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Alpine Cup AoS: NRW-Teams - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Jan aka "Brummer_Jan"DSehnde259Grand Alliance ChaosDie Schlappenknappenno
2. Michael aka "Bruderlioness"DHildesheim211Cities of SigmarDie Schlappenknappenno
3. Jim aka "Blubinator"DHildesheim475SeraphonDie Schlappenknappenno
4. Eric Ole aka "Ollerchen4"DHildesheim360NighthauntDie Schlappenknappenno
5. Marius aka "Centox"DKassel61Maggotkin of NurgleMiniparadiceno
6. Steven aka "Nostramo"BHeist-Op-Den-Berg-Grand Alliance DestructionTeam TGK Brotherhoodno
7. Ritchie aka "RitchieElbertsen"NLLandgraaf-SylvanethTeam TGK Brotherhoodno
8. Alex aka "K-OS"NLSluis-Maggotkin of NurgleTeam TGK Brotherhoodno
9. Largo aka "Mini_K-OS"BKnokke-NighthauntTeam TGK Brotherhoodno
10. Arno aka "Jarbeat"BLaakdal-Lumineth Realm-LordsTeam TGK Brotherhoodno
11. Basti aka "Floreliza"DHamm150Hedonites of SlaaneshHier für das Bierno

List of teams

Registered teams
1Die SchlappenknappenBrummer_Jan, Bruderlioness, Blubinator, Ollerchen4
3Team TGK BrotherhoodNostramo, RitchieElbertsen, K-OS, Mini_K-OS, Jarbeat
4Hier für das BierFloreliza

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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