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Wiadomości - Server load issue [RESOLVED]

(Permalink)T³ - Server load issue [RESOLVED]
07/11/22 17:01

Unfortunately, our virus scanner went into the weekend a bit too early on Friday and this resulted in no more emails being sent. This in turn has led to the system becoming slower and slower and there were problems everywhere due to the load.

We have now been able to fix the problem and all outstanding emails have been sent in the last few hours. So if you have been waiting for an (automatic) email from the system, it should have arrived by now.

We are sorry and we will see to it that we detect such problems in a more timely manner in the near future.

Napisane przez Blackhawk

#108/11/22 09:21

Unfortunatly, the problem is still here for me.
When I want to validate my email, there is this message : "There was an error with the database. Please try again or contact an admin if the problem doesn't vanish in a couple of minutes."
Sometimes it is when I want to receive the email and sometimes this is when I want to validate my email when I clic in the link.
Thank you for your help.

Napisane przez Aena (Kontakt)
#208/11/22 15:01


There was unfortunately another error, which I have just fixed.

Napisane przez Blackhawk (Kontakt)
#309/11/22 08:49

Thank you for your help, It's okay now !
Have a Nice day !

Napisane przez Aena (Kontakt)

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