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Tournoi FFTM & FWC - [CIRCUIT QUALIF' WTC] - Phase Solo 2/3 - List of Participants

1. Lucie aka "Ikorih"FGrenoble18The NazgûlL'Amicale de Guritzyesyes
2. Benoît aka "Bendrums"FLes Essarts le roi4AngmarLa confrérie de la waaaaghyesno
3. Mael aka "Aira_Mornie"FVertou17Ereboryesno
4. Pierre-Augustin aka "G0rbag"FLe Kremlin-Bicêtre24The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestThe Bandobrosyesyes
5. Théo aka "Arag"FRouen55The Army of Lake-townyesyes
6. Alexandre aka "glordfindel"FLyon45Mordoryesno
7. Alexandre aka "Alexdu78"FPlaisir90Angmaryesyes
8. Raphael aka "Raphdu78"FPlaisir107Rivendellyesyes
9. Julien aka "Thelion_AOE"FToulouse56MordorStrat&Jeux du Lauragaisyesno
10. Alexis aka "Manadar"FMalleville-les-Grès38AngmarFkZyesno
11. Randy aka "rr-lagachette"FFontenay-Le-Fleury19The EasterlingsAu Dragon Ludikeyesno
12. Maxime aka "Granadamax"FPouilly-Les-Nonains3FangornCavaliers de Rohanne.yesno
13. Patrick aka "Dpat"FSix Fours Les Plages-Isengardyesyes
14. Arnaud aka "Marthammor"FSaint Cyr L'école86Khazad-dûmAu Dragon Ludikeyesyes
15. Arthur aka "Kenny_Sth"FSaint Jean De Braye54The Riders of EorlOrléans wargamesyesyes
16. Ivo aka "Vulturnus"FVillefranche-Sur-Saône133The Eagles of the Misty Mountainsyesyes
17. (unknown)FMassiac-Army of ThrorPineyesno
18. Edouard aka "Hyxperion"FGrenoble97Khazad-dûmyesno
19. Nicolas aka "Redfish"FNantes83The Wanderers in the WildApéro!yesno
20. Aloys aka "Hugzzzy"FLe Kremlin-Bicêtre47Minas MorgulCirque Pinderyesyes
21. Eudes aka "Asdru_"FSaint Soupplets11The FellowshipLes Suzerainsyesyes
22. Thomas aka "Eresauft"FSt Jean Le Blanc66NúmenorOrléans Wargamesyesyes
23. Baptiste aka "Detrakor"FMaromme43The Dwellers BelowMad playerzyesyes
24. Hugo aka "Nibli"FBougival121Minas Tirithyesyes
25. Robin aka "Dolrudir"FIssy-les-Moulineaux32Angmar300+yesyes
26. Noel aka "BilbonSaquet"DTrier-Rohanyesno
27. Pierre aka "Amandil_Eremanth"FPloudaniel25Barad-dûrLes Suzerainsyesyes
28. Florent aka "FloSawada"CHReverolle188MordorLes Suissesyesyes
29. Raphaël aka "Faigaf"FPARIS-Minas Tirithyesyes
30. Ludovic aka "Shiroi"FParis339Thranduil's HallsLes Suissesyesyes
31. Corentin aka "Imrahilovic"FRueil-Malmaison23LothlórienThe Bandobrosyesno
32. Nevin aka "MonkeyDpunky"FLes Lilas230The Legions of the White HandLes Suissesyesyes
33. Hadrien aka "decalogus"FParis9The Host of The HammerhandFkzyesno
34. Jean aka "Elkeleb"FThionville466Angmaryesyes
35. Egan aka "Winny22"FMégrit170The Serpent Hordeyesno
36. Paul aka "Prodamp"FCanteleu62The Riders of EorlLes Suzerainsyesno
37. Quentin aka "Barbecue"FLe Kremlin-Bicêtre36The Grey HavensThe Bandobrosyesno
38. Grenier aka "Daikyu"FNantes75Monsters of Middle-EarthAkastukiyesno
39. Armando aka "Ar-Mando"FArras10MoriaLes Suzerainsyesno
40. Corentin aka "Coco_painting_stuff"FMarseille31Théoden's Hostyesyes
41. Mikaël aka "Mike"FCambrai2Ereboryesno
42. Stanislas aka "Gilldorc"FParis28AngmarTeam FWCyesno
43. Alexandre aka "Budalex"FSaint-Brieuc131The Army of Lake-townLes Taverniersyesno
44. Arnaud aka "Le_Preux_Shawn"FBordeaux14Minas TirithDa Brethrenyesno
45. Benjamin aka "Krand"FNantes7The Riders of Eorlyesyes
46. Alexandre aka "Edoras"FPoitiers34The Dwellers Belowyesno

Distribution of Armies
Minas Tirith:3
The Riders of Eorl:3
The Army of Lake-town:2
The Dwellers Below:2
Army of Thror:1
Minas Morgul:1
Monsters of Middle-Earth:1
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains:1
The Easterlings:1
The Fellowship:1
The Grey Havens:1
The Host of The Hammerhand:1
The Legions of the White Hand:1
The Nazgûl:1
The Serpent Horde:1
The Wanderers in the Wild:1
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest:1
Théoden's Host:1
Thranduil's Halls:1
Distribution of Origins
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