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Blut für den Blutgott 9 trifft Ost 23 - Informationen und Regeln


- Auch in Armeen mit "alten" Armeebüchern haben Armeestandartenträger Zugriff auf ihre Ausrüstungsoptionen.
- Einheiten, die zu Spielende fliehen, geben volle Siegespunkte ab.
- Einheiten, die am Ende des Spiels weniger, als 1/4 ihrer Anfangsstärke haben, geben halbe Siegpunkte ab.
- Modelle, die aus mehreren Teilen bestehen (z.B. Monster und ihre Reiter) geben getrennt Siegpunkte.
- kein "bad play": Kongas, Über-/Unterschätzen mit Kanonen, Nichteinhalten des 1-Zoll-Abstandes bei Aufstellung.
- Max. 4 eingesetzte Energiewürfel pro Zauber
- Es gibt Achtung Sir!-Würfe gegen die Bewohner der Tiefe und die Finale Transmutation.
- Zusätzlich zu den normalen Beschränkungen des großen Horus gilt auch diesmal wieder folgende Regeländerung:
"Die Kommandoeinheit eines Regimentes muss immer im ersten Glied stehen und kann von dort nicht mal durch die "Aus dem Weg!"-Regel von Charaktermodellen verdrängt werden. Eine Ausnahme dazu bilden die Lanzenformation der Bretonen und Monströse Infanterie, die bereits ab drei Modellen einen Gliederbonus bekommen. In diesen Fällen können Helden die "Aus dem Weg!"-Regel nutzen, um in Kontakt mit dem Feind zu gelangen und ihre volle Attackenzahl ausnutzen zu können. Auch wenn auf dem Spieltisch die Kommandoeinheit aus dem ersten Glied verdrängt wird, gehen wir spieltechnisch davon aus, dass sich der Gegner nach wie vor mit ihnen in Kontakt befindet: Er kann sich frei entscheiden, ob er die Helden in Basekontakt oder Teile der Kommandoeinheit attackieren möchte."

• The most recent GW FAQ contradicts itself regarding using “Unmodified Leadership” and its application to spells. At this tournament Unmodified Leadership will be the highest leadership in the unit, without using Inspiring Presence if not present in the same unit (any other modifiers such as Doom and Darkness or Standard of Discipline are ignored).
I.e. Spirit leech against a Level 2 mage (Ld8) in a unit also containing the Prince (Ld10 and General) will be using the Prince’s Leadership. Spirit Leech against a chariot (Ld8) within 12” of the same General (Ld10) will be using Ld8 from the chariot.


True Line of Sight

- Sichtlinien werden ausschließlich von Base zu Base bestimmt
- Einheiten sehen durch alles außer Hügeln und Häusern hindurch (diese blockieren jede Sichtlinie)
- Ein Modell, das auf eine gegnerische Einheit schießt, deren Front (bzw. Flanke/Rücken, abhängig von der Position des Schützen) zu mindestens 50% von anderen Einheiten, Hügeln, Gebäuden oder Hindernissen verdeckt ist, erhält Abzüge wegen harter Deckung
- Ein Modell, das in oder durch einen Wald schießt, erhält Abzüge wegen leichter Deckung, steht das schießende Modell im Wald und befindet sich kein weiterer Wald dazwischen, entfällt der Abzug
- Kriegsmaschinen, oder Modelle, die eine Beschussattacke haben, die wie eine KM funktioniert erhalten niemals Deckung durch eigene Einheiten
- Modelle, die von einem Hügel aus oder auf ein Ziel auf einem Hügel schießen und deren Ziel nur durch Einheiten verdeckt wird, die nicht selbst auf einem Hügel stehen, erhalten keine Abzüge wegen Harter Deckung
- Große Ziele erhalten niemals Deckung von Infanterie und Schwärmen

Anmerkung zum Proxen:
Proxen ist nur erlaubt (WYSIWYG), wenn Einheiten ( Miniaturen / Platzhalter / Bemalung usw) eigens dafür umgebaut wurden um die Einheiten darzustellen und sie als solches eindeutig zu erkennen sind. Bei Unsicherheiten oder Fragen dazu bitte einfach eine Mail an den Veranstalter.

Eingesetzte „Besondere Charakter Modelle“ ( BCMs ) müssen bemalt sein. Es muss aber nicht das Originalmodell eingesetzt werden, wenn eigens dafür umgebaute Modelle das besondere Charaktermodell darstellen und es als solches eindeutig zu erkennen ist. Falls ein besonders schöner Umbau das BMC zeigt, ist dies natürlich gern gesehen.

