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Hammers and Swords V - Informations et règlement

English version bellow

- Deelnameprijs: 15 € per persoon
- Rekeningnummer voor storting: BE44 7506 8543 9245
- De deelnemers dienen op voorhand hun legerlijst in:
o Via dit emailadres: [url=]hammersandswords@gmail.com[/url]
o Formaat: een export van New Recruit (https://www.newrecruit.eu). Zie voorbeeld onderaan.
- De deadline voor het storten van inschrijvingsgeld en het indienen van de legerlijst is 16/10/2023.

3500 punten
Uitbreidingen van 9th age zijn toegelaten, bv: Giants of the 9th age, Asklanders, Makhar,...

Het toernooi bestaat uit drie veldslagen met deze opstellingen en secundaire objectieven:
1. Counterthrust – Breakthrough
2. Frontline Clash – Capture the Flags
3. Dawn Assault – Hold the Ground

- Prijzen voor: 1e, 2e en 3e plaats, best geschilderd
- Alle deelnemers mogen stemmen over best geschilderd.

Locatie, eten en drinken
- Adres: TSA clubhuis, Leugenberg 187, 2180 Ekeren.
- ’s Middags bieden we hotdogs en hamburgers aan voor democratische prijzen.
- Het is niet toegestaan eigen drank mee te brengen.

- 09.00 Deuren open
- 09.15 - 9.30 Registratie
- 09.30 - 12.15 1e veldslag
- 12.15 - 12.45 Middagpauze
- 12.45 - 15.30 2e veldslag
- 15.30 – 15.45 Pauze
- 15.45 - 18.30 3e veldslag
- 18.40 Prijsuitreiking en ranking

Voorbeeld export van New Recruit

We aanvaarden enkel legerlijsten in dit formaat!

Empire of Sonnstahl
425 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Crystal Ball
310 - Marshal, General, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Imperial Seal
215 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Great Weapon, Essence of Mithril
275 - Prelate, Shield, Plate Armour (Blacksteel), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches)
390 - 40 Heavy Infantry, Spear, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Banner of Unity), Musician, Champion
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
300 - 20 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Standard Bearer (Marksman's Pennant)
731 - 39 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
235 - Artillery, Cannon
180 - Artillery, Mortar


- Registration fee: 15 € per person
- Bank account: BE44 7506 8543 9245
- The deadline for payment and sending in your army list is 16/10/2023.

3500 points
Supplements of 9th Age are allowed. For example: Giants of the 9th age, Asklanders, Makhar,...

The tournament will consist of three battles with these setups and secondary objectives:
1. Counterthrust – Breakthrough
2. Frontline Clash – Capture the Flags
3. Dawn Assault – Hold the Ground

- Prizes for: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, best painted
- All participants can vote in the contest for best painted army.

Location, eating and drinking
- Adress: TSA Club house, Leugenberg 187, 2180 Ekeren.
- Hotdogs and hamburgers will be for sale at lunch time for reasonable prices.
- It’s not allowed to bring your own drinks.

- 09.00 Doors open
- 09.15 - 9.30 Registration
- 09.30 - 12.15 1st battle
- 12.15 - 12.45 Break
- 12.45 - 15.30 2nd battle
- 15.30 – 15.45 Break
- 15.45 - 18.30 3rd battle
- 18.40 Ranking and prizes

Example export from New Recruit

This is the only format we accept!

Empire of Sonnstahl
425 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Crystal Ball
310 - Marshal, General, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Imperial Seal
215 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Great Weapon, Essence of Mithril
275 - Prelate, Shield, Plate Armour (Blacksteel), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches)
390 - 40 Heavy Infantry, Spear, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Banner of Unity), Musician, Champion
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
300 - 20 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Standard Bearer (Marksman's Pennant)
731 - 39 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
235 - Artillery, Cannon
180 - Artillery, Mortar

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