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When the guns fall silent - Informations et règlement

Animosity gaming club, together with Warlord.pl shop invites you to join us for Flames of War tournament on the 18.09.2010 in Szczecin. You will have an opportunity to play on great terrains including ruined French city, Stalingrad, winter terrain, desert, Italy and more.

Tournament general info:
Period: Late War
Points: 1750
Location: Shop Warlord, Jagiełły 15 Street in Szczecin
Seats: 16, the seats will be reserved only with prepayment (the tournament will be single up to 8 players, and for pairs up to 16 players)
Allowed armies: all official books and briefings
Entrance Fee: 20 PLN (around 5 €)
Pre-Payments can be done by wire transfer:
To: Marcin Nowicki,
Account details: IBAN: PL84 1140 2017 0000 4502 0712 8103, SWIFT: BREXPLPWMUL,
Bank details: BRE BANK S.A. Lodz, Al. Pilsudskiego 3, 90-368 Lodz

Tournament Plan:

8.30 - 9.00 – Signin In, Drawing of the player pairs,
9.00 - 9.30 – raiting of painting
9.30 - 12.30 – Battle 1: Breakthrough
12.30 - 12.45 – small break, moving to next battle
12.45 - 15.45 - Battle 2: Caloudron
15.15 - 16.00- small break, moving to next battle
16.00 - 19.00 - Battle 3: Fighting Withdrawal

Point system:
- Battles – 0-20 for each battle, maximum of 60 points
- Painting – maximum 15 points
- History of the army – maximum 3 points (send to o-p@neostrada.pl until 12.09.2010)
- Army list - maximum 2 points (send to o-p@neostrada.pl until 12.09.2010)

More information: http://www.animosity.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1267&p=38659#p38659
If you want to see our terrains go to: http://www.warlord.pl/news.php?id=1281780836

We will welcome anyone who would like to join us. We also open for visitors from other countries, if you would like to play FOW in some friendly battles send us an email: warlord@warlord.pl.

INFO PO POLSKU: http://www.warlord.pl/news.php?id=1281780836
FORUM PO POLSKU: http://www.animosity.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1267&p=38659#p38659

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