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Friends go for Blood - Informationen und Regeln

3 games with 3000 points.
Map defines deployment, secondary are
round 1: capture the flags (If one player has less than 2 units oponent nominates unit)
round 2: breakthrough
round 3: hold the ground

Secondary Objectives:
Winning the Secondary Objective grants +1000 Victory Points!

At the day of the tournament in cash.

Army lists:
Please send the army lists (only PDF!) to moritz_hummel@gmx.de schicken. Please hand in your army list until 16.08.2020. 12:00 o'clock. Keeping this deadline is worth tournament 5 points!

House Rules:
- 3000 points per army, i.e. we use the rules for Warbands (i.e. 0 – X choices are rounded down, but rounded up)
- max. 340 points per single model (including characters, monsters, chariots…)
- max. 500 points per unit
- max. 3 characters, max. 25% characters
- max. 35 models / unit
- max. 2 flying units
- max. 1 model with Towering Presence
- max. 1 war machine
- units with height Large cannot be greater than 5 models (excluding characters)
- max. 30 models with shooting weapons (war machines and chariots do not count)
- core units max. twice (units that can count towards core can always be played twice)
- other units cannot be taken more than once
- spells #5 and #6 from all paths cannot be taken

- wild horns with throwing weapons count as 0.5 models for the shooting limit
- max. 3 units with Ambush

- one Harbinger of Chaos must be General of the army. It must buy the Greater Dominion of a single god (and can use it as if it was the original model). Manifestations from this God can be bought by the harbinger
- the hope harvester counts as 10 shooting models
- both the DL army and the opponent generate only a single Veil Token extra (instead of the usual 2)
- no Brazen Beasts

- Dark Riders count as 1.5 models for the shooting limit
- Raven Cloaks count as 2 models for the shooting limit
- the Hunting Chariot counts as a War Machine (for purposes of these restrictions)

- the Bolt Thrower does not count towards the limit of only 1 war machine
- max. 4 Hold Guardians
- the Rune of Dragon’s Breath counts as 5 models for the shooting limit
- the Steam Bomber counts as 5 models for the shooting limit
- each Attack Copper counts as 2 models for the shooting limit
- only 2 units can make a Vanguard move

- no Arcane Engine
- Reiter with either Repeater Handguns or Brace of Pistols count as 1.5 models for the shooting limit

- Queensguard count as 1.5 models for the shooting limit
- Elu’s Heartwood counts as 5 models for the shooting limit
- the Sky Sloop counts as a War Machine (for purposes of these restrictions)

- Gunnery team counts as 5 models for the shooting limit

- Mounted Yeomen do not count towards the shooting limit

- no Tusker Cavalry
- Bombardiers count as 4 shooting models, Mercenary Veterans as 2 if armed with Brace of Ogre Pistols (+1 with Poison Attacks, +1 with Accurate)
- all Scraplings with shooting weapons count as 0.5 models for the shooting limit
- the Mammoth Hunter counts as 2 shooting models
- both the Thunder Cannon and the Scratapult count as a War Machine (for purposes of these restrictions)

- all characters lose Scout and cannot gain it
- Models armed with Bows count as 0.5 models for the shooting limit
- max. 25 models in a Gnasher Herd
- the bolt thrower does not count towards the war machine limit

- Blowpipes count as 1.5 shooting models
- max. 1 Salamander
- the Stygiosaur counts as 10 models for the shooting limit
- max. 4 models per flying unit (excluding characters)

- max. 4 Thicket Beasts
- max. 3 mounted units with Light Troops

- max. 1 unit of Giant Rats
- both Gutter Blades and Jezzails count as 2 models for the shooting limit
- the Rakachit Machinist and a Weapon Team both counts as 5 models for the shooting limit
- the Dreadmill counts as both a War Machine and a model with Towering Presence (for purposes if these restrictions)

- no Monarchs of the Undead
- Shabti Archers and Sand Stalkers both count as 2 models for the shooting limit
- no Tomb Reapers
- max. 2 Units with Underground Ambush
- max. 2 from: Tomb Reapers, SHabti, Shabti Archers, Tomb Cataphracts, 2nd Chariot unit

- max. 2 Winged Reapers, max. 4 Vampire Spawns
- max. 2 units from The Suffering and Swift Death

- no Chosen Knights
- max. 2 from: Feldraks, Wretched Ones, Forsworn
- a single Chimera (mounted or not) does not count towards the limit of only 1 model with Towering Presence

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