T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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Chroniques de la cigogne - Toernooi resultaten

Spelers awards

FAntonin aka "Tullaris"player-award-bestgeneralBeste Generaal
FKevin aka "Tsuruchy"player-award-specialSpeciale Prijs - chat rose
FThomas aka "von_Falkenstein"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Enkel speler resultaten:

No. Plaats Naam Oorsprong Team Leger Totaal
1.1.p1Antonin aka "Tullaris"player-award-bestgeneralFMontbéliardDoubiste KnightsDark Elves42
2.2.p2Thierry aka "zerider"FChevremontDaemons of Chaos39
3.3.p3Eric aka "Grisou"DaujoutinVampire Counts36
4.4.Didier aka "Malus_67"FStrasbourgClub 3MDark Elves31
5.5.Raphael aka "LE-DOC"FColmarC3MBretonnia31
6.6.Alexandre aka "gogol"FAudincourtDoubiste KnightsDaemons of Chaos30
7.7.Thomas aka "von_Falkenstein"player-award-bestpaintedFHirtzfeldenCrux TerminatusChaos Warriors29
8.8.Amine aka "Minh"FMulhouseHigh Elves29
9.9.Simon aka "Bloody_curse"FRixheimHigh Elves29
10.10.Antony aka "Flint1988"FMulhouseLVDRLizardmen28
11.11.Quentin aka "Lamenoire"FSainte-Croix En PlaineClub 3MDark Elves27
12.12.Mickael aka "michon"MulhouseChaos Warriors26
13.13.Cédric G.Wood Elves25
14.14.Antoine aka "Alzaran"Vampire Counts25
15.15.Sidney C.DiddenheimVampire Counts23
16.16.Mickaël aka "Mick"FMontbeliardDoubiste KnightsVampire Counts20
17.17.Paul-Antoine O.FTraubach-Le-HautDaemons of Chaos18
18.18.Arthur aka "KingArthur"FRixheimDark Elves17
19.19.Nicolas aka "walk"FSoultzClub 3MVampire Counts15
20.20.Christophe R.KingersheimDwarfs15
21.21.Nicolas aka "ThoT"FSuarceMMKOgre Kingdoms13
22.22.Kevin aka "Tsuruchy"player-award-specialFBrognardMMKDwarfs12
Beschrijving van de gebruikte afkortingen (ze hoeven niet allemaal gebruikt te worden): LS= Leger Samenstelling, VS=Verf Score, ES = Eerlijk Spel, QP= Quiz Punten, AP= Andere Punten

Team resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Doubiste Knights (3)30.67
2.Club 3M (3)24.33
3.MMK (2)12.50

Stads resultaten (op zijn minst 2 spelers):

1.Montbéliard (2)31.00
2.Mulhouse (3)27.67
3.Rixheim (2)23.00

Leger resultaten:

1.Bretonnia (1)31.00
2.Dark Elves (4)29.25
3.Daemons of Chaos (3)29.00
4.High Elves (2)29.00
5.Lizardmen (1)28.00
6.Chaos Warriors (2)27.50
7.Wood Elves (1)25.00
8.Vampire Counts (5)23.80
9.Dwarfs (2)13.50
10.Ogre Kingdoms (1)13.00
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