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The King in the North - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FAurélien aka "Syd"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Figurine Mantic
FKevin aka "Kiev"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
FYohann aka "touba"player-award-bestgeneralBest General

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Yohann aka "touba"player-award-bestgeneralFPoilly lez GienPapy BurgerAbyssal Dwarfs82
2.2.p2Paul aka "Buchos"FTressinLes Halflings !Elves71
3.3.p3Paco aka "Iblis"ESaint OmerLes Halflings !Abyssal Dwarfs69
4.4.Julien aka "Poliorcetic"FGaillonHot&BashElves65
5.5.Vincent aka "Julo62"FHénin-BeaumontLes Halflings !Twilight Kin61
6.6.Simon aka "Millstone"FIsberguesGVMForces of Nature59
7.7.Aurélien aka "Syd"player-award-specialFLouviersNord ManForces of the Abyss58
8.8.Cyril aka "Fomky"FAire sur la LysGVMKingdoms of Men58
9.9.David aka "Dazyn"FOutreauUndead56
10.10.Olivier aka "Orckel"FLilleLes Halflings !Orcs55
11.11.Alban aka "walach"FCroixAut agere aut moriTrident Realms of Neritica55
12.12.Tamatea aka "Thrain"FIsberguesGVMDwarfs47
13.13.Kevin aka "Kiev"player-award-bestpaintedFReimsSection Jeux JaminVarangur45
14.14.Sylvain aka "sparnacum"FepernaySection Jeux JaminOgres36
15.15.Lothaire aka "Eriahtol"FHellemmesLes Halflings !Ogres29
16.16.Eric aka "Ancilla"FOutreauVarangur28
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Les Halflings ! (5)57.00
2.GVM (3)54.67
3.Section Jeux Jamin (2)40.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Isbergues (2)53.00
2.Outreau (2)42.00

Army Results:

1.Abyssal Dwarfs (2)75.50
2.Elves (2)68.00
3.Twilight Kin (1)61.00
4.Forces of Nature (1)59.00
5.Kingdoms of Men (1)58.00
6.Forces of the Abyss (1)58.00
7.Undead (1)56.00
8.Orcs (1)55.00
9.Trident Realms of Neritica (1)55.00
10.Dwarfs (1)47.00
11.Varangur (2)36.50
12.Ogres (2)32.50
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