4663756
Bankleitzahl: 83065408
Verwendungszweck: AKXV FoW + "Nickname"

Hier die vorläufigen Regeln! Sollte sich noch etwas an den ETC-Regeln ändern, passen wir natürlich noch an!!!

[b]Tournament: 5 Game, Late War Format (Saturday-Sunday)
Points: 1780 Punkte!)
Period: Late War[/b]
Game 1 - Breakthrough
Game 2 - Dust Up
Game 3 - Fighting Withdrawal
Game 4 - Surrounded
Game 5 - Counterattack

Wird auf 3 Spiele am Samstag reduziert. Die Missionen werden Counter Attack,
Pincer, Fighting Withdrawal sein.

1.) Teams
Each National Team must consist of 6 players
Each National Team must bring:
- 2 Companies of Infantry or Fortified or mix of these two
- 2 Mechanized Companies
- 2 Tank Companies

Companies of a given type e.g. 2 Mechanized Companies cannot be
from the same nation i.e. 2 Companies of a given type have to be from
different nation
What is one Nation? Some examples:
- British, Canadian, Poles, Belgians, Czech, Scots, Welshes, etc. considered as being part of ONE nation!
- Germans, Estonians, SS, Heer, HG, Luftwaffe, etc. considered as being part of ONE nation!

Wird geändert:
Each National Team must consist of 3 players
Each National Team must bring:
- 1 Companies of Infantry or Fortified or mix of these two
- 1 Mechanized Companies
- 1 Tank Companies

Special characters are allowed but a Team can have no more than one copy of a
given Special Character throughout their 6 army lists i.e. no more than one Otto
Carrius per Team

2.) Legal armie lists
• Please refer to the following list of books, PDFs and website articles for legal armies:
- New V3 vanilla army book (Forces)
- Earth & Steel
- Turning Tide
- Market Garden
- Bridge by Bridge
- Dogs and Devils
- Cassino
- Red Bear
- Grey Wolf
- Blood, Guts & Glory
- Devil’s Charge
- Nuts
Army lists available on the Flames of War website listed under Official 1944-45 with stamp Version III Approved. (This does not include any army lists currently ‘Under Review’.)
- The latest PDF to be allowed for use is the one published as “Official” no later than 31.05.2013

3.) Rules and Regulations for Tournament

- Tournament uses V3 Rules
- All armies must be fully painted. Any miniatures not fully painted will be pulled from
the table prior to starting the tournament.

- First round is a random draw. Afterwards Teams are paired using swiss-pairing
system basing on Big points accumulated by teams and then Small points for tie
- Following procedure should be applied for pairing players:

Simultaneous procedure:
Team A puts up one of its 6 armies,
Team B does the same
Team A puts up two armies against the one put up by Team B,
Team B does the same
Team A chooses one of the two armies put by Team B to be played against
an army put up by Team A and determines one pair,
Team B does the same
*The armies that don't get chosen return to the pool
Repeat the procedure
The army of team that did not get chosen plays against the last army in the
pool of Team B
Roll a die to determine tables for pairs.
* If two fortified companies face each other then they will play the No Man's
Land Mission.

There are no restrictions concerning pairing i.e. Captains can pair Blue vs Blue
(anything goes)

4.) Scoring System (the same as last year)
Scoring System

Battlefront point system is used to determine the result of each battle as per Third
Edition small book p.275
Each round each Team plays six battles (every team-member plays one)
Both players have to play the same amount of rounds in each battle.

The result of each individual battle can be win/lose/draw
- win/lose are: 6-1, 5-2, 4-3 or 3-4 (in case of Carrius, Wittmann, Patton etc.)
- draw are: 3-3, 3-2, 3-2, 3-0, 2-2, 2-1, 1-1, 1-0

Battle won by a player generates 1 Big Point for a Team.
Battle lost or draw by a player generates 0 Big Points for a Team.

Draw result can happen in two cases:
- Fair Fight game with no player winning the game. Players calculate lost
platoons as per table p.275.
This result is reflected as DRAW 0-0 and each Team gets:
0 big points (0-4 small points)
- Defensive/Mobile Battle (where only win/lose is possible). Players did not play
6 rounds in given time and the Attacker contests the objective. Then the result
is calculated as in Fair Fight and see above for points.

In all other situations winer is determined by the scenario rules.
After each round Teams add up Big and Small points that their team-members
scored during their battle for this round

Round 1:
Team France vs Team Slovenia
Individual scores are :
4-3; 4-3; 4-3; 3-4; 3-4; 1-6
Team scores are:
3:3 (19:23)

Team Poland vs Team England
Individual scores are :
3-4; 3-4; 3-4; 3-4; 3-4; 3-4
Team scores are:
0:6 (18:24)

Team Spain vs Team Portugal
Individual scores are :
6-1; 6-1; 6-1; 3-1; 1-2; 3-4
Team scores are:
3:1 (25:10)

Final results after Round 1 are:
1. Team England:
6 big points (24 small points)
2. Team Spain:
3 big points (25 small points)
3. Team Slovenia:
3 big points (23 small points)
4. Team France:
3 big points (19 small points)
5. Team Portugal:
1 big points (10 small points)
6. Team Poland:
0 big points (18 small points)

5.) Arsenal
As per used Army Book with the following exceptions:
Following Stepping up to Version Three:
o 3”, 8cm, 81mm, and 82mm mortars can fire directly at a target at ranges
over 8”/20cm. Range 24”/60 cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 2, Firepower 3+.
o All guns with caliber over 100 mm (starting with 105 mm) gain the status of
a Breakthrough Gun

6.) Last but not least
Players are responsible for monitoring the time and the judges will announce time
intervals throughout the tournament. A true act of sportsmanship is not starting a
new turn if both players will not be able to finish that turn. The game should be called
if both players cannot finish their turn and the results should be calculated.
In case of rules disagreement we strongly advice players first to roll 4+, call their
Captains or the judges as the final resort. Judges verdict is final.
Army Lists for each Team must be submitted at the e-mail address:
warhammerclubhamburg@gmx.de as a bundle by Team Captain no later than Saturday, May
4th, 2013 with a subject as: "Rosters - #team".
All rooster have to be made with:
Team Poland army lists will be published officially prior to this date.

Hinweis: Für den Inhalt dieser Seite ist nicht T³, sondern der Turnierorganisator verantwortlich.
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