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Saint Conquest TLAOK 1 - List of Participants

1. Olivier aka "the_red_eye"FBordeaux-Bègles6The Old DominionG.U.I.L.Dyes0
2. Michael aka "Hiigara"FTours23The W'adrhŭnMaelstrom Tourangeauyes0
3. Benoit aka "gork72"FLa chapelle saint aubin43The Sorcerer KingsLes 24h des rillettesyes0
4. Nicolas aka "Arthouille"FNiort-The Old DominionArthouilleyes0
5. Joseph aka "Mahar_Lankoth"FChâteaudun60The Old DominionMalestrom Tourangeauyes0
6. Adrien aka "Fugulsmurk"FSablé Sur Sarthe31The NordsLes 24h des rillettesyes0
7. Guilhem aka "Thoran"FBeaufort-En-Vallée46The Old DominionLes 24h des rillettesyes0
8. Vincent aka "marneus93"FLA FLECHE24The Hundred KingdomsLes 24h des rillettesyes0
9. Jean-Baptiste aka "Lyconide"FMulsanne16The SpiresLes 24h des rillettesyes0
10. Bastien aka "Bigby-"FRochefort-The Spiresyes0
11. Yann aka "Yannthire"FÉchiré-The Hundred KingdomsYannyes0
12. Florian aka "D-r-o-n-g"FBordeaux52The SpiresG.U.I.L.Dyes0
13. Jerome aka "Erso"FLa Lande De Fronsac12The W'adrhŭnG.U.I.L.Dyes0
14. Thibaut aka "khornael"FSt-cyr-sur-loire-The City StatesMaelstrom Tourangeauyes0
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15. Christophe aka "yolande"FBorbeaux88The Hundred KingdomsLa GUILDno0
16. Corentin aka "Corentinherve"FTours-The NordsMaelstrom Tourangeauno0

Distribution of Armies
The Old Dominion:4
The Spires:3
The Hundred Kingdoms:2
The W'adrhŭn:2
The City States:1
The Nords:1
The Sorcerer Kings:1
Distribution of Origins
Sarthe (72):4
Gironde (33):3
Indre-et-Loire (37):2
Deux-Sèvres (79):2
Charente-Maritime (17):1
Eure-et-Loir (28):1
Maine-et-Loire (49):1
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