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French Wargame Café MCP – n3 – solo - Timeline Standard - List of Participants

1. Sebastien aka "Izaronn"FPontault-Combault-Web warriorsyesyes
2. Loïc aka "Tetaclac"FVILLIERS SUR MARNE148Brotherhood of mutantsyesyes
3. Sylvère aka "Sorel"FMagny les Hameaux2HULK !!!yesyes
4. Vincent aka "carcous"FPantin149Convocationyesyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
5. Laurent aka "Thesuperlolo"FMenucourt70Midnight sonsnono
6. David aka "Krador"FMassy-Winter Guardnono

Distribution of Armies
Brotherhood of mutants:1
HULK !!!:1
Web warriors:1
Distribution of Origins
Seine-et-Marne (77):1
Yvelines (78):1
Seine-Saint-Denis (93):1
Val-de-Marne (94):1
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