Hügel und Häuser sind unendlich hoch, letztere nicht betretbar.


Die Schreie der Vampire dürfen NICHT in Nahkämpfe gerichtet werden, in denen der Schreier nicht mitwirkt - das neue Vampir-Errata wird in diesem Punkt also vollkommen ignoriert!

Seelenraub: Unmodifiziert bleibt unmodifiziert, also Seelenraub wird nicht durch Inspirierende Gegenwart beeinflusst.

Am Anfang des Spiels kommt ein Szenariomarker in der Mitte des Spielfeldes. Der weicht dann einmalig vorm Spielbeginn 2W6 in eine zufällige Richtung ab.

Unabhängig von den Szenarien gelten die Spiele alle als offene Feldschlacht.
Man kontrolliert einen Szenariomarker, wenn man eine nicht fliehende Kerneinheit mit Einheiten Standarte oder Musiker innerhalb vom 12´´ vom Punkt hat, die näher am Szenariomarker dran ist, als jede nicht fliehende Einheit mit Einheiten Standarte oder Musiker vom Gegner. Ein Szenariomarker zählt als offenes Gelände und kann nicht angegriffen werden.

Vor dem Spiel wird ein Szenario, 1, 2, 3 oder 4 ausgewürfelt, 5 und 6 werden wiederholt.
Es kann passieren das auf dem Turnier die gleichen Szenarien mehrmals gespielt werden.
Die verschiedenen Szenarien sollen flexible Armeelisten fördern.

Szenario 1 Glorreiches Monument

Viele der Nationen und Rassen der Welt feiern ihre Siege und Eroberungen indem sie Monumente ihrer Anführer oder Götter errichten.

Der Szenariomarker bringt die Einheit, die ihn kontrolliert, + 1 auf das Nahkampfergebnis und die Einheit ist unnachgiebig.

Szenario 2 Antikes Götzenbild

Alle Völker errichten Bauwerke, um ihre Gottheiten zu preisen. Von den groben Götzenbildern von Gork und Mork, die aus dem Mist der Orks bestehen, bis hin zu den feinen, von magischen Flammen umgebenen Götterbildern der Hochelfen, stellen diese Bauwerke ein wichtiges Symbol dar.

Der Szenariomarker kontrollierende Spieler wird um 1 schlechter durch BF Beschuss getroffen als wäre die Armee in leichter Deckung.

Szenario 3 Wichtiger Grenzstein

Um Grenzen wird häufig gekämpft, wie auch um die Grenzsteine, durch die sie festgelegt werden.

Der den Szenariomarker kontrollierende Spieler bekommt + 1 auf Komplexitätswürfe beim Zaubern.

Szenario 4 Schlachtfeld der Helden
Der Kampf findet auf einem uralten Schlachtfeld statt, wo einst gigantische Armeen aufeinander trafen. Man kann die Überreste dieser längst vergangenen Schlachten noch immer sehen.

Der Szenariomarker markiert eine solche Stelle. Die Einheit, die ihn am Ende des Spieles kontrolliert erhält 250 Siegespunkte extra.

English version (07.09.2013)

Blut für den Blutgott 9 trifft Ost 23 - Informationen und Regeln
Changed rules
For armies with old army books the Army standard bearers are allowed the normal options for armour etc.
Units on the run at the end of the game are worth full victory points.
Units that have less than a quarter of their original unit strength at the end of the game are worth half the victory points
Models with multiple parts, for instance monster and rider are worth seperate victory points
No bad play: Congas, over or under guessing with canons and not keeping the 1 inch gap whilst placing units.
max 4 powerdice pro spell
Look out sir for dwellers and final transmutation
Apart from normal restrictions from gr Horus here are some more

The regimental command must always be in the front rank and cannot be moved even through out of the way rule from charachters except for the bretonian lance formation and monster infantry that already have a bonus with 3 models. In this case the characters can use the out of the way rule to get into contact with the enemy. That means you can choose to attack either the characters or the normal models.

True Line of Sight
lines of sight are only from base to base
units see through everything except hills and houses which block all lines of sight.

