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Tournament details

2 T 

Bavarian Team Championship 2023

Name:Bavarian Team Championship 2023
Gamesystem:The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles - Team Tournament
Organizer:Just_Flo (Contact)
Location:Novotel München City Arnulfpark
Address:Arnulfstraße 57
80636 München
Hitchhiker offers:There are no Hitchhiker Offer at the momemt.
Start: 2023-11-25 09:00
End: 2023-11-26 18:00
Download ICS-Date: Download the date as an ICS-file...
Seats: 58
Charge: 90 EUR (180 EUR Box Office)
Description:Registration and Administration for the Tourney happens on Newrecruit.eu.

More here: https://www.newrecruit.eu/app/tournydetails?id=64470004cead2daa519952b8

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