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Winter Wappler Land 24 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Sebastian aka "Frosch0"AWien148SeraphonLustriansno
2. Markus aka "Karazor"AWien25Disciples of TzeentchDie Burschen aus dem 14.no
3. (anonym)-SkavenLustriansno
4. Stefan aka "StePet"AWien141Sons of BehematDie Burschen aus dem 14.no
5. Florian aka "Jumior"AMining34Slaves to DarknessBeer and Dice Associationno
6. Aaron aka "Internationalbaker"AVienna66Disciples of TzeentchBananenbrotno
7. Kevin aka "planB_GOD"ATrofaiach-Ossiarch BonereapersTeam Styriano
8. Manuel aka "NexGG"AGraz33Gloomspite GitzGlitzer Barbiesno
9. Sebastian aka "Razhak"Awien-Orruk WarclansSchneeballnojutsuno
10. Bernhard aka "Schroedinger"APottendorf65Grand Alliance ChaosSchneeballnojutsuno
11. Tanja aka "Voli09"AGraz-SylvanethGlitzer Barbiesno
12. Michael N.AWien-Sons of BehematThe Mightiest and Rightiestno
13. Natascha aka "lunaticredfire"ATheresienfeld77SeraphonSkylizardno
14. Michael aka "Apfeltasche"AOberwaltersdorf-Kharadron OverlordsSkylizardno
15. Gottfried aka "Huanchi"AGraz61Soulblight GravelordsGlitzerhendl des Todesno
16. Daniel aka "TDU"AGraz2Disciples of TzeentchGlitzerhendl des Todesno
17. Thomas aka "Alukan"AKajsj242Stormcast EternalsHere for Beerno
18. Michael aka "Naberius"AFels am Wagram8SkavenBeer and Dice Associationno
19. Nicolas aka "Hemeroc"AFels am Wagram27Slaves to DarknessEskalationskommandono
20. Stefan aka "Duwath"AStockerau-Grand Alliance OrderEskalationskommandono
21. Bernhard aka "Bernhard_von_riva"AWang28Slaves to DarknessHere for Beerno
22. (anonym)-Orruk WarclansRandalierende Rabaukenno
23. Lukas P.AWien-Slaves to DarknessRandalierende Rabaukenno
24. Benjamin aka "BananaLee"AWien-Kharadron OverlordsBananenbrotno
25. Arthur aka "Army"APerchtoldsdorf-Idoneth DeepkinMagma und Muränenno
26. Christian aka "Discord"APressbaum-FyreslayersMagma und Muränenno
27. Jan aka "YeahGucciFrisur"AWien-Stormcast EternalsSafe erster Platz!no
28. Andreas aka "Blacky94"AWien13Idoneth DeepkinSafe erster Platz!no

List of teams

Registered teams
1LustriansFrosch0, (anonym)
2Die Burschen aus dem 14.Karazor, StePet
3Beer and Dice AssociationJumior, Naberius
4Team StyriaplanB_GOD
5Glitzer BarbiesNexGG, Voli09
6SchneeballnojutsuRazhak, Schroedinger
7The Mightiest and RightiestMichael N.
8Skylizardlunaticredfire, Apfeltasche
9Glitzerhendl des TodesHuanchi, TDU
10Here for BeerAlukan, Bernhard_von_riva
11EskalationskommandoHemeroc, Duwath
12Randalierende Rabauken(anonym), Lukas P.
13BananenbrotInternationalbaker, BananaLee
14Magma und MuränenArmy, Discord
15Safe erster Platz!YeahGucciFrisur, Blacky94

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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