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GoePP - The Goettinger Pairing Program


The "Goettinger Pairing Programm" (abbr. GoePP) is a Windows-software, that allows a comfortable administration of your running tournament. Its main use is the creation of the player pairings based on the Swiss System. There a lots of options to configure the process. You can for example activate that one player won't play against his own army/faction or against a player he already battled.

In addition to this core feature the GoePP supports the handling of the gaming rounds with a couple of handy prints (like current pairings or standings etc). Special stuff like painting or fairplay are also taken into account.

Finally the GoePP is fully compatible with T³ and allows an easy data exchange between a T³-tournament and itself. So you can export your tournament sign ups from T³ and import them into the GoePP. It also works the other way round to get the results onto T³ back again.

If you're interested in the GoePP now, don't wait with the download. If you have any questions, contact the author Heimdall or one of the T³-admins. Don't hesitate to share any feedback. It's surely welcome.

Download - info:

De download knop geeft in moderne browsers een bestand "goepp.zip" weer. Als je een bestand krijgt met een andere naam, verander deze naam dan in "goepp.zip" (Let op voor verborgen bestandtypes!)
Bestand type: zipped Windows-Executable
Bestand versie: 1.5.0
Bestand grote: 1.1 MB
Downloads: 72673 (Totaal: 75539)


GoePP werd geprogrammeerd door : Matthias "Heimdall" Pfeilsticker
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