T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions have been written in German (Germany). Should this translation lead to any discrepancy compared to the German version, the German version is the deciding one.

§ 1 General

For the relationship between T³ (Althaus.IT, Pfälzerstr. 55a, 38112 Braunschweig, Germany) and its users and between the users themselves only the following terms of service apply.

The terms can be access on the T³ website at any time. The user can download or print the text. Differing arrangements only apply when T³ confirms them in written form. Those have no effect on future dealings.

§ 2 Registration

The application as a T³ user is done by registration. The user has to enter all the requested data completely and correctly, if those aren't marked as optional. The application will be registered at T³. A confirmation of the application will be send to the provided e-mail address.

After the successfull registration the user has the possibility to use additional features of the T³ website after authentification with his account name and password.

The registration is allowed for:

a) For the non-paid usage every individual person.
b) For the Premium membership every person who is full of age.

§ 3 The membership agreement

The T³ website offers its registered users two types of usage:

a) A non-paid membership offering a limited access to additional features of the website as well as
b) a paid Premium respectively PremiumPlus membership, which offers full access to all features and is required to manage tournaments with more than 18 players online on T³.

You can find more information on the usage types in the "Membership" section.

T³ offers a platform to bring users together with other users to organize gaming tournaments. For this purpose T³ provides a technical application, which allows to establish contacts between the users themselves and between the users and the organizers of gaming tournaments. T³ is not involved in the content of the communication between the last named parties.

Details about the applicable fees and payment options of the Premium membershiops can be found on the T³ website in the "Membership" section. The prices listed are binding. The fees for the Premium membership are due immediately upon invoicing. See § 7 of the terms on the handling of data protection.

§ 4 Revocation

Every consumer, which is a paid user of this website thus a Premium member, has the follwing right of revocation. Consumers are those persons who don't use this website based on a commercial or professional activity.

1. Power of revocation
You may declare the revocation of your contractual statement in text form (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) within a period of 14 days. The revocation does not have to contain any grounds. We will forward this revocation instruction to you again in text form. The revocation period commences after the receipt of this revocation instruction in text form, though neither before conclusion of contract nor before our fullfillment of our duties to inform you referring to art. 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 sec. 1 and 2 EGBGB (Introductory Law to the Civil Code) as well as our duties referring to § 312 g sec. 1 sentence 1 BGB (Civil Code) in conjunction with art. 246 § EGBGB. The time limit shall be deemed to be observed by the timely dispatch of the declaration of revocation. The revocation has to be addressed to:

c/o Matthias Althaus
Pfälzerstr. 55a
38112 Braunschweig
E-mail: kontakt@althaus.it
Fax: +49 3213 10 12 932

The revocation can also be send through the contact form on the T³-website (www.tabletoptournaments.net).

2. Consequence of revocation
In case of a valid revocation, all mutually received performances as well as emoluments taken (e.g. interest), if applicable, are to be restituted by either side. If you are unable or partially unable to restitute the merchandise to us or can only restitute it in a deteriorated condition, then you have to insofar compensate for its value where applicable. This can lead therto that you have to fullfill the contractual duties of payment for the period up to the revocation. All reimbursement obligations must be fulfilled within 30 days of the declaration of revocation. The time limit starts for you with the dispatch of your revocation, for us with the receiving of the statement.

§ 5 Duties of the user

The user has the following duties:

a) With the usage of the content and services on the T³ website all applicable laws and rights of third parties have to be obeyed. The user is in particular not allowed to

use insulting or defamatory contents, regardless of whether such content relates to other users, the T³ employees or other persons or companies,

use or advertise, offer or sell pornographic, violent or child protection law offending content,

harass other users unreasonable ( or chain letters, to offer proprietary content to use (in particular regarding patents or trademarks) without being authorized or to promote, offer or distribute legally protected goods or services as well as

make or support anti-competitive acts including progressive customer acquisition practices (Ponzi scheme pyramid schemes, chain systems

b) In addition to legally prohibited content (like right-/left-redical ideas) salacious or sexual communication is prohibited - implicit and explicit.