A model who shoots at an enemy unit which is covered from the front /flank/rear by at least 50 % through other units, hills, walls etc receives a penalty for hard cover.
A model who shoots into or through a wood receives a penalty for soft cover. If it is in the wood and there is not another wood in between then there is no penalty

War Machines or models that have a shooting attack that works like a war machine (e.g. Cannons, Hellcannon or Thundertusk) do not receive hard cover from other units, ever.

Models which shoot from hills or onto units on a hill where only units inbetween are not on hills themselves do not have penalties for hard cover .

Large units do not receive hard cover from infantry or swarms

Proxies are ony allowed (WYSIWYG), if the models have been especially rebuilt for that purpose. By uncertainty or questions regarding proxies check with the orga per mail beforehand.

Special Characters must be painted. However it doesn´t have to be the original model if the model has been especially built to represent the BCM. It must be distincly clear who the model represents. Conversions for BCMs are welcome and requested.

Hills and buildings are considered never ending in height and buildings cannot be occupied.

The screams of Vampire Counts armies are not permitted into combat in which the screamer is not involved. The new Vampire FAQ is ignored in this respect.

• The most recent GW FAQ contradicts itself regarding using “Unmodified Leadership” and its application to spells. At this tournament Unmodified Leadership will be the highest leadership in the unit, without using Inspiring Presence if not present in the same unit (any other modifiers such as Doom and Darkness or Standard of Discipline are ignored).
I.e. Spirit leech against a Level 2 mage (Ld8) in a unit also containing the Prince (Ld10 and General) will be using the Prince’s Leadership. Spirit Leech against a chariot (Ld8) within 12” of the same General (Ld10) will be using Ld8 from the chariot.

Scenarios: Before the game starts a scenario marker is placed in the middle of the board. It then moves only once 2 D 6 in a random direction.
Regardless of the scenarios all games are played as battleline page 144.

You control a marker if you have a non fleeing core unit with standard or musician within 12 “ that is closer than other non fleeing enemy units with standard or musician.
A scenario marker is open terrain and cannot be attacked

Before the game starts roll off 1,2,3, or 4 to determine a scenario, 5 and 6 are rerolled.it can happen that you play the same scenario more than once on the tournament. The scenarios are to encourage flexible lists.

Scenario 1 Glorious monument
Many nations and races of the warhammerworld celebrate victories by building monuments to their gods
The scenariomarker gives the controlling unit +1 to combat resolution and the unit is stubborn.

Scenario 2 Antique Idol
All races build temples and such for the Gods they worship. From the idols built of ork dung for Gork and mork to the fine idols surrounded by magical flames of the high elves. All are of great importance.
The controlling players army is at -1 to hit as if it were in soft cover.

Scenario 3 Vital Borderstone
Along Borders fighting takes place frequently. As is the case around borderstones
The controlling player has +1 for casting spells

Scenario 4 Heros Battlefield
The controlling player at the end of the game receives a bonus of 250 victory points

Gr Horus English translation

Blut für den Blutgott 9 trifft Ost 23 - Turnierablauf und Wertung

Catering: Close by is a Dönershop


09.00-09.30 Uhr: Arrive, unpack,say hi
09.30-12.00 Uhr: 1. Game,
12.15-14.45 Uhr: 2. Game,
14:45-15.15 Uhr: Break
15.15-17:45 Uhr: 3. Game 
18.15-19.00 Uhr: Victors ceremony, say bye

All 3 games are open battles. All units fleeing in the last round give full victory poits.

0-180 10:10
181-360 11:9
361-540 12:8
541-720 13:7
721-900 14:6
901-1080 15:5
1081-1260 16:4
1261- 1440 17:3
1441-1620 18:2
1621-1800 19:1
1800+ 20:0


Painting points (0,4,8) depending on how much painted
2 extra points if completely painted and based as a whole
5 points for paying before 18.10.2013
2 points for bringing a showlist for the orga ( readable )

A maximum of 77 points can be achieved
60 points for 3 games
10 painting points
5 for paying on time
2 points for showlist

