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troll & narine - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Florent aka "FlawlessGod"FBOURGHELLES132Grand Alliance Destructionnono
2. Damien aka "Soro4"FTaverny413Stormcast Eternalsnono
3. Nicolas aka "Nicopara"FSaint-martin Boulogne589Maggotkin of NurgleOpal'Outsidersnono
4. Grégory aka "Gorgory62"FWimereux671SylvanethTDMJnono
5. Clément aka "Morbrock"FRonchin592SkavenNorth Lionsnono
6. Guillaume aka "Graffexpress"FBoulogne-Sur-Mer329Ogor MawtribesOpal'Outsidersyesno
7. Vincent aka "Zieg"FOutreau-Orruk WarclansL'Heurt de Boucliernono
8. Maxence aka "Amarok_n_roll"FLe Portel-SeraphonL'Heurt de Boucliernono
9. Hugues aka "Ganymede"FLe Portel-Stormcast EternalsL'Heurt de Boucliernono
10. Thomas aka "Epopoti"FNogent Sur Marne1023Maggotkin of NurgleSur un 4+nono
11. Tudual aka "Mister_T"FAlfortville1414NighthauntSur un 4+nono
12. Louis aka "PapiBigFoot"FEtampes795Grand Alliance Destructionnono
13. Benjamin aka "Ben-Hur"FSequedin31Disciples of TzeentchHaut Death Francenono
14. Amaury aka "CptnFayot"FItteville976Grand Alliance Chaosnono
15. Anthony aka "Atubon"FSaint-Maurice957Daughters of KhaineSilver Milleniumnono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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