§ 6 Liability

1. Release of liability
The user releases T³ from any claims of third parties against T³ due to a violation of their rights caused by content created by the user on the T³ website or by the usage of the application provided on the T³ website. The user will take any costs required for the legal defense of T³ including all court and lawyer fees, as far as those are reasonable. In the case of a claim by other users or third parties the user is obliged to provide immediately all information available to him truthfully and completely, that is necessary to verify such claim and to defend. The foregoing obligations of the user do not apply if the user is not responsible for the infringement
2. Limitation of liability by T³
a) According to the legal provisions T³ as the provider of the website is not obliged to observe the transferred or stored information or to search for circumstances indicating an unlawful act
the information will be immediately removed or the access to this disabled.

b) Towards its users Althaus.IT, Pfälzerstr. 55a, 38112 Braunschweig, Germany (T³) is fully liable for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health, based on a negligent breach of duty by the user or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of the user as well as for other damages negligence to gross breach of duty of the user or based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of the user.

c) In all other cases the liability is excluded.

§ 7 Privacy policy

Your personal data will be used exclusively for the purpose of organizing tournaments. The data of the registered players is available for the tournament organizer. Conversely, the contact details of the organizers are open to the player
By signing up for a tournament managed on T³ the user agreees to the publication of his data regarding lists of participants, results, rankings and so forth and releases them for statistical processing. The full name and the account name may be found on those lists.

As far as a release of this data is not desired, the user has the option of complete anonymity. In the system (participant lists, rankings, lists of results then only stated as "Anonymous". Only the administrators of T³ and organizers have access to his data. Each registered user is provided a setting to use the possibility of anonymity. Unregistered players will need to contact the administrators of T³ to get the anonymization.

Organizers using the T³ tournament management obligate themselves to use the data only for tournament organization in consense with this section. Furthermore they have to ensure that the results are free of errors. A forgery of results is prohibited.

All other data will be kept strictly confidential. A transfer of your data for purposes of marketing or other promotional purposes does not occur.

§ 8 Copyright, liability for the content of this page

This website and its contents are protected by intellectual property rights The reproduction and usage of the content requires the prior written consent of the publisher and licensor.

Any violation will be prosecuted under and criminal law.

There is no liability and / or responsibility for the information / contents taken which can be accessed via a link from this site.

§ 9 Termination of membership

I. Termination by T³

1. If a user violates the obligations referred to in § 5 of the terms, T³ reserves the right to impose sanctions against the user. This will always be done if T³ has concrete indications that a user violates
statutory regulations, rights of third parties or the other under § 5 of the terms stated obliugations. In case of violation, the user can according to the seriousness of the misconduct

a) first be cautioned,
b) be excluded from the T³ website temporarily,
c) receive a final suspension from T³. The final suspension represents an extraordinary termination of the license agreement by T³. Should a user have been blocked, he is prohibited to use the T³ website any further.

II. Termination by the user

1. Free use
The user may terminate the free membership at any time without giving reasons. The termination can be made through the contact form
2. Termination of Premium membership
The premium membership runs for a period of one year. At the end of this period the Premium membership is not renewed automatically. It ends. After the Premium membership has the right to continue to be a free member of T³ or to re- a Premium membership
II. Termination for cause

Both parties are entitled to terminate the contract without notice for good cause with immediate effect.

An important reason is in particular, if the continuation of the contractual relationship are not reasonable in all the circumstances of the individual case and weighing the interests of T³ and the user. A good cause includes the following events:

- the non-compliance of statutory provisions
- the breach of the contractual obligations, in particular the obligations of the user statet under § 5 of these terms
- that the reputation of the T³ website is substantially impaired by the presence of the user (in particularl by committing crimes)
- the user harms other users
- the user is actively involved in criminal organizations
T³ reserves the right to change the terms of these conditions in compliance with statutory requirements at any time without giving reasons.

Contradicts a user within a period of four weeks of the new term, T³ reserves the right to terminate the contract with the user having a period of 14 days.

If any provision of these terms are invalid, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected and will remain in effect for the rest.

German law is agreed betwwen the parties.

If the user is a merchant according to the Commercial Code (HGB), Braunschweig (Germany) is agreed as jurisdiction between him and Althaus.IT (T³).

©2004-2025. T³ is operated by Althaus.IT.