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[FOW ]Bolzano Mid War Madness

ETC goes MidWar! Enjoy 2 days of stressless Flames of War, each with two games of 3 hours.
The location is situated in Bolzano the capital of the beautiful alpine region South Tyrol.

This tournament is part of the famous "cirquito italiano"

Organisator: DaNilz (Kontakt)

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Spielsystem: Flames of War (FoW)
Start: 27.02.16 - 09:00 Uhr
Ende: 28.02.16 - 18:00 Uhr
Startplätze: 20
Startgebühr: 29
Parkhotel Werth, Via Maso della Pieve 19
39100 Bolzano

Webseite: http://www.fowitalia.com/

Hinweis: Das Turnier ist beendet.

Aktuelle News

30.01.16 - 19:03 Uhr
Midwar Update on the way

BF has promissed to publish the Mid War books Eastern Front and North Africa until 11.02. if this is true, we do have enough time to optimize our lists and don't have to rely on the ETC document.

If they can't fullfill their announcement we will have to further steps: first will be to give you one more week for sending in your lists, second is to go back to the ETC clarifications.

We will inform you in time!

Geschrieben von DaNilz
19.01.16 - 18:24 Uhr
Special rules clarification and painting/proxies

Hi there,

as I already wrote in the description, we are using the V3 arsenal update from Battlefront http://www.flamesofwar.com/Portals/0/Documents/Briefings/Mid-war/Mid-War-Arsenals-V3.pdf

Regarding some special rules (like SU-85 with Cat Killer oder Volley Fire): we can only guess, if BF makes an update about that. They told us, they would. So let's see if they make it within January. If not, we will give you an update, how we will handle it.

Regarding PROXING and PAINTING: minor proxing is allowed as long as it is clear, what you are using (i.e. all Matildas are CS instead of the normal ones, or you use SU85m instead of SU85). Pls don't consider hard proxing like taking KVs for proxing Tigers or else.

Geschrieben von DaNilz
13.01.16 - 10:31 Uhr

As already written, we do have special conditions with the event location Parkhotel Werth. Instead of 80€/120€ per night for a single room /double room, you only pay 70€/110€. Please call the hotel for any further details or write them an email.


If you are looking for something else, just use booking to find the accomodation level you prefer: http://goo.gl/leicWd
Actually, any hotel in Bolzano is close enough to arrive at the event location within a couple of minutes.

If you are interested in saving some money, we can arrange you an vacancy apartment for up to 4 people. Let me know if you'd like to use that...

Geschrieben von DaNilz
01.10.15 - 12:14 Uhr
No Swastikas and XX-Runes...

Because the tournament takes place in a german speaking ex Austrian region of Italy, swastikas and Runes are strictly forbidden. Please find a solution to cover any nazi symbols...

Geschrieben von DaNilz
25.09.15 - 13:01 Uhr
Rules online

We have published the tournament rules. If you have any questions or found any mistakes, pls let me know.

Geschrieben von DaNilz

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