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12th Conflict fantasy - Informationen und Regeln


Warhammer Fantasy Ranking Tournament: 12th Conflict.

The Event:

Our 12th Conflict is a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament that will be held on saturday
April 13th 2013, and will be a part of The Ranking Der Nederlanden and is also listed on
the T3 website.
As before, the location will be:
Parochiezaal Sint-Cornelius
Rillaarsebaan 134
B-3200 Gelrode

Participating in the event will cost 10€ per person if you pay in advance, which can be
paid on the following bank account:
IBAN: BE86 7512 0083 9550
AXA Bank Europe
Beneficiary: Conect’R Team Aarschot VZW, Molendreef 50, Rillaar.

This fee will serve as a pre-inscription. You can also still subscribe the day of the event
itself, providing there is enough place to accommodate more players of course so be sure
to inquire by email or cellphone if there is still place available! Feel free to email to
inquire if the tournament has reached its capacity or not (we can accommodate
approximately 60 people).

Important! If you pay at the day of the event itself, the admission fee will be 12€.
On Friday the 12th of April our secretary will make a final list of payments made so make
sure your payment has come through before this date. If there should be a discussion about
whether the payment has been done and this cannot be proved a player will have to pay
the 12€ admission fee. If afterwards it is proven that a payment was correctly made, the
12€ will be refunded shortly on your bank account.
The tournament will start at 10 AM, and registration will start from 9 AM. A marked and
approved copy of each participants’ army list will be present, but try to have a printed
copy for yourself as well!
We ask all players to subscribe to the tournament via the T3 website:


NOTE: unless you have special requirements (gluten-free food, vegetarian, …) please
refrain from bringing your own food and drinks to the event! We offer warm meals (this
year a we will serve Belgian fries and other fried snacks) at affordable prices, as well as
snacks on the side like sandwiches with cheese or ham, hotdogs and pies. Please don’t go
being a cheapskate and bring your own things! We do our best to provide for you, so
please respect that!

12th conflict is one of the tournaments that count towards the 'ranking of the
Netherlands ". More info on this subject available at


You will play three battles against three different opponents.
The opponent in the first battle will be allocated to you by drawing lots or something to
that effect. For the other two battles a Swiss-system will be used. In the Swiss system,
after each battle rankings are made and the numbers one and two, three and four, … at
that time play together.
After each battle you and your opponent count points gained from the battle played and
bring it to the judges table. The judges will make the conversion to command points. If
the two results (yours and your opponents) are not registered within 15 minutes after
the end of the battle according to the timetable then the battle will be regarded as a
The organization is not responsible for wrong scores brought to the table.
On top of that command points there are points on composition and painting collection.
At exactly 10 hours we will start and latecomers can still play, but might play against
their club member or traveling companion for the first battle. The schedule shows how
long you have for a battle. We would like everyone to stick to the schedule. We do not
tolerate that an individual ensures that we are behind schedule. Only you and your
opponent play the battle, spectators and supporters must not interfere with the battle. If
there are problems with the rules, there are judges available that you can address with
your question.
The tournament organization does not have the equipment for the battle you play, so
bring everything you need for the three battles to play yourself.
Below is a small collection of items you may need when you play your three battles.

• Rulebook, army book, errata’s and FAQ
• Templates
• Tape measure in inches
• Minimum 1 copies of your Army List
• Dice
• Painted Army
• Glue
• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
1) Schedule:

Registration 9:00 Start
9:50 End of registration
10:00 Start the first battle
12:30 End of the first battle
13:15 Beginning the second battle
15. 45 End of the second battle
16.15 Beginning the third battle
18:45 End of the third battle
Award Ceremony 19.00

2) Rules:

To prevent that a small disagreement about the rules develops into a riot, we propose
the most basics of rules: not to hesitate to look in the rulebook. There is nothing wrong
with looking up a line where you have doubts during a battle. If you do not find it in the
rulebook, there are two solutions, either you throw a dice and proceed with the battle or
you call a judge to the table. The judge will try to solve the problem or indicate where
the line is. The decision of the judge is always final. You can not debate with a ruling by
the judge. A player that is contesting a rule beyond the decision taken or shows
improper behaviour can be attributed a relevant number of penalty points to his
command points score.

3) Warm up and cool down:

Before you begin your battle, you might just pause five minutes to go through everything
with your opponent: how you will handle the terrain, make-up of the armies, the playing
field and a few quirks that you might get during the battle so no surprises can come up.

