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LSDA Au Coin du Jeu 11 Mars - List of Participants

1. Teddy aka "MrWhiteBat"FLanester462The Legions of the White Handyes
2. Jordan aka "Sayker"FLorient-Moriayes
3. Pierre aka "Sarn"FAngers12MoriaLa Compagnie de l'ouestfoldyes
4. Mael aka "Aira_Mornie"FVertou17The Wanderers in the Wildyes
5. Romain aka "Agazoul"FTrélazé288The Dwellers Belowyes
6. Allan aka "Allanova"FPlouay498The Grey Companyyes
7. Paul aka "Ljos"FLannilis30Minas TirithLe Novice de la Cité Blancheyes
8. Charly aka "Drama"FBetton98Minas Tirithyes
9. Thomas aka "Helmou"FSaint Mesmin57The Eagles of the Misty MountainsLa Compagnie de l'ouestfoldyes
10. Borja aka "Thorondin"FAllonnes147Monsters of Middle-EarthLa Compagnie de l'ouestfoldyes
11. Benjamin aka "Krand"FNantes7The Shireyes
12. Franck aka "Ewald"FLa Verrie61Thranduil's HallsLa Compagnie de l'ouestfoldyes
13. Alexandre aka "Budalex"FSaint-Brieuc131Isengard RaidersLes Vilains Templiersyes
14. Glenn aka "Mushu"FLa Foret Fouesnant84Khazad-dûmLe Novice de la Cité Blancheyes
15. Clement aka "Keni"Fguidel242Thranduil's HallsAledyes
16. Pierre aka "Amandil_Eremanth"FPloudaniel25Barad-dûrLes Suzerainsyes
Waiting Queue
17. Maxime aka "Mamax"FRosporden103Minas Tirithyes
18. Brice aka "Tarask"FBrains198The Shireyes
19. Matthieu aka "Darkmikel"FSaint-Sébastien-Sur-Loire16Dol GuldurLes Petits Luyes

Distribution of Armies
Minas Tirith:2
Thranduil's Halls:2
Isengard Raiders:1
Monsters of Middle-Earth:1
The Dwellers Below:1
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains:1
The Grey Company:1
The Legions of the White Hand:1
The Shire:1
The Wanderers in the Wild:1
Distribution of Origins
Morbihan (56):4
Finistère (29):3
Loire-Atlantique (44):2
Maine-et-Loire (49):2
Vendée (85):2
Côtes d'Armor (22):1
Ille-et-Vilaine (35):1
Sarthe (72):1
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