General limitations

- Army size 2000 points
- Special Characters are allowed.
- Painting Points and Accepted Proxies
- No Dragons and Greater Daemons
- At the end of the game Units which are less than 25% of their starting size give up half of their victory points
- Max 3 of the same core unit, 2 of the same special unit and no duplicate Rare choice
- Max 2x same hero selection (including Assassins)
- Battle Standard Bearer may wear the equipment of their standard heroic counterparts
- Max 350 points per unit (characters and their mounts are not effected by this limit)
- Max 40 models per unit
- Max 8 models per Monstrous Infantry Regiment
- Max 6 models of Monstrous Cavalry per Army.
Max 40 models with ranged attacks of the following types: St 4, double shot or poison attacks
- Max 4 war machines. Each war machine counts as 5 shooters
- Max 2 templates in the Army (cannons and Doom Diver Catapults are included)
- Max 3 Chariot (first hero chariot does not count towards this limit)
- Max 3 flying/hovering units (16.08.2013)
- Max 1 model with Thunderstomp
- No Crown of Command
-In every army one unit which is allowed a standard bearer is allowed a magical banner up to 25 points even if the unit would not normally be entitled to magical bannners.
For example: A unit of Nightgoblins with shortbows is allowed a standard but not a magical banner normally.
I can now give the unit a magical banner for instance for 10 points the banner of the eternal flame.


- Max 3 Magic levels in the Army
- Each bound spell or additional spells (such as the Silver Wand) after the first counts as 1 Magic level
- Up to 10 power dice per magic phase
- generated Maximum 2 dice from channelling or any other sources
- no Loremasters allowed
- The following rule book lores can only be taken once per army: death, light, shadow
- Maximum 4 power dice per casting
- There is “Look Out, Sir!” against Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Infernal Gateway S11-12 effect.
- no Power Scroll.

Bretonen Update ( 09.11.2013 )

Bretonnian Dukes are allowed to ride a Hippogriff from the storm of magic rules ( S.90 )
The Tugend of _______ ist free and sinks the basic cost of the model by 10 points

Chaos Dwarves Update ( 08.09.2013 )

Models equipped with Hailshots or Fireglaives count against the shooting limit
No challice of blood and darkness
Hobgoblin Wolf Riders may be taken twice.
Max one (1) template with Strength 5
Towards the template limit count: The Iron Daemon counts as one (1) template, the K’daii Destroyer counts as two (2), magma cannon, deathshrieker, dreadquake mortar, hellcannon

Update ( 14.08.2013 ) Demons

Choose 2 from: Demon Prince, Skullcannon, more than 2 Nurgle units ( Nurgle heralds don´t count )
Epidemius can be combined with a maximum of 2 Nurlge units ( Nurgle heralds don´t count )
Max 6 beasts of Nurgle, Max 4 in a unit
The blue scribes count as a bound spell
Count as flyers: Furies, Demonprince with wings ( 2 ),
Plague drones and screamers ( from the 2 unit on )

Dark Elves Update ( 09.11.2013 )

Every shade counts a 1,5 shots against the shooters limit.
A unit of doomfire warlocks count as 2 magic levels
A black ark fleetmaster costs 100 points
Counting towards the limit of flyers: Harpies, Hero / Lord on Black Pegasus (2)

Lizardmen Update ( 09.11.2013 )
Each salamander counts as 3 shooters

Skink units with 20 + skinks, 2 kroxigors don´t count towards shot limit
The first carnosaurus, bastilidon 7 troglodon doesn´t count toward monster stomp limit
The primeval roar of the troglodon can be used at the start of every of its own combat phases
Counting towards the limit of flyers: Skinkchief on Teradon or Raptodaktylus, Teradonriders/ Raptodaktylus rider
Tiktaq´to can join a unit of teradon riders

The special rule predatory also counts for additional ranks for kroxigors and skink cohorts

Tomb Kings: Update ( 09.11.2013 )

No Neferra’s scrolls
All units within 12´´ of the army general or a unit with tomb king or tomb prince ignore the rule that it´s not allowed to march due to special rule Nehekhara undead
Maximum 6 chariots per army
Skullcatapults can be taken twice
Can take 2 models with monster stomp
Count towards flyer limits: Carrion, Necrospyhinx

High Elves Update ( 09.11.2013 )

Book of Hoeth or Banner of the world dragon ( count as 2 generated power dice and as a bound spell
The loremaster of Hoeth counts as a level 3 Magician
Sun Dragon is allowed
Bolt Throwers can be taken twice
All types of charriots can be used doubled
Giant Eagles can be taken twice
Towards the flyers limit count: Giant eagles, Prince on giant eagle/ sun dragon/ griffon
Highborn / noble on giant eagle, lothern skycutter, frostheartphoenix (2) flamespyrephoenix.