4) Army List

All players who wish to participate in the tournament must have their army list
CLEARLY typed (pdf, html, excel or word file) e-mailed to
(12thconflict.fantasy@conectr-team.be) No army builder files except in html format as
the organization does not have this program available. We want a detailed army list
which clearly shows points per unit and unit upgrade and character to be found, it is
easier to check.
The army list needs to be in our possession before midnight on Sunday 31/03/2013
since we also need some time to check these lists.
No other list may be used than those which you have sent or emailed. This may result in
penalties otherwise. Also electronic payment before 31/03/2013

5) Army Selection

Tournament will be played with the eighth edition of the warhammer fantasy rulebook.
No more than 2200 points may be used to assemble your army.
Bring along at least one copy of your army list on the day of the tournament.
The army list must clearly state all models with stats, upgrades, items, magic items and
The following armies may be taken:
Chaos Dwarfs (list found in forge world book “TAMURKHAN : The throne of chaos” )
Daemons of Chaos
Dark Elves
Dogs of War (As a completely independent army) (Annual 2004, regimental or renown
may be selected)
High Elves
Ogre Kingdoms
Orcs and Goblins
Tomb Kings
Vampire Count
Warriors of Chaos
Wood Elves
We always use the latest released book for our army lists.
If your army gets a new codex after 31/03/2013, you play with the old codex
No special characters or named unit champions may be chosen, the only exceptions
being Regiments of Renown in a Dogs of War army.
WYSIWYG rule applies and if not, you should clearly inform your opponent about the
used models in advance to avoid misunderstandings and discussions.

6) Tournament Points (100 points):

During the tournament you can earn a maximum of 100 points and this in three different
categories. There are the command points up to 75 points, 20 points are the painting
points and another 5 points for the army list. Together they make your tournament
score. The winner is the player at the end of the tournament with the highest
tournament score. When there is a tie we first look at command points then the highest
victory points and then points for painting.

7) The 3 battles and scenarios:

A different scenario will be played every round. The scenario’s will be more
balanced and have less inpact on the game then last year.

7.1) Battle 1

Nice booze ay *hips*

Deployment : “Dawn attack” as described in rulesbook p145
Every army receives 3 flasks, all of them containing a special concoction.
The flasks are distributed openly after deployment and before the first turn, according to the following
rules :
If a battle standard is present in the army, he HAS to take one flask.
The remaining flasks are then randomly distributed among the heroes (NOT lords)
If there happen to be more flasks then heroes, then the remaining flasks are lost (a hero cannot take
two flasks)
A hero can drink his flask at the beginning of any of the player’s own turns.
To see what happens, roll 2D6 and consult the following table :
2D6 Description Effect
2 Skaven Brew Sickness strikes, -1 Toughness
However, the stench is so hard the hero is now -1 to hit in CC
3 Witch Draft Old age strikes, -1 Strenght
However, the hero now looks so ugly he causes fear.
(If the hero already causes fear, then he causes terror)
4 Infusion of the amazone
Alas, poison 4 at the beginning of every own turn, throw a
D6. On a 6, the hero has -1 Toughness (to a minimum of 1).
However, the hero has poisoned attacks. If already poisoned
attacks, then the hero receives one extra attack.
5 Grandma’s Laxative An urgent need to find a toilet overcomes the hero. However,
one does not leave his comrades in the face of battle. Alas,
no other option then 4 As a consequence, the hero is at -1 to
hit in CC, and has -1 Ld
6 Minute, Milord None, apart from the lovely taste of tomatosoup
7 Nectar of the Gods A halo forms around the hero, inspiring his comrades. The
hero has +1 Ld
8 Anabolic’s Fluid The muscles of the hero immediately starts to enhance,
resulting in +1 Strength
9 Dragon’s Spit Scales start to grow out of the hero’s skin. The hero has +1
10 Stronghold ale, blonde, 8° The finest ale on earth ! The hero receives +100 VP
11 Stronghold ale, dark, 10° The finest ale on earth, but with a bit more ! The hero receives
+150 VP
12 Stronghold ale, triple, 12° The finest ale on earth with a heavy punchline ! The hero
receives +200 VP

These effects are permanently for the remainder of the battle, and cannot be removed.
(so the extra VP of 10, 11 and 12 do count, even when the hero does not survive the battle)
On the other hand, a hero can choose not to drink. The following rules then apply :
If a hero did not drink and does survive the battle => +100VP
If a hero did not drink and does not survive the battle => 0VP
Victory points are calculated as described in the general rules

