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Kings of War / GUILD'Con 2025 - List of Participants

1. Kevin aka "Ketep"FAureil11Trident Realms of NeriticaMagisteres lemovices forbannisno
2. Michel aka "Kutchuc"FToulouse4NightstalkersOrk'n azesno
3. Thibault aka "Chapelier"FSendets19Forces of the AbyssG.U.I.L.Dno
4. Vincent aka "Beerserkr"FCanejan8Dwarfsl'équipe qui défourailleno
5. Rachid aka "Le_Cul_de_Jatte"FGermignac7Ogresl'équipe qui défourailleno
6. Adrien aka "Pantoufle"FVillenave d'Ornon52NightstalkersG.U.I.L.Dno

Distribution of Armies
Forces of the Abyss:1
Trident Realms of Neritica:1
Distribution of Origins
Gironde (33):3
Charente-Maritime (17):1
Haute-Garonne (31):1
Haute-Vienne (87):1
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