No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Christian-Benoit aka "Hookye" | Celles-Sur-Belle | 479 | Grand Alliance Chaos | Wargame79 | yes | yes |
2. | Samuel aka "DexQQ" | Niort | 32 | Grand Alliance Death | Wargame79 | yes | yes |
3. | Gregory aka "Yroge" | Val Du Mignon | 658 | Ogor Mawtribes | Drak’Aunis | yes | yes |
4. | Jean-Yves aka "le-coronel" | Niort | 571 | Grand Alliance Chaos | | yes | yes |
5. | Vivien aka "Pacstack" | Sant Pardoux | 757 | Grand Alliance Order | Wargame79 | yes | yes |
6. | Barthelemy aka "Abym" | Niort | 2035 | Gloomspite Gitz | Wargame79 | yes | yes |
7. | Dominique aka "Random86" | Migne Auxances | 1129 | Grand Alliance Order | Drak’Aunis | yes | yes |
8. | Tomasz aka "Runfixe" | Breuil-Magné | 137 | Slaves to Darkness | Drak’Aunis | yes | yes |
9. | Michael aka "Glacius" | Vandré | 485 | Slaves to Darkness | Drak'Aunis | yes | yes |
10. | Martin aka "Phoenixflame" | Sainte Soulle | 247 | Grand Alliance Death | Drak’Aunis | yes | yes |
11. | Robert aka "RobJenx" | Chef-Boutonne | 102 | Grand Alliance Destruction | Drak’Aunis | yes | yes |
12. | (anonym) | | - | Sylvaneth | Les chevaliers de la duchesse | yes | yes |
13. | Nicolas aka "Togi" | Nantes | 538 | Seraphon | Les chevaliers de la duchesse | yes | yes |
14. | Guillaume aka "G-1100" | Aigrefeuille D'aunis | 34 | Nighthaunt | Drak'Aunis | yes | yes |
15. | Rudy aka "Rudy_Mzh" | La Rochelle | 943 | Orruk Warclans | Drak Aunis | yes | yes |
16. | Matt aka "0cto" | Bouvron | 426 | Skaven | Dé-Luminatis | yes | yes |
17. | Anthony aka "Noromance" | Malville | 678 | Slaves to Darkness | Dé-Luminatis | yes | yes |
18. | Yohan aka "Xepocado" | Quilly | 560 | Grand Alliance Chaos | Dés'luminatis | yes | yes |
19. | Abigael aka "Whalee" | Plessé | 585 | Grand Alliance Order | Dé-Luminatis | yes | yes |
20. | Antoine aka "uzagi" | Bouaye | 224 | Grand Alliance Order | | yes | yes |
Distribution of Armies |
Grand Alliance Order: | 4 |
Grand Alliance Chaos: | 3 |
Slaves to Darkness: | 3 |
Grand Alliance Death: | 2 |
Gloomspite Gitz: | 1 |
Grand Alliance Destruction: | 1 |
Nighthaunt: | 1 |
Ogor Mawtribes: | 1 |
Orruk Warclans: | 1 |
Seraphon: | 1 |
Skaven: | 1 |
Sylvaneth: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Loire-Atlantique (44): | 7 |
Deux-Sèvres (79): | 7 |
Charente-Maritime (17): | 5 |
Vienne (86): | 1 |