No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid |
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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
1. | Thibaud aka "bolard" | Embourg | 65 | Empire | Liegendary | no |
2. | Loïc aka "LoKyyle" | Wasselonne | 162 | Galactic Republic | Elsass Frei | no |
3. | Olivier aka "LesB-OneZ" | Anglet | 74 | Separatists | Bordure Sud-ouest | no |
4. | Quasar aka "Quasar0115" | Wasselonne | 388 | Empire | Elsass Frei | no |
5. | Szymon aka "Phosgen" | Stuttgart | 260 | Separatists | SWLL Stuttgart | no |
Distribution of Armies |
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Distribution of Origins |
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