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Spelers profiel - kyoden

Spelers profiel
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Oorsprong:D76133 Karlsruhe
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Warmachine (Cygnar, Mercenary Contracts)
Hordes (Legion of Everblight, Circle Oboros)
Wh40K (Space Marines, Tyranids)

SpellenToernooienSpeler awardsRankingsVrienden
Anima Tactics:
  • Dark Faction
  • Red Blok
  • Supra
  • The army of the Revolutionary Collectives (ARC)
  • The Local Collective of Ava (Frontline)
Battlefleet Gothic:
  • Space Marine Fleet
  • Tyranid Fleet
Blood Bowl:
  • Chaos
  • Khemri
  • Nurgle's Rotters
Clan War:
  • Scorpion Clan
  • Shadowlands Horde
Classic BattleTech:
  • Clan Geisterbär
Confrontation: AoR:
  • Army of the Griffin (The Griffins of Akkylanie)
  • Army of the Hyena (Devourers of Vile-Tis)
  • Army of the Ram (Living Dead of Archeron)
  • Army of the Scorpion (Alchemists of Dirz)
  • Army of the Stag (Kelt Drunes)
Epic Armageddon:
  • Death Guard
  • Lost & Damned Chaos Cult Army
  • Thousand Sons
Flames of War:
  • Kazachiy Polk
  • Motostrelkovy Batalon
  • Soviet Others
  • Strelkovy Batalon
  • Tankovy Batalon
  • Ariadna
MechWarrior: Dark Age:
  • Geen details
  • Beastmen Warband
  • Carnival of Chaos
  • Possessed Warband
  • Undead Warband
  • Unofficial Warbands:
    • Pirates
    • Pit Fighter Warband
  • House Cawdor
Pirates of the Spanish Main:
  • Jade Rebellion
  • Mercenary
  • Pirates
  • The Cursed
  • Vikings
Warhammer 40K:
  • Necrons
  • Space Marines
  • Tyranids
  • Cygnar
  • Legion of Everblight
  • Mercenaries
  • The Circle Orboros
  • Bauhaus
  • Dark Legion
  • Mishima
Totaal: 17 Spellen, 49 Legers

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