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Bienvenue au Mootland XI Ter - List of Participants

1. Xavier aka "FlintBMacFlanagan"FMorance27Infernal DwarvesJeune Garde de Lyonyes
2. Vincent aka "Morkin"FAmberieu En Bugey61Warriors of the Dark GodsJeune Garde de Lyonyes
3. Laurent aka "MysticAngel"FGerbaix109Warriors of the Dark GodsAnonyboobzyes
4. Thomas aka "Samo"CHMisery106Orcs and GoblinsSons of Gamesyes
5. Christophe aka "Tito69"FLyon200MakharChti Gonesyes
6. Mathias aka "Mathias369"FLyon382MakharChti Gonesyes
7. Leopold aka "leopold"LLuxembourg40Ogre KhansMaster of puppetsyes
8. Zacharie aka "luthorhuss"FLe Mans2Warriors of the Dark Godspeepoodo strikes backyes
9. (anonym)-Dwarven Holdsyes
10. Thibault aka "Ankor"FParis193Orcs and GoblinsTRCyes
11. Sylvain aka "Sly013"FValencin326Dwarven HoldsMootland Clanyes
12. Yanis aka "Yanis-avec-un-seul-N"FSaint-Etienne-Empire of SonnstahlAnonyboobzyes
13. Jean-Philippe aka "Djine"FVilleurbanne25Åsklandersyes
14. Presumey aka "kpcien"FDrom126Dwarven Holdsyes
15. Kévin aka "xekaar"FSeyssins225Ogre KhansAnonyboobzyes
16. Emeric aka "Villissime"FGrenoble183Daemon LegionsAnonyboobzyes
17. Charles aka "kikipou"F007 Ponnecra301The Vermin Swarmyes
18. Alexandre aka "Seven"FRouen69Vampire CovenantAs Gardienyes
19. Fabien aka "kitinik"FDouvaine47Warriors of the Dark GodsSons of Gamesyes
20. Christophe aka "carcris"FFontaines sur Saone65Sylvan ElvesJeune Garde de Lyonyes
21. Arnaud aka "Arkalak"CHPréverenges45Daemon Legionsdie Schweizyes
22. Dimitri aka "mortis06"FCantaron125Vampire Covenantyes
23. Nicolas aka "vigneron"FGervans428Beast HerdsLa Légende du Jeuyes
24. Vincent aka "Abhorach"FVeigné46Vampire CovenantFBJyes
25. Raphaël aka "le_roi_liche"FHuttenheim29The Vermin SwarmHot Alsaceyes
26. Romain aka "sallustre"FKirchheim185Orcs and Goblinsles gobelins sans frontièresyes
27. Raphaël aka "Gabriel"CHPont-De-La-Morge38Vampire Covenantdie Schweizyes
28. Alejandro aka "Karl_hoche"EAntibes88Kingdom of EquitaineChupacabrasyes
29. Yann aka "Shizuu"FLyon4Daemon LegionsThe Relentless Companyyes
30. Beranger aka "Pendula"FSéez650Undying Dynastiesyes
31. Sébastien aka "Moul"FMontbonnot Saint Martin205Sylvan ElvesAnonyboobzyes
32. Laurent aka "setepenmentou"FNice426Undying Dynastiesyes
33. Alexandre aka "marsky"FFitilieu352Vampire Covenantmarskyyes
34. Jérémie aka "Cheveux"FAngers8Warriors of the Dark GodsAnonyboobzyes
35. Morgan aka "Baalek"FTêche197Dwarven HoldsKazak a Baalekyes
36. Jean-Noël aka "bullwai"FBourg-En-Bresse134Beast HerdsJeune Garde de Lyonyes
37. Charles aka "Charles"FTramolé173Orcs and GoblinsChti Gonesyes
38. Florian aka "Flochette_le_Devastateur"FVilleurbanne576Saurian AncientsAnonyboobzyes
39. Damien aka "Mad-"CHMartigny265Highborn ElvesSons of Gamesyes
40. Germain aka "Ardens"FLyon15Kingdom of EquitaineJeune Garde de Lyonyes
41. Simon aka "Bloody_curse"FRixheim71Empire of SonnstahlSons of Gamesyes
42. Lambert aka "Grush"FVilleurbanne396Orcs and GoblinsAgence Touristeyes
43. Nathan aka "Grapha"FCivrieux241The Vermin SwarmJeune Garde de Lyonyes
44. Pierre aka "Gotmaug"FMontrond Les Bains429Kingdom of EquitaineMootland Clanyes
45. Marc aka "Soulgnawer"FSt Michel170Dread ElvesMootland Clanyes
46. Pierre-Antoine aka "Pierrotpan"FLimoges178Sylvan Elvesyes
47. Thomas1 aka "tox"FBesançon208Warriors of the Dark Godsyes
48. Matthieu aka "Ookami"CHLe Mont Sur Lausanne220Empire of Sonnstahldie Schweizyes
49. John aka "JohnnyBoy"CHGenève22Sylvan Elvesyes
50. Jean-Charles aka "LieKolchin"FOrnex240Dread Elvesyes
51. Olivier aka "Vavs"FLe Cannet161Highborn ElvesPACAyes
52. Emmanuel aka "manux"FSamoëns-Dwarven HoldsSons of Gamesyes

Distribution of Armies
Warriors of the Dark Gods:6
Dwarven Holds:5
Orcs and Goblins:5
Vampire Covenant:5
Sylvan Elves:4
Daemon Legions:3
Empire of Sonnstahl:3
Kingdom of Equitaine:3
The Vermin Swarm:3
Beast Herds:2
Dread Elves:2
Highborn Elves:2
Ogre Khans:2
Undying Dynasties:2
Infernal Dwarves:1
Saurian Ancients:1
Distribution of Origins
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