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Solo MESBG de Mai à Utopolys - List of Participants

1. Jean aka "Alkalhin"BSt-Maria Oudenhove836Desolator of the NorthLes Semi - Croustillantsyes
2. Ludovic aka "Maghterigon"BBruxelles492The White CouncilWinter is Comingyes
3. Marc aka "yuyupoi"BTervuren457Isengardla main moiteyes
4. Aurélien aka "Rayleigh"FBeaurains157Dol GuldurLes Poils d'Hobbityes
5. Kim aka "Mimokix"BEcaussinnes49EreborLes petits rôdeursyes
6. Mattéo aka "Shadow100107"BSeneffe87The EasterlingsLes petits rôdeursyes
7. Quentin aka "Kermarek"FWingles257Far Haradyes
8. Alexis aka "Alexis_fils_d_Eorl"BEllezelles376The Easterlingsyes
9. Séraphim aka "Lazaraie"FRoubaix330Khazad-dûmFenrisülfryes
10. Vincent aka "BlackSheepOne"FLille327The Army of the High KingFenrisülfryes
11. Arnaud aka "Scailking"BMons411Rivendellyes
12. Antoine aka "Yamanose"FSequedin273Minas TirithFDMyes
13. Matthieu aka "Tchoupi"FLille302The Serpent Hordeyes
14. Matthieu aka "spmatt91"FWattrelos180Moriayes
15. Baptiste aka "Detrakor"FMaromme43The Riders of EorlMad Playerzyes
16. Mikaël aka "Mike"FCambrai2Ereboryes

Distribution of Armies
The Easterlings:2
Desolator of the North:1
Dol Guldur:1
Far Harad:1
Minas Tirith:1
The Army of the High King:1
The Riders of Eorl:1
The Serpent Horde:1
The White Council:1
Distribution of Origins
Nord (59):6
Pas-de-Calais (62):2
Saône-et-Loire (71):2
Aube (10):1
Gard (30):1
Haute-Saône (70):1
Seine-Maritime (76):1
Yvelines (78):1
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