7.2) Battle 2

Scenario 2 12th Conflict : Chicken Run

It’s the season of the Chickens with the Golden Eggs.
These eggs are rare and precious nowadays, for they even contain a tiny bit of warpstone.
No wonder armies gather to collect them !
Scenario information :
Deployment according to Scenario “Battle line” as described in the warhammer fantasy rulesbook
Extra rules : the hunt for the Golden Eggs.
In this scenario, there are 4 chickens in play.
Before the game starts, these chickens are positioned on the central line, 14.5 inches from one
another and from the board. The chickens start the game in an airborne position, only to remain there
for the entire game.
Note : chicken counters will be provided by the organizers
Egg drops :
At the end of every players’ turn, all chickens drop one egg. If the chicken counter lays (partly) above
one single unit, this unit immediately collects the egg. If the chicken counter (partly) lays above
multiple units, roll a D6 to randomly select the collecting unit.
If no unit is beneath the chicken counter when the egg is dropped, this egg is lost.
Collected eggs cannot be lost, even when the collecting unit is destroyed or fled from the table.
Therefore the players only need to keep score on the Score Card for every collected egg.
Note : every unit is eligible to collect eggs, even single characters or fleeing units.
Note : the score card will be provided by the organizers
Chicken movement :
Once all chickens have dropped an egg, they immediately make their move.
The chickens make a fly move. Roll 1 artillery die to determine the distance, and 1 scatter die for
direction. In case of “misfire”, the chicken remains on the same spot.
This movement can bring the chicken into impassable terrain. In that case, bad luck, and hope for the
best it will come out again next turn :o)
Chicken notes :
If a chicken moves off the table, it is gone and will not come back.
Chickens do not block line of sight, nor do they block charges, for they are in fact flying in the air
Due to their specific diet, the chickens are kind of ethereal, so no point in trying to shoot them down.
In addition, the chickens are immune to magical attacks, so no use in beaming them down. In fact, the
chickens cannot be destroyed in any way :o)
Finally, effects that grant movement to units, do not work on chickens.
Victory conditions :
First, count the standard victory points as described in the tournament rules. These points are then
divided by 2.
Second, count all eggs collected and multiply this number by 50
Finally, add both scores together to determine the victory points.
Editor’s note :
In this way, the maximum that can be scored is 3625pts (First = 1225, Second = 4x6x2x50)
However, it is unlikely one player will collect all 48 eggs

Battle 3

Rules battleline, rulebook p 144

To gain victory points:
The normal rules with the following exception:
Fleeing units and or characters at the end of the game offer their points of victory points
for the opponent.
Models with half or under half their wounds and units with half or under half their
numbers count for half their points.
Some armies have some rules or magic items that can ensure that they or their opponent
gain additional victory points.

8) Command points (75 points):


DRAW 0 13 13
MINOR 1-199 14 12
MINOR 200-399 15 11
MINOR 400-599 16 10
MINOR 600-799 17 9
SOLID 800-999 18 8
SOLID 1000-1199 19 7
SOLID 1200-1399 20 6
SOLID 1400-1599 21 5
CRUSHING 1600-1799 22 4
CRUSHING 1800-1999 23 3
CRUSHING 2000-2199 24 2
MASSACRE 2200+ 25 1

9) Painting Points (20 points):

During the first battle we will come along for the painting points. Painting Points are
only given to fully painted armies. Here's how to earn 20 points. A few candidates will be
selected for best painted army. They will be asked to display their army after battle 2.
The best painted army will then be selected.
Painting: from 0 to 5 points if you have used at least three colours to paint your entire
army. 2 points if not everything but more than half of your army is painted
Additional painting: from 0 to 5 points if your army we like it or do something unique
with it.
Basing: 0 to 3 points for a fully based army. 1 point if not all but more like half of your
army is based.
Additional basing: 0 to 3 points if you've put more effort into the bases of your figures.
WYSIWYG: 0 to 2 points if all your flags, and such clear markings or specially, WYSIWYG.
Conversion: 0 to 2 points for conversions.

10) Clear army list (5 points):

A clear army list (Excel, Word, PDF) that we received in time and that is correct from the
first time it was sent in, gives you another 5 extra points.
With a clear army list we mean: each unit or each model should list its base statistics,
special rules and items with separate points for each item.
No army builder lists are allowed unless in HTML format. We, the organisation, haven’t
got the armybuilder software.
You lose 1 point for an armylist sent in a wrong form.
You lose one point for every day later then 31/03/2013, example ; when you sent a
correct list on 2/04/2013 you lose 2 points and get 3/5, and so on.
You lose 2 points per faulty list sent.
It may be that in rare circumstances Command Points are taken:

• Playing with a wrong armylist: -10 pts per battle and you get no points for that
command battles.

• Unsportsmanlike behavior, cheating, ...: In the opinion of the judges.

The scenery is drawn by the judges at the start of the tournament and may not be
moved. Wood Elf players who use treesinging are to place their woods back to their
original position after the game.

If there are questions or ambiguities concerning the rules in this document you can
always mail to (12thconflict.fantasy@conectr-team.be)
We, the organization, wish you much fun in your battles and hope you have a very
pleasant battle day.
Hall of Fame:


Hinweis: Für den Inhalt dieser Seite ist nicht T³, sondern der Turnierorganisator verantwortlich.
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