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Les Bagarres du Squig - #06 - List of Participants

1. Victor aka "Vico75"FPuteaux362The Legion of Azgorh1D100yesyes
2. Cedric aka "Lasril"FGennevilliers154Kharadron Overlordsyesyes
3. Jean-Michel aka "Jimih"FParis1563Idoneth Deepkinyesyes
4. Loïc aka "Lhinsko"FBoigneville811Blades of Khorneyesyes
5. Martin aka "Pavelito"FRomainville280Grand Alliance DeathLes Adeptes Indécentsyesyes
6. Thomas aka "Kytes"FNeuilly Sur Seine34Grand Alliance Orderyesyes
7. Clément aka "Yasha"FChevilly-Larue-Skaven1D100yesyes
8. Alex aka "Ecko"FMeudon210Slaves to Darkness1D100yesyes
9. Christophe aka "Anca"FParis53Seraphon1D100yesyes
10. Alexandre aka "Kob75"FParis296Hedonites of Slaanesh1D100yesyes
11. Pierre aka "Pierrodactyl"FOrleans80Gloomspite GitzOrléans wargamesyesyes
12. Théo aka "Popples"FPoissy307Kharadron Overlordsyesyes
13. Leo aka "LeGrandRouin"FRouen19SkavenSect of Monksyesyes
14. Arthur aka "Lescrow"FRouen14Lumineth Realm-LordsSect of Monksyesyes
15. Raphaël aka "Zokar"FLe Houlme570Orruk Warclansyesyes
16. Jean-Baptiste aka "legouxjb"FDraveil364Seraphon1D100yesyes
17. Etienne aka "Arball"FMaisons Alfort-Grand Alliance OrderDishorderyesyes
18. Elie aka "Eldes_"FIssy-Les-Moulineaux-Stormcast Eternalsyesyes
19. Thomas aka "Aniel"FAthis-Mons682Grand Alliance Orderyesyes
20. Ombline aka "Belldella"FBoigneville1150Nighthauntyesyes
21. Jérôme aka "ColonelJay"FBriis sous Forges1474Stormcast EternalsEsprit Ludiqueyesyes
22. Joris aka "Balrogue"FColombes327Orruk WarclansLes Briseurs de Lignes de Vueyesyes

Distribution of Armies
Grand Alliance Order:3
Kharadron Overlords:2
Orruk Warclans:2
Stormcast Eternals:2
Blades of Khorne:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Death:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Idoneth Deepkin:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Slaves to Darkness:1
The Legion of Azgorh:1
Distribution of Origins
Essonne (91):5
Hauts-de-Seine (92):5
Paris (75):3
Seine-Maritime (76):3
Loiret (45):1
Yvelines (78):1
Seine-Saint-Denis (93):1
Val-de-Marne (94):1
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