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German MESBG Masters 2024 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Max aka "Sephiron"AWien110ArnorDer Würfelordennono
2. Simon aka "sim-"DOberroth7AngmarStickstoffboyznono
3. Byron aka "Grueno"DNorderstedt2The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.nono
4. Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DPfedelbach14Goblin TownDie Gefährten des Niederrheinsnono
5. Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburg19The ShireTabletop Nord e.V.nono
6. Ernesto aka "ayu"DHamburg8Minas TirithTabletop Nord e.V.nono
7. Tim aka "timdel95"DNettetal31MoriaDie Gefährten des Niederrheinsnono
8. Hauke aka "JayCop"DKiel17The White CouncilTabletop Nord e.V.nono
9. Luca aka "Ligma"DEmden4MoriaTeutoburger Entsnono
10. Arno aka "ArnoKR"DBielefeld3MordorTeutoburger Entsnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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