T³ - TableTop Turniere
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Warmachine / Hordes OrcIdée I (steamroller) - Informationen und Regeln

This is the Saturday warmachine/hordes games taking place during the Orc'idée convention https://www.orcidee.ch/. The Sunday warmachine/hordes tournament page is here: https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/ch/t3_tournament.php?tid=23826. The Orc'Idée convention proposes accommodation for players wanting to play both tournaments, information and reservation on the convention website.

Tournament fee is the entrance to the convention (10CHF).

This tournament will have 3 games following current steamroller scenarios with 60min per game per player clock variant. An overall dice-down deathclock will be set for each game to be able to keep overall tournament timetable.

Players are responsible to bring current versions of the models profile via warroom or cards http://cards.privateerpress.com/

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