Empire: Checked ( 08.09.2013 )

- Each Archlector / Warrior Priest counts as one (1) Magic level
- Max models 30 with a 1+ Armour Save, Demigryph-Knights count as (4) , the steam tank as (15) models
- Max Demigryph-Knights 4 per unit
- the following count against the template limit: Steam Tank, Mortar (1/2), Great Cannon, pigeon bomb, Hellstorm Rocket Battery and Hellfire Volley Gun (when a Master Engineer is in the army).

Update ( 15.08.2013 ) Warriors of Chaos:

No Demon Prince, no soul feeder
Tzeentch Mark doesn´t improve wardsave to 3 +
The third eye of Tzeentch can´t be combined with ward save of 4 +
Choose max 4 from the following: Characters with toughness 5 or higher, gorebeast chariot, chaos chariot, chimera, hellcannon, skullcrushers, 7 + trolls
Chaos spawn are allowed doubled
The first mutalith beast /slaughterbrute don´t count against monsterstomp limit
Throgg, king of trolls, sets free only 1 unit of chaos trolls for core.
Max 12 chaostrolls.

Ogre Kingdoms Update ( 08.09.2013 )

Max of 3 from the following: Dragon Hide Banner, Iron Blaster, Hellheart, each unit of Ironguts ( from the 4th model ) or Mournfang cavalry (from the 3rd model )
Maneaters equipped with pistols count as 1 shooter, with a pair of pistols count as 2 shooters, Leadbelchers count as 3 shooters
Golgfag is played exactly as described in the army book
The following count against the template limit: Iron Blaster, Firebelly, Thundertusk, Dragonhide Banner.

Orcs and Goblins. Update ( 08.09.2013 )

- Max 6 Fanatics
- Pump Wagon count against the chariots limit, but may be taken twice
- If there are no orcs in the army, a second Mangler Squig is allowed
- Magic Mushrooms and successful "Sneaky Stealin" count towards the Power Dice limits

- Max 10 Gutter Runner with slings and poison in the army
- The following count against the template limit: Doom Rocket, Brass Sphere, Warp Lightning Cannon, Plague Claw Catapult, Plague Furnace, Hellpit Abomination (Abomination counts as two templates)

- Chaos Spawn may be taken twice.
- Jabberslythe, Ghorgon, Giant and Cygor cost 210 points each.

Vampire Counts
- No Red Rage
- Max 3 Ethereal units (including characters) with max. 10 models in the army
- Max 3 screams in the army, Mortis Engine counts as two and Felbeast count as three screams
- Max 12 models Black Knights / character models on Nightmare or skeleton horse.

Wood Elves
- Hail of Doom counts as 5 shoots
- Giant Eagle may be taken twice, hero on Giant Eagle and Falcon rider count half against the general flyer limit, but must never be combined to more than three flying units
- Spell Singers have access to the Lores of the Beasts and Life
- Forest Dragon is allowed.

- Each of the following counts as one magic level: Runesmith, Runelord, anvil and each Dispel / destructive rune
- The Flame Cannon is played exactly according to the rules of the army book. The Dwarfs FAQ ignored in this regard
- The Gyrocopter’s template weapon automatically hits any model touched, instead of needing a 4+
- gyrocopter may be taken twice
No more than two runes per war machine
- The following count against the template limit: Organ Gun, Cannon, Grudge Thrower, gyrocopter (counts half) and flame cannon.

Genaral rules.
Giants ( also Skeletongiants ) don´t count towards the monster stomp limit. Cost only 150 instead of 200 points and can be taken twice. Please note that you are not permitted to take more than 2 monster stomp models in your army.

The following units may also be selected from the elite section as 0-1 core choices and paid for in the core section. Any limitations or choices required to activate the core-selection are listed in brackets it:

Grail Reliquae (Lord / Paladin on foot)

Cold One Cavalry; Kroxigors

Tomb Kings

High Elves
Shadow Warriors (Alith Anar)

Warriors of Chaos
Dragon Ogres (Dragon Ogre Shaggoth); Chaos Ogres;

Ogre Kingdoms
Yhetee Pack ; Sabertusks (Hunter)

Orcs and Goblins
Orc Boar Boys / Wildorc Boar Boyz; Night Goblin Squig Hoppaz; Snotlings, Black Orcs (Blackorkwaaaghboss)

Rat Ogres


Wood Elves

Slayer (Daemonslayer /Dragonslayer)

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