T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Tournament details

3 NT 


Organizer:Taste-the-Rainbow (Contact)
Location:Helsingborg, Aktivitätszentrum Druckerei
Address:Vasatorpsvägen 1b
25457 Helsingborg
Hitchhiker offers:There are no Hitchhiker Offer at the momemt.
Start: 2024-08-03 09:00
End: 2024-09-04 16:30
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Seats: 42
Charge: 400 EUR
Description:Freunde veranstalten ein Infinity Turnier in Helsingburg/ Schweden und würden sich auch über Spieler aus Deutschland freuen.
Für die Teilnahme ist es nötig, sich auf Englisch zu verständigen!
Wer Hilfe bei der Unterkunftssuche, sowie Anreise benötigt, kann sich gerne bei mir oder den Veranstaltern melden.

Hier die Turnierbeschreibung:
“It is a time of exploration as new wormholes lead to new star systems and those to many more. It is a new gold rush as corporations, governments and old foes race beyond the Human Sphere. Dardanelles is one such system, with a Red Dwarf star at its centre. A chokepoint into the great unknown.

On Dardanelles Two are a few scattered settlements and way stations. It is fertile ground for political intrigue, and more than a few black ops missions.”

HelsingFORS are proud to present our summer 300 point, two list, ITS tournament at HelCon 2024. With the support of Veberöd Gaming Club, and the rest of our fantastic community, we are running our biggest event ever, with space for 42 players!

Over the 3rd and 4th August, we will play five ITS missions. Each round will be 2h30m, but don’t worry, the organisers will continuously remind you how long you have to finish your games!

Day One: Power Pack, Supplies, Frontline

Day Two: B-Pong, Decapitation

Two of these missions will be modified with additional/replacement special rules. These will be announced at the Swedish Championships at LinCon in May.

IMPORTANT: While we will supply most of the tables, we really need the support of our fantastic community in this area. If anyone can bring a complete gaming table (mat, terrain, and objectives) please contact us.

The tickets for the tournament are only 400sek and can be purchased via the HelCon website (https://helcon.net/) using SWISH. If you can’t use SWISH (especially for our non-Swedish friends), please contact Magnus Pettersson to arrange payment via means such as bank transfer or cold hard cash. The OTM link for the event is https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/296731251-helcon-2024

The grand prizes will include:
● Overall Winner
● The First Loser
● Bestest Army (judged by the players and organisers)
● The Luckiest Fully Painted Army (selected by the dice gods from all of the fully painted armies)
● The Spoon of Wood
● The Finest Battlefield (again judged by the players and organisers)

9:00 Registration
9:30-12:00 Round One Power Pack
12:00 Lunch
13:00-15.30 Round Two Supplies
16:00-18:30 Round Three Frontline

9:00 Breakfast
9:30-12:00 B-Pong
12:00 Lunch
13:00-15:30 Decapitation
16:00 Prizes
16:30 Close and breakdown


The HelCon organisers will again be looking at special hotel rates, so please indicate if this is interesting when you purchase your tickets. We will start our setup on Friday 2nd (17-20), and anyone arriving early will be welcome to visit.

By car the venue is just off the E4 (Ängelholmvägen) and has free parking.

By public transport, City bus 1 goes to Regementsvägen from Helsingborg C (the central train, ferry and bus station in Helsingborg).

For international travellers, Helsingborg is about 1 hour 15 mins from Copenhagen Airport via a direct train.
More information: https://helcon.net/

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