T³ - Tournois TableTop
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Master series in Poznan - Déroulement et notation

On tournament you can get up to 100 points for battles + 15 for painting (see below) + 5 for early registration + 5 test of rules knowladge,

day 1
09.00 - 10.00 registration
10.00 - 13.00 I game
13.00 - 16.00 II game
16.00 - 16.45 dinner brake
17.00 - 20.00 III game

day 2
09.00 - 12.00 IV game
12.00 - 15.00 V game
15.30 finish, prizes, etc

Painting poitns

0 - Awfull, it could play but this is it.
1 - few colors placed properly no details, no shading
2 - table top- (weak drybrush, weak shading, basic use of washes)
4 - table top (good drybrush, proper use of washes, details painted)

0 - models from totally different styles
1 - Most of the models keep on painting style, some don't
3 - One painting style, same bases

1 - You have got movement trays
2 - trays are modeled
+1 - models have their bases made

0 - big problems with it
1 - small problems, one unit is wrongly armed, or few single models
2 - full WYSISYG

0 - you haven't got more than one of: dices/tapemeasure/armybook/templates that you need
1 - you haven't got one of above
3 - you have got all you need

Painting points:
Poznan promotion. You lose two points less than you should unless you don't lose them on preparation. This is to promote players who paint on their own and are not premium painters.

1.Is sleeping in hotels in price:
-know we pay only for student hostel
2.What is student hostel:
-It is the cheepest place to stay with multiperson rooms. You will have your bed, however it is not allowed to drink in hostel.

Indication: Le contenu de ces pages n'est pas sous la responsabilité de T³, mais de l'organisateur du tournoi.
©2004-2024. T³ is operated by Althaus.IT.