T³ - TableTop Turniere
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800pt Legion February - Informationen und Regeln

1. 3 Rounds / 135 Minutes per game
2. One list throughout the day for 800pts.
3. Preset terrain
4. The level of this tournament is casual!
6. Timetable:

10:00 Shop opens
10:15 1st Round (12:15- Don't start a new round, finish the round you are on)
12:35 Lunchbreak
13:05 2nd Round (15:05- Don't start a new round, finish the round you are on)
15:20 15min Break
15:35 Final Round (17:35- Don't start a new round, finish the round you are on)
18:00 End of Tournament, Announcement of Winner, Prizes

If we reach 8 Players or more:
1st 50.- Store Coupon
2nd 35.- Store Coupon
3rd 20.- Store Coupon

+ Tokens and Card, Dice/Ordertoken bags

one (1) drink is included in the entry fee.

all players know the rules that can be found here:


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