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Guild Con V - Alkemy - List of Participants

1. Florian aka "D-r-o-n-g"FBordeaux38Empire of the Jade TriadGUILDno
2. Olivier aka "Eiilorv"FCastres-Gironde67Kingdom of AvalonGUILDno
3. Gilles aka "gilel"FSaint Médard En Jalles101Khaliman republicGUILDno
4. Eliott aka "kermitator"FPauillac-Walosi Clanno
5. Cycy aka "La_Furie"FPauillac-The Escapeesno
6. Mael aka "Maloutou"FTalence-Naashtino

Distribution of Armies
Empire of the Jade Triad:1
Khaliman republic:1
Kingdom of Avalon:1
The Escapees:1
Walosi Clan:1
Distribution of Origins
Gironde (